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Warframe Alerts Informer



Warframe Alerts Informer is a standalone tool (application) for Windows XP/7/8. It will scan for alerts and inform you about new alerts which you want to know about. It's very easy to set up - for example, if you only want to be informed about Orokin Catalyst Blueprint and Orokin Reactor Blueprint alerts, just add "orokin" keyword to filter list!


This program:

  • Will inform you about alerts you want to know - flexible filter settings.
  • Easy to use and setup - Unzip & start!
  • Has nice and user-friendly interface, but can also quietly run in tray.
  • Well optimized, this tool will not use more than necessary of your CPU or RAM. Much less than a browser tab with plugins.


Languages supported:

English.png English

Russian.png Русский

Spanish.png Espanol

Taiwan.png Taiwan

30n9mw3.jpg French

German.png German

image.png Portuguese (BR)


Current version 1.6.1:


First of all, a big thanks to NTYD1S for updating filters, nodes and lang strings.

- Fixed a bug with popup windows not going away after you click it
- Now WAI only writes error to log file if same error happened at least 15 minutes ago
- Fixed a bug when settings window will go into background after executing "Open file" dialog on Windows7 and later
- Scrapped windows API sound functions, using custom function to set music volume, now it affects .wav files just fine (affected mp3, ogg and others formats but not wav before)
- Increased volume range
- Fixed popup window not updating it's picture for the first second of notification
- Fixed a lot of bugs related to Test Alert, also you are now prompted about saving the config before launching test alert
- Added new option for when game is already running:
-- Reduce notification time: default 3 seconds, This affects BOTH sound and popup window! If set to 0 then WAI will not notify anything at all while game is running
-- Do not show notification popup window: default off, this basically means "sound only" while game is running.
-- Reduce notification sound volume: default 25%, if enabled, this volume will override any event notification sound volume setting while game is running. Setting volume to 0% makes it "popup window only" while gaming is running.
- Added button to open Warframe alerts twitter "Twitter | (@WarframeAlerts)" to both alert list popup menu and tray popup menu
- Added "Close to tray" option: default off, minimizes app instead of closing it
- Program settings window is now blocked while saving settings to avoid confusion
- Program settings title is now translated
-- Translation:
- Added Portuguese (BR) translation by Kitessencial
- Added 5 new strings which need translation in first post, under "Stings which need translation" section, wrapped in spoiler tag.


Older update notes:

Version 1.1 update notes

Version 1.2 update notes

Version 1.3 update notes

Version 1.3.3 update notes

Version 1.3.4 update notes

Version 1.4 update notes

Version 1.4.1 update notes





Windows 7: thumb.pngthumb.pngthumb.png

Windows XP: thumb.png thumb.png thumb.png




To edit settings click a button with gears on it.

1) Twitter URL - don't edit this.
2) GMT - program should automatically detect your GMT. But still it better check if it detected your GMT correctly (Windows XP users notably). You can check your GMT here. Just select your region under "What's the Time in every country in the World?".
3) You can save keywords to ini file by clicking image.png or load them from ini file by clicking image.png. For example click image.png and load Keywords.ini which should be in program's directory.
4) This is keyword list. When any of these words are present as alert reward, program will inform you about the alert.
5) To add more keywords, click image.png. To delete a keyword, first select it in the list (#4) and then click image.png. To edit a keyword, first select it in the list (#4) and then click image.png.
6) If "Play sound" is checked, program will play "Music123.wav" when alert is detected. If "Flash on taskbar" is checked, program will restore itself from tray and blink on taskbar. if "Show alert info notification" is checked, program will show balloon-popup info about alert (see screenshots above).
7) The notifications above (#6) can be repeated set amount of times or until program's window gets focus.


