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Valkyr Warcry Melee Weapon Build Questions



Hey Tenno,

I just finished building Valkyr Prime, never played her in any form and I'm stoked. I have a build set up for her frame with eternal warcry as the focus. However, I'm now trying to focus on the right melee build but I'm stuck on two ways to do it. I think my issue is I have no experience with how she plays yet to decide.

General Play-style Question:: I assume with a warcry build you want your melee weapon to be the focus, and then when you need health back you turn on hysteria and get that lifesteal going until your health is back up then turn it off? Or until you can no longer sustain the energy cost. Is this right?

Melee Weapon:: I will be using Venka Prime. No and if's or buts, i don't care what's better, too much fashion to fight it. They have high crit chance/damage and they build combo counter faster so I've read. I know their range is S#&$, but I can ease that with mods. 

Melee Kicker:: Do I use Blood Rush knowing that when I do turn on hysteria I will not be benefiting from that card? I know that Body Count works that way also, which is why I will use Drifting Contact since last time I checked that card works on Warframe Abilities unlike BR/BC.

So if I use Blood Rush and Drifting Contact, what other 6 mods should I use to build the Venka Prime to full potential with WarCry? Fully knowing I take a hit on Hysteria by wasting a slot. (Ex: Fury, Berserker, Pressure Point, Organ Shatter, True Steel, Slash Mods, Status Damage Cards)

Or if I don't use Blood Rush so that I get full potential with Hysteria even though my build is WarCry focused, what are the mods you'd use for the 8 slots? 

Or maybe I'm a noob which I am. Which is why I need knowledge dropped on me. Thanks for reading.


Edit- Also preferences on stance mod would be nice. I hear several opinions on what works best for Venka. Maybe one works better with the Warcry?

Edited by (PS4)Its_MUSHH
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The fact that you are using a warcry build means you have life strike, anything else and its not a warcry build, just a valkyr build with eternal war floating around in it. the main purpose of warcry build is to not use hysteria unless you actually need to god mod something(which is almost never)


if u have life strike on your melee you dont need hysteria

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In general EW builds minimize Hysteria time.  While they do work together both in buffing Hysteria and extending Warcry, using a normal melee weapon is a major incentive.  Especially if you use the Venka P (and Blood Rush!) getting and keeping a high combo count is important.  So build the melee weapon to maximize it, and don't worry about Hysteria.  Besides having rather insane natural damage, if you need to heal in a hurry you can force-finish by holding the melee button down or with Paralysis.  Brief asside, using Paralysis then Hysteria is a good way to not die during the animation, the stunned enemies provide cover.  

Also a fun note, adding power strength to the build can crank your attack speed way high.  You may or may not want to take advantage of that - it'll help get the combo counter up, but also may turn you into an uncontrollable whirlwind.  

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My advice is to choose if you want or don't want to play hysteria at all or not.

Valkyr is pretty good at using regular melee weapons too as warcry not only affects your attack speed but also your armor rating.

Toggling in and out resets your combo counter tho, what's kinda bad for both options (drifting contact affects your hysteria too, what's pretty legit raw damage for a single mod slot despite your choice)

So to answer the questions @(PS4)Its_MUSHH, no, one or the other, weapon is irrelevant and do not use mods that are irrelevant to the current playstyle (except for maybe Convert Lethality on daggers, insta finishers are pretty nice if you go around using her paralysis or naramon from time to time, even with a hysteria build)

Edited by (PS4)CoolD2108
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