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Koumei & the Five Fates: Share Bug Reports and Feedback Here! ×

My experience so far, bugs, suggestions.


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So far i am loving this game, the game is completely original. No copied guns, no copied gameplay everything is very well done from scratch. This has to be by far the best 3rd person shooters ive ever played. But nothing is perfect, here is a list of bugs, glitches, and suggestions i think would be great to fix/add into the game.

- Floating objects: Storage containers are sometimes floating 5-10 inches from the surface of the ground.

- Sunken Objects: Storage containers, drops, explosive barrels seem to be sunken into the ground on most maps, this is not a common bug but it is in fixed areas. I seem to find the objects that do this in the same spots on maps.



- Mirage from the smoke/steam from molten patches on the ground literally make enemies invisible when they are directly behind the visual effect.

- Bugged AI: The AI sometimes becomes so bugged they do not even notice your presence, you can just simply run up to any Ai and wave at them in their face and they will do nothing. When this bug happens there is a 50/50 chance it is gamewide making it incredibly easy for anyone to complete the level with minimal effort.

- Bugged AI Movement: If we can jump over things and climb up walls, why cant AI? I can seriously half the time just climb up on a random ridge and i got guys pacing trying to get up to me, please fix this.

- Bugged AI Locations: I have seen AI spawn into walls, sunken under ground shooting at you, and even ones that are floating in the air. But what really took the cake for me today was when i had to spend 30 minutes running around a "Extermination" game and there is 1 guys left. We are running around the area marked red trying to look for him. After 30 mins of searching we found him at the bottom of the ground under a walkway, you know the part you get teleported back up if you jump down into? Yes that part.



Added 2/7/2013: http://prntscr.com/ruk4q

- Explosions: Why is there no actual explosion? Just a bunch of particles, i admit it does look cool and the blast suppressive effect is also very nice but some real smoke and fire would be nice to add to it.

- PhysX: I have played my fair share of games, but any game with PhysX enabled not only allows the bodies to be thrown everywhere by the force of the explosion or attack dealt on them. It also should allow you to make your surrounding destructable. When i shoot a explosive barrel the surrounding area should fall apart sparks all over lights destroyed and a large black crater maybe a metal hole in the ground. When i shoot a wall, why is there no bullet holes? Same with attacking glass you hear the glass breaking when shot but there is no cracks or bullet holes. Also in what world are lightbulbs indestrucable? When i want to shoot that glaring bipod floodlight i should be able to shoot it and it shatters and falls on the ground.

- Passable Glitches: Many times i have roamed the map to run right through rocks and hills on the ground. This would be awesome if it was fixed.

- Terrain traps: Me and my friends have been trapped several times behind rocks, stairs, and even pipes. We try to jump out but it does not let us. All we can do is shoot our guns and run around looking like were having spasms. In the end the only way to fix this is by quiting the match.

- Misplaced Consoles: I have seen 2 consoles on the same maps, it is not a random glitch it is fixed on the same location. The console is like 1-2 feet away from its console stand floating in the air.

- Trading: Why is there no form of trading in the game? Being able to share your mods with friends would be a great asset to everyone. Also allowing people to give "gifts" of Platinum to other players in game and on the website.

- Mods: Mods are great, however why can we not upgrade our mods by merging 2 lesser mods into one? Making it upgrade the effect on them if both of them have the same effect. Like if one has Armor Piercing +3% and another had Armor Piercing +2% you could merge those together for the combined price of selling them both (one is 500 other is 700) so 1200 and it will becomes Armor Piercing +5%. You could also make this to where you can merge 2 kinds and make a stacked mod as well for double the price of both. And just to throw some balance in there make it a 50/50 success rate chance. If it fails, they lose both mods.

- Mod Crafting: Having blueprints for suits and weapons is great, but why not mods? It would be nice to randomly pickup blueprints to make mods out of materials you find on worlds. And it will craft and mod for whatever rank the blueprint is for and add a random attribute to it.

Suiit Mod Blueprint

Rank 10

Will craft into:

Suit Mod

Rank 10

+16% Armor

- Levels: They are more fun and harder on solo than co-op why? I have noticed a huge amount of spawns on solo compared to co-op. On Tolstoj co-op you got around 100-150 guys. On solo you have around 200-400 guys. I believe both modes should have identicle amount of units.

