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Solar Rail Conflicts


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There was a Reddit post that reminded me of these. I honestly forgot about them. But it would be really great if Solar Rail Conflicts made a return. I understand why the Armistice was implemented; I was around when it happened and agreed that we needed. But DE has worked on PVP a lot and it seems generally pretty balanced right now. I could be wrong since I'm in no way a PVP pro. But from the few excursions in PVP I did partake in, it seems fair.

That being said, I always been a PVE focused player, but with Dark Sectors and Solar Rail Conflicts I actually like fighting other players. At first it was because I was generally a returning player at a low MR and REALLY needed/wanted the credits. Then it turned into I am fighting for my Clan. Again, I understand why the Armistice was implemented because of the cheese tactics and the monopolies on high reward sectors powerful Alliances and Clans could hold. But now that PVP is okay you could simply send the Grineer or Corpus to kick out  Clans from Dark Sectors every now and then if the clan can't stop the Fomorian/Razorback. This would allow other clans an opportunity to allow other clans to move in if they can kick the Grineer out. Up to DE if Solar Rails are refunded to Clans or not if NPCs take your sector.

Solar Rail Conflicts and Dark Sectors are one of those old systems that were forgotten but still have a lot of potential, especially for pitting end game player against each other and allowing newer players some easy credits. I hope 2018 DE looks to polish old systems to make them work.

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