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Fomorian Event - Reward=Punishment?


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'You have been playing for over an hour, please remember to take a break.'


This whole event is more about 'grind the hell out of this to get some mods that may or may not be useful (and for the amount of grinding we're expected to do on an individual level i would say...hell no, it's not worth it), if you fail, you'll just have to grind even more to get resources.'


There's also the fun part of 'I brought a stable, what did you guys bring?'.  I have to ask that every time i start, then if someone didnt bring one of the corruptors you need you get to start over, repeatedly until you get people who don't have the same (or a group that doesnt have one of each)...and then there's the times when no one in the group says anything when you ask....


Seriously?  Who here enjoyed running through the whole damn ship to get to the objective only to find out that no one had one of the corruptors because you ended up with some idiots who couldn't be bothered to take the five seconds to type out 'i have a...', instead making you waste however long it takes you to get to the objective?


So we fail because we get tired of asking the 'what did you bring?' question over and over and go play some other game.


I'm not saying that a punishment for failing the event is a bad thing, on the contrary i think it's a good idea, but make it one that fits, like 'now the grinneer have gained a foothold in corpus space' not an arbitary 'now we're going to make you grind more to get resources you need' because DE that WILL make players go play another game.  Make the punishment something that fits in with the lore of the game.  That would be fun.

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Use the recruiting channel, get a group made before hand using it, or just accept going in blindly you're not likely to get all of the corruptors due to lack of organization.


As for "failing" we got what, 3 ships left and 21 hours? One of those is at 30% or so?

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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I did this to get 260+ points in 3< hours:


Get a band of my friends.



Farm Io up to round 25.


Raid the easiest ship, Jupiter for us.


Give everyone a set corruptor to use, if you run out, switch corruptor type.




Anyways, I would like some Lore change, also a 1/4 in drops.


Teaches the fools to work together for once than just being jerks.

Edited by 123Olympian
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Teach fools to work together? Bro, most people are not fools. I use a low end PC, a VERY low end PC, and I have to manage with what I have. I also have limited bandwidth so I cannot host very well. Most people CANNOT work with others without crashing their PC. I usually only keep one game on my laptop at a time if it has as much content as Warframe. Warframe really stresses my PC sometimes so I have to do half of my missions solo. Its hard to do co-op when it lags the hell outta my game.

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I random grouped this entire event, and it was really easy to work together, the first round might have ended with less than 10 points but during the mission we made sure that the next run was well coordinated. All in all it took me 5 hours, don't know why people are complaining?

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Teach fools to work together? Bro, most people are not fools. I use a low end PC, a VERY low end PC, and I have to manage with what I have. I also have limited bandwidth so I cannot host very well. Most people CANNOT work with others without crashing their PC. I usually only keep one game on my laptop at a time if it has as much content as Warframe. Warframe really stresses my PC sometimes so I have to do half of my missions solo. Its hard to do co-op when it lags the hell outta my game.

Some people are. Get better internet and stop using dial up.



Anyways, when I ask when I random grouped once, people just started to rage and troll at me for no reason.



They did not even put any corruptors in because they just wanted to lecch.

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Some people are. Get better internet and stop using dial up.



Anyways, when I ask when I random grouped once, people just started to rage and troll at me for no reason.



They did not even put any corruptors in because they just wanted to lecch.

Thats impossible. You can't get onto a Fomorian level without a corruptor in your squad. So if you joined a mission and they said they didn't have one, they were lying. Ontop of that, why not just leave the mission if people are being &#036;&amp;*^s in the mission. Simple solution to a deal with simple stupid people.

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Teach fools to work together? Bro, most people are not fools. I use a low end PC, a VERY low end PC, and I have to manage with what I have. I also have limited bandwidth so I cannot host very well. Most people CANNOT work with others without crashing their PC. I usually only keep one game on my laptop at a time if it has as much content as Warframe. Warframe really stresses my PC sometimes so I have to do half of my missions solo. Its hard to do co-op when it lags the hell outta my game.



So what? You have a crap computer that can't run the game well, that's on you. Warframe is an MMO that promotes group play, if your computer can't handle it tough break. There's nothing that can be done to accommodate you.

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Since I really don't have any friends (I have "friends, as in a friend list - but no friends that are constantly communicating - most of them don't even respond to messages) - I use the recruitment channel or just click on the area and hope I'll join a group. Haven't had any really bad experiences doing that. I'd say about 15% of the time the first run through all the corruptors are not there - but they are tenacious, looking for a Focus mod to drop (as am I) and play again and again until their keyboards bleed. Most of the squads I auto-join out last me, I'm usually the first one to say I've had enough for now and cut out. The next run we say something about who has what, and then keep going. That's my experience, but I'm sure there are a lot of problem players out there whom I haven't had the displeasure to deal with yet.

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Thats impossible. You can't get onto a Fomorian level without a corruptor in your squad. So if you joined a mission and they said they didn't have one, they were lying. Ontop of that, why not just leave the mission if people are being &#036;&amp;*^s in the mission. Simple solution to a deal with simple stupid people.

It is. If you stay in the squad. Look in the wikia.

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