- Difficulty: Adding a difficulty to each level would be absolutely fantastic. Easy, Hard, Extreme (or some clever name) so you can do the same level with the objective you enjoy doing at double or triple the difficulty dropping better mods and making the enemies stronger.

- Sword Animation: Sword is awesome, usually is on most games. But i have never seen a sword in a shooter before. Knives yes but swords no. However it would be nice to have more than just 3 strike animations. Maybe having 10 different ones that are randomly selected?

- Environmental Damage: I have noticed with the molten patches most of them do not give you damage by standing on fire. This would be a nice fix. Also since the cold effects your shields why not make it so walking on ice slowly degenerates your shields? About as fast as a hull breach.

- Weapons: There needs to be more of a variety of guns. You have some nice ones but there needs to be more. Also please think up your gun names! Making a Burst Rifle named Burston or a Sniper Rifle named Snipetron is a clear sign of having no imagination.

- Armor: Suits should be able to have customizable parts on them. Helmet, Suit, Gloves, Boots and these would add 2 skill slots. 1 Mod and 1 attribute to its class. Like boots would have Increased Sprint Speed and it would increase by 0.1 speed per rank of your suit.

- MINIMAP! My god please make a setting in the options to change the size of the minimap, it is so tiny that it is very hard to navigate. Make it from 1x, 2x, 3x in size each size increasing its size by about 25 pixels.

- Artifacts: You cannot choose "none"? Why is there no option to remove your artifact completely? If i do not want to use any artifacts id love to have the option not too.

- UI: When clicking on contacts and inviting your friends to a match i am constantly annoyed by it clicking the artifacts screen in the background. If i am on the contacts screen all other options in the background should be disabled.

- Supernova Lighting: So many times when i play on a game my character looks like he puked up a sun. The lighting is so high its blinding half the time. On the Arsenal it is the same way, sooo bright! The color choosing option along with the solar flare behind your character is very frusterating.

- Connection Issues: For some reason no one can connect to my game session. I have disabled all firewalls: windows, router, even my anti virus was completely shutdown. I even ran the game as administrator and yet people cannot connect to me still. Anyone who could explain how to fix this issue would be great!

- Black Market/Auctionhouse: How it would be so great to sell your mods, weapons, suits, blueprints, etc on a in game market. I know you can sell them, but by making this you can sell them to other players who can put it to good use. Many people find it hard to find good mods and this would be a great way for new players to get some decent modifcations to their gear.

- Sell Materials: I have accumulated a huge amount of materials, of course i am never going to use this much. Why can we not sell our abundance of materials for credits?

- Level and Character Detail: The character skins and rocky levels need alot of touchups. The character just looks like a giant leather suit with painting on it. Having more detail would be nice, or even different skins for your character's class by using Platinum.

Added on 2/5/2013:

- Doors: The bottom parts of doors seem to get jammed or stuck most of the time, this happens on almost every door on any map.

- Stuck Bodies: When you cut a dude up with your sword or send them flying this happens way too much:


- Frozen Skins: Grineer & Corpus have this error sometimes but definitely not as much as the infested. You know how hard it is to tell if these guys are alive or not when they do this?


- No damage from explosive barrels when you are standing on top of it, however you recieve massive damage when you are standing at ground level near it. Does the explosion only go horizontally?

- Weapon Specifications: Weapon specs show the base values of the item in the arsenal and it never changes no matter how much you upgrade it. This needs to be fixed to where it increases the stats as your weapon is upgraded with mods and skills.

- Skill Specifications: When you are increasing any skill in your weapons or suit it does not tell you what your CURRENT stats are and how that upgrade will effect your CURRENT stats. It shows the base value and what the upgrade does to increase that base value. It should instead show the total amount of that stat and then show the amount after you upgrade that skill.

- Speed: You cannot use the Speed skill on Volt when going up ramps/stairs it just bounces you back making you go normal sprint speed. Fixing this would be nice.

- Texture Transparency: Many times have i encountered textures that are good on one side but transparent on other sides, this is a good example right here: http://prntscr.com/rmweb As you can see the texture is visable on the front but behind you can see right through. This also happens to wires, ziplines, pipes.