Language strings in "Lang" folder which need an update:


EditKeyword2 (hint when you hover over "edit filter" button)
ActionType (actions to take when informing about alert/invansion/infestation - in other words notification settings for selected filter)
Restore (Restore application from tray icon to normal mode)
CompactMode (Switch to compact mode)
StandardMode (Switch to full mode)
OpenSoundFile (Title for open sound file dialog)
ErrorConnection (This message is logged in error.log on connection error to any URL, not just twitter now)
ErrorNoLib1 (This message will popup if libeay32.dll is missing)
ErrorNoLib2 (This message will popup if ssleay32.dll is missing)
SelectFilterFirst (This message will popup if you try to activate test alert but didn't select filter from which notification settings will be used)
AutoGMTcorrection (need to be translated into "do this automatically" in 1 word, "Auto" in English)
Defended (Invasion timed out)
Cleared (Infestation timed out)
StartsIn (Countdown when Alert is not available yet but will start soon) (yes this happens)
Saving (When options window is blocked while settings are saved to file)
BalloonPopup (Show small notification popup window with information about alert)
GameIsrunning ("If Warframe is already running" or "When warframe is being played")
ReduceTimeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce notification time to)
DoNotShowPopup (If warframe is being played, do not show small notification popup window with information about alert)
ReduceVolumeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce volume to value to)
CloseToTray (When close button is clicked (the "X" at the top right border of the screen) minimize to tray instead of closing the application




NotificationArea (Small always-on-top notification window settings)
NotificationPosition (position of said window)
AutoGMTcorrection (need to be translated into "do this automatically" in 1 word, "Auto" in English)
Defended (Invasion timed out)
Cleared (Infestation timed out)
StartsIn (Countdown when Alert is not available yet but will start soon) (yes this happens)
Saving (When options window is blocked while settings are saved to file)
BalloonPopup (Show small notification popup window with information about alert)
GameIsrunning ("If Warframe is already running" or "When warframe is being played")
ReduceTimeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce notification time to)
DoNotShowPopup (If warframe is being played, do not show small notification popup window with information about alert)
ReduceVolumeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce volume to value to)
CloseToTray (When close button is clicked (the "X" at the top right border of the screen) minimize to tray instead of closing the application


NotificationArea (Small always-on-top notification window settings)
NotificationPosition (position of said window)
AutoGMTcorrection (need to be translated into "do this automatically" in 1 word, "Auto" in English)
Defended (Invasion timed out)
Cleared (Infestation timed out)
StartsIn (Countdown when Alert is not available yet but will start soon) (yes this happens)
Saving (When options window is blocked while settings are saved to file)
BalloonPopup (Show small notification popup window with information about alert)
GameIsrunning ("If Warframe is already running" or "When warframe is being played")
ReduceTimeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce notification time to)
DoNotShowPopup (If warframe is being played, do not show small notification popup window with information about alert)
ReduceVolumeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce volume to value to)
CloseToTray (When close button is clicked (the "X" at the top right border of the screen) minimize to tray instead of closing the application

Portuguese (BR): 

Saving (When options window is blocked while settings are saved to file)
BalloonPopup (Show small notification popup window with information about alert)
GameIsrunning ("If Warframe is already running" or "When warframe is being played")
ReduceTimeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce notification time to)
DoNotShowPopup (If warframe is being played, do not show small notification popup window with information about alert)
ReduceVolumeTo (If warframe is being played, reduce volume to value to)
CloseToTray (When close button is clicked (the "X" at the top right border of the screen) minimize to tray instead of closing the application


Version 1.6.1:
Steam thread


Found a bug?
Have idea for a new feature?
Want to add translation?
Contact me here!

Edited by SonicSonedit
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I tried to download it but I can't because chrome marked it as malicious (malware) and blocked the download.


Any idea why it may be considered "malware"?

No Idea really https://www.virustotal.com/ru/file/fca9e8dd88b1227b0c53491398fafd4c1bd2f2bc23b4cb7e2dde9668d2b225e2/analysis/1404727209/

Well chrome is widely known for blocking anything with .exe in it. It blocked bittorent and K-lite codec pack for me.

Don't download it anyway, because I screwed up a bit:


I will re-upload archive after adding actual helmet records to filter list, not their placeholders.

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Re-uploaded Warframe Alert Informer main archive with fixed filters file (now includes all helmets). Its ready for download now.

If you already downloaded Warframe Alert Informer 1.6 and you have this 





you don't have to re-download full archive, downloading Filters.ini would be enough (throw it Warframe Alert Informer folder, say "Yes" on replace promt).


Tell me please if you find any weird behavior in new version with events/rewards/filters. Don't forget to save debug file :)

Edited by SonicSonedit
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I went ahead and adjusted the minimum quantity to "1" for the credit alerts to test it, and it doesn't seem to be picking up the current alerts for credits. Here's what's currently available according to Twitter feed.


Sycorax (Uranus): Destroy Comm Station - 55m - 5700cr


Kala-azar (Eris): Enemy Turncoat Located - 63m - 6700cr



Actually, I'm not certain it's picking up any alerts yet. Will update once one comes along.

Edited by CedarDpg
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Google chrome says "Warframe Alerts Informer.zip is malicious and Chrome has blocked it."


I didn't get this when I downloaded it a few days ago. Something in 1.6 making chrome think it's evil?


I'm in the process of upping my security so maybe something is too jumpy so it might just be me.

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Mhm my chrome also thought it was evil. Just go to the downloads and tell the browser to restore the file, then click "Hurt me plenty" and it will restore. Avast deep screen scan proved the file is completely harmless, so it's just Chrome screwing around.

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Some feedback, mainly on the Always-on-top toaster (from test alerts at least)


  • Sometimes it just closes itself
  • Sometimes left-clicking it won't close it
  • It wasn't very clear that I had to set "Custom" to both the X & Y parameters to place the toaster at specific coordinates, i.e. having to relocate it twice


That's all I have to say for now.

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Bug 01:

As others have reported, it seems WAI isn't actually working atm. Just noticed a credit alert came up and WAI didn't react - it's not even showing up in the alerts list. The current Invasion isn't showing up either.


It's not the firewall since I just added 'Warframe Alerts Informer.exe' to my exclusions list. Doubt it's the GMT correction, as I tried 0/1/2/3 (should be 3), as well as Auto - didn't help.

Even more strange: there doesn't seem to be any Internet usage from WAI - no outbound nor inbound connections. Even when just restarted, WAI doesn't appear to be trying to get any data. I keep looking at my Active Connections (via Firewall), but there's nothing from WAI there. Firewall did ask me initially if I wanted to allow WAI Internet access, so it did try something initially, but that's the only time I've seen it try using the Internet.



Bug 02 (perhaps linked to 'Bug 01'?):

There seems to be a infinitely-recurring error string being added to the Error.log file (as a matter of fact, that's the only error in Error.log):


7/8/2014 8:40:39 AM An error occured while requesting Data from WORLD INFO ; Error code: -1
7/8/2014 8:40:40 AM An error occured while requesting Data from WORLD INFO ; Error code: -1
7/8/2014 8:40:42 AM An error occured while requesting Data from WORLD INFO ; Error code: -1


As seen in the example above, every 1-2 seconds it adds one line, ad infinitum.

On a related note - the old version of Warframe Alerts Informer had a 2GB Error.log file before I Shift+Delete'd it. I didn't check what was in it, as opening a 2GB text file could take ages, but I suspect it's the same error as above - repeated every second or so for days/weeks/months.



Bug 03:

Test Alert's always-on-top window won't go away. Doesn't react to right-click at all. Found two ways to get it to go away: close WAI or start another test alert.

I don't know if normal alerts are affected, since they're not yet working, but it's probably the same for them as well.


Couldn't replicate the bug at first after restarting WAI, but found out what it is now: seems that if you let the always-on-top-window stay there until the full xy seconds you chose expire (default 60), it remains stuck there.

My usual settings are for 8 seconds, but I tested it with 60 as well as with 1 second - as soon as the counter expires, you can't get rid of the popup window anymore.

Funny enough, if you uncheck the "Don't update alert countdown timer when running in background", the popup will even show you the exact time left on -any- alert selected (you can go to main alert list and select any of them, it will display whatever you have selected), including Timed Out alerts.


I don't really see how the debug file could be useful here, as the event itself isn't at fault for 'Bug 03'... though I did find this in the header of sed debug file: "Unhandled Errors: 0 ; HTTP Get Errors: 15" - possibly related to 'Bug 01'?.

On a related, but off-topic note - Test Alert's 'GUID' & 'Mission Raw' names are hilarious xD.


Temporary-fix: Seems restarting the program fixes it, until another alert pops up and you don't react fast enough to close it before the timer runs out.



Cheers SonicSon'edit (true spelling discovered via ze Version tab of WAI.exe :p ), hope this helped with the bug-squashing.