- AI/Unit Teleporting or Rubberbanding: Many times i have seen AI's or Units just teleport all over the place, i know im not lagging cause i got 50mbps up and down fiber optic connection.

- Loss of Mods: I picked up 13 mods last game, and i only got rewarded 3? Why is this?

- Missing or Misplaced Textures: This happens in pretty much every map, little details like consoles in the wrong spot, fans in the wrong spot, etc. But today this took the cake! The game is now part of the Jetsons now we have floating cargo!



This has been fixed in a recent patch today, thanks!

- Floating Blood: Blood is misplaced 80% of the time making it float in mid air when no surface, floor, wall, ceiling is available for it to stick on.


It may look like it is on the rocks however if you go to the side of it, it is floating. When angled this way though the blood becomes extremely transparent which is why i cannot screenshot it.

- HP Bug: HP Shows as 65,000 sometimes when starting a game.


This has been fixed in a recent patch today, thanks!

- Some mod effects not working: So far ammo max and clip size do not seem to work on sniper rifles, i am not sure if other mods are broken like this but it does indeed need to be fixed.

Added on 2/6/2013:

- Dark Void: There are rare but occuring voids in the map. If you jump down onto the bottom of the map sometimes you do not get teleported up you just keep falling down, down, down forever into the bottom of the map. This also occurs when you go into a texture or area that is not loaded, fixing this should be highest priority as it ruins the entire game for others when they cannot play anymore that game until someone completes it. Here is an example:



- Improper Weapon Selected: This has happend only once so far but AetherGlaive was shooting with his Snipetron and he was holding his sword instead of his rifle.


- Checkered Textures: For some reason the walls on my end (very rarely) flash a checkered pattern on the wall.


Added on 2/7/2013:

- Stuck gear tooltips: When hovering over your gear when holding down Q, after selection of your gear the tooltip freezes on your mouse cursor and does not go away until you click while holding Q again.


- Environmental Pathing: When there are fire patches, molten patches, fire, ice, infested, whatever extra abnormalities are added to the map. You can walk through all of them. When going on them your character's pathing does not go on top of the ice he goes through it. When you stand on top of a patch of fire/ash you again stand on equal footing to the original surface of the floor. Your characters skin looks "sunken" into the ice or ash.

- Host Migration: When the person your connected to disconnects it transfers the game to you, however when this happens all stats from the game, all credits earned, all mods found, everything gets reset to zero. And the map is reset with the objectives cleared but all storage containers are reset. This is very annoying as i picked up at least 10 mods and killed over 100 guys before my friends got disconnected. Only to finish the game with 2 mods and 19 kills.

- Wrong Mod Values: I have picked up mods that are for pistols and gives +2 Multishot now i know for a fact pistols do not have multishot only shotguns, so i threw it on just to try it. My bullets when shot never increased so specific mod values for specific guns need to be removed from mods for other guns that they do not work on.

- Objectives not registering: 3 times now the game has failed to recognize i completed the objective and does not unlock other areas for me to get to the escape pod. I rescued a hostage and even when the dudes following behind me it continues to say "Rescue the Hostage!" on the top of my screen. All doors to the escape pod are locked and the <!> on the minimap is pointing to the prison cells which i got the guy out of. This has happend when i killed the boss Vor and Juk as well.

- Storage Containers in Walls: I have not noticed this until now because i just got a fairly decent loot mod for my warframe. I have found 6 storage containers so far that are inside walls. 4 of them i was able to break open by striking the wall with my sword/bo.

- Camera's are blind as bats: I swear i can go right in front of the cameras and they dont detect me until i start shooting at it, please fix this!

- Turrets are invincible unless alerted: This should be removed, the fact you can shoot these turrets BEFORE they start shooting you would be the whole concept of being stealthy. Or just making the turrets automated without the cameras help. Make the turrets shoot any person coming within the room it is in and have the cameras just turn on the laser beams on the doors.

- Shockwave & Laser Grid Death: It really irritates me when i got 3 shockwaves that sneak behind me and i missed a camera at the door im facing. The laser grid is up and i am constantly having shockwaves throwing me into the lasers over and over and over killing me. Not even giving me a chance to fight back! The shockwave needs to be nerfed