Edited by DarkVeghetta
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I went ahead and adjusted the minimum quantity to "1" for the credit alerts to test it, and it doesn't seem to be picking up the current alerts for credits. Here's what's currently available according to Twitter feed.


Sycorax (Uranus): Destroy Comm Station - 55m - 5700cr


Kala-azar (Eris): Enemy Turncoat Located - 63m - 6700cr



Actually, I'm not certain it's picking up any alerts yet. Will update once one comes along.

I'm pretty sure it does pick up credit rewards, at least alerts.


Thank you for the new version, but, can you add characters like "á, ã, é"? Because I did a Portuguese (BR) translation and these characters show as "a, a, e". 

If you want, I upload the file so you can see that.

Try to save translation file in different encoding. Informer uses Unicode so it supports all characters - see Taiwan translation. So the problem is most likely with text file itself. Please try to change file encoding, if it wont work - upload a file & send it to me.



Some feedback, mainly on the Always-on-top toaster (from test alerts at least)



  • Sometimes it just closes itself
  • Sometimes left-clicking it won't close it
  • It wasn't very clear that I had to set "Custom" to both the X & Y parameters to place the toaster at specific coordinates, i.e. having to relocate it twice



That's all I have to say for now.

Thank you, this feature is still new and needs some work. I noticed some instances when it closes itself myself, but blamed IDE on it, since it worked fine when I run it without IDE. Now that I think about it, this window probably receives focus and thinks that Informer is in foreground, therefore it should stop notifying.

About second and third issue - can you give me more details? Where it was positioned, was it overlayed, what was under it, were any overlay or always-on-top programs running?



About Bug #1 - it seems that something made defensive programs more agressive towards WAI.I don't really know what the problem is, maybe I read/write too much into/from ini files (this is the source of the lag when closing settings window).

Did you try running it without firewall & antivirus?

Bug #1 is extension of Bug #1, yes. On other hand, it will be good idea to add a hardcoded delay for logging connection errors.


Couldn't replicate the bug at first after restarting WAI, but found out what it is now: seems that if you let the always-on-top-window stay there until the full xy seconds you chose expire (default 60), it remains stuck there.

Yes, this is probably the problem! Thanks a lot for finding detaield info on this bug, I will release a hotfix for this soon.

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About second and third issue - can you give me more details? Where it was positioned, was it overlayed, what was under it, were any overlay or always-on-top programs running?

I would but I've only started about 10 test alerts and I haven't isolated any variables for it - for the 2nd one anyway.


As for third, here's what I mean:

Left drop-down: "Custom" > choose a location for window - closes.

Right dropdown: "bottom"

test alert activate : toaster is at its custom X ordinate but still docks to the bottom.

I had to set the right dropdown to "custom" and relocate the toaster again.

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As for third, here's what I mean:

Left drop-down: "Custom" > choose a location for window - closes.

Right dropdown: "bottom"

Ah, I see. I thought I fixed it before release, maybe I forgot about it. Does the same thing happen for left one? Right drop-down: "Custom"? Left one: "Right" ?

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I'm pretty sure it does pick up credit rewards, at least alerts.



I had the program running all yesterday. It didn't pick up a single credit alert/invasion/operation, even after reducing the number to "1." Additionally, it hasn't shown quite a number of alerts that popped up on the Twitter page.


Currently, the only thing it's displaying is the Pallas invasion alert for fieldron vs orokin cell.

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Did you try running it without firewall & antivirus?

Now I did.

Took me a while to find out exactly what it was, but after ~3h of fiddling with admin settings and running WAI without Firewall and/or Antivirus... well, turns out my Avast!'s 'Web Shield' module was killing the connection before it properly started up. I've since manually added WAI.exe to the exclusion list for sed Web Shield and my firewall reports that WAI.exe is properly using multiple TCP OUT connections.

However... both Bug #1 and Bug #2 are still happening.

While Bug #1 no longer seems to be a connection issue - that's been fixed on my end - WAI still isn't reacting to any alerts or Invasions (there's several right now, but none showing up in WAI, even after restarting).

Now, Bug #2... well, it mutated. Instead of 'Error code: -1' it's now doing the same bloated spam, but replaced with


7/8/2014 11:56:13 PM An error occured while requesting Data from WORLD INFO ; Error code: 502

7/8/2014 11:56:15 PM An error occured while requesting Data from WORLD INFO ; Error code: 502

7/8/2014 11:56:16 PM An error occured while requesting Data from WORLD INFO ; Error code: 502


From a short Google search, I would surmise that '502 Bad Gateway' probably isn't due to something on my end.


For some reason, 'Error code: -1' is back again and has replaced 502. Even with antivirus/firewall stopped, it's still spiting out -1 while WAI has numerous TCP OUT connections running. Hmm... that would mean that -1 isn't error code for 'no connection established' as I first assumed (because it seemed to go away after I fixed the problem with my antivirus). Sadly, even after consulting Google, I can't seem to find out what exactly 'Error code: -1' stands for. I'm out of ideas for now.

If I find more bugs, I'll post them.

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Avast!'s 'Web Shield' module was killing the connection before it properly started up. I've since manually added WAI.exe to the exclusion list for sed Web Shield and my firewall reports that WAI.exe is properly using multiple TCP OUT connections.


So Avast! caused the problem? I usually have Web Shield and stuff disabled but still could not see any alert in the Informer and no warning message in Avast!.

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Ah, I see. I thought I fixed it before release, maybe I forgot about it. Does the same thing happen for left one? Right drop-down: "Custom"? Left one: "Right" ?

Just tested it.

Yep, the opposite happens similarly.

I'll also add that I have to click OK (i.e. apply settings) before hitting the test alert button, otherwise the changes are nullified. Perhaps have the test alert button separate from settings? Or just add an "apply" button?


And when starting up WAI, it spams an empty toaster a couple times whilst retrieving alerts; I suppose that's inevitable, but it is kind of annoying and it would be great if notifications could be disabled upon start-up only.


Other issues with the toaster, as I've mentioned before:

-Closing itself (cutting off the notification "ringtone", if it plays at all)

-Not closing itself when it should (includes when it can't be closed until a new (test) alert pops).



And just a minor feature request, but could ya add a setting where pressing the close button simply minimises it to systray?

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Thanks a lot for your feedback guys! Since I have hard time at job right now (finishing one project with 2 automated substation controlled via main station and have another "legacy" shipwreck project which needs complete overhaul) update will be a bit slow, so I will release 1.6.1 somewhere next week.

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Just an update, I don't know what the problem is, as the program doesn't reliably grab all alerts, however, it has started updating for some at least. The last batch mainly came from an infestation operation on Earth and Eris, which did include a credit alert.


It still hasn't pulled any normal alerts, however.

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WHAT THE...? O_o WAI just started working. Didn't notice it until it started to beep at me a moment ago (have it set to run on startup; woke up/booted up WinXP ~90min ago). Error -1, or any other error for that matter is gone. Error.log isn't spamming anymore.

Here's the last error msg and then it stoped: "7/10/2014 6:36:37 AM An error occured while requesting Data from WORLD INFO ; Error code: -1" That's GMT+2, so the errors stopped exactly at 7/10/2014 4:36:38 (or 4:36:39 :P) GMT.


Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but wat? So, basically this is clearly server-side rather then client. Did DE mess up something again, this time with the new feed, and just fixed it? Or... there has to be some reason why it didn't work before and now does.

I wonder if I'll ever find out what Error -1 was before I die.


Here we go again:


7/10/2014 6:36:37 AM An error occured while requesting Data from WORLD INFO ; Error code: -1
7/10/2014 9:02:44 AM An error occured while requesting Data from WORLD INFO ; Error code: 200


7/10/2014 9:07:29 AM An error occured while requesting Data from WORLD INFO ; Error code: 200
7/10/2014 9:07:31 AM  WORLD INFO ; Error code: 200

So now it's 200, and then the format changed. And then it stopped.

Huh... after consulting with the Google overlords, it seems that 'Error code 200' is actually a good thing. Simply means "request was received and understood and is being processed".



And now, new BUGS!

I'll call this one Bug #4: The sound level slider isn't modifying the volume of sound alerts. You can drag it all the way to the left or right, volume's the same. I also suspect it's using the max volume instead of the default 50%... sounds quite loud imo. Tested with both the preview button and with the test alert - sound levels are always the same, no matter the volume set.

But hey, at least it works now. xD



I just noticed WAI's picking up alerts before they actually happen. Sweet!

On a related note, I think I just saw Bug #5: alerts for things removed via Notification Options, but that still exist in NotificationSettings.ini. There's an alert for Control Modules right now - I removed/deleted them from the Resource tab in Notification Options, but the alert still poped up. I checked NotificationSettings.ini, and Alert=0 for them - which probably means it shouldn't notify me... but it still did. I'll need more alerts to come around so I can observe more of this, but on a cursory inspection it seems it's ignoring the Alert=0 part. This doesn't bother me too much, since I like editing .ini files anyway, and would have removed any trace of the items that don't interest me from NotificationSettings.ini for the sake of being OCD, but I imagine this will get annoying for others with less time on their hands. Could just be a startup glitch - since it happened right after I restarted WAI... need to see if this happens for more alerts today.

Edit: A Locust Ash BP just came on alert - WAI reacted even though no helmets are checked on the Notification Option list. Also, WAI doesn't seem to recognize the string either (technically not a bug, but rather a 'issue'). The alert is for "/lotus/types/recipes/helmets/statlessv2ashalthelmetblueprint", while WAI uses "/lotus/types/recipes/helmets/ninjahelmetaltbstatlessblueprint" for Locust Ash BP.



Glad mah feedback's helping the cause, SonicSon'edit. I'll post more when I find it.


PS: Been thinking for a while now of making/posting a edited 'NotificationSettings.ini' that uses the .wav's from WarframeAlertSoundPack, together with simple instructions. It's tedious and personally I don't even use all of the sounds, but I'd imagine it would spare others quite some tedium. Good or bad idea?

Edited by DarkVeghetta
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Hello again, Portuguese (BR) translation is done. As you said, I just needed to save as UNICODE, but now I'm having a problem with it: The String "Endless" doesn't show all the text I write into it, 4 characters aren't showed up. Tomorrow I'll do the GameLang Strings.

Edited by Kitessencial
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So Avast! caused the problem? I usually have Web Shield and stuff disabled but still could not see any alert in the Informer and no warning message in Avast!.

Avast! was blocking the connection in the first place, but there was more that kept WAI from working properly. Server-side it seems. Today it started working, but make an exclusion for it in your Web Shield if it's up.

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A lot of other servies can't reach DE sites: Scripts, alert grabbers, phone warframe apps...affected sites are all sites hosted by DE - world data source, RSS feed, autorization. I guess they use some some @$$-weird routing. When I will finish my current project at work I will fix bugs related to popup window and then I will create 2-4 quick programs which use different methods of GET - IDHTTP, HTTPs, pure WINAPI and maybe some indy libs. If none of them will work for guys who have problems with WAI, than there is nothing I can do. I will also try to mess a bit with redirections, user agents, etc.



Thanks for more info!

200 probably means that website was processing request too slow and IDHTTP thought it timed out. I wonder if it re-requested it automatically or just said "hurr durr error".



Skyresh (Phobos): 5200cr, STRING NOT FOUND: /lotus/types/recipes/helmets/statlessv2voltalthelmetblueprint - Time Left: 00:56:04 just poped up. It looks like helmet strings are outdated, afterall. On other hand, "Notify about unknown reward" filter does work :)

also /lotus/types/recipes/helmets/statlessv2ashalthelmetblueprint

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SonicSonedit, you can download the Portuguese (BR) translation in this link: https://www.mediafire.com/?fcbeamydollejqo

If you select the translation you will see that the "Endless" string isn't showed at all, it should be "Enquanto a janela do programa encontra-se ativada" but it only shows "Enquanto a janela do programa encontra-se ati" and the last character in the "NoRepaintInBackground" string is in the window borders. If you could fix these errors and update your program with my translation it would be very good.

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Bug found. (was obviously not meant to be this way)


When you click settings, click on test alert it goes like


Canada (Earth): 99999cr, STRING NOT FOUND: Reactor x99, STRING NOT FOUND: Catalyst x99, STRING NOT FOUND: Forma x99 VS  - Time Left: 00:04:21


and i don't think you meant to put there "string not found" .... 

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For some reason the toaster is no longer showing images....it's just a blank, white/grey square now (rounded corners of course).


Also, could you make it so that the software is inactive while warframe is running?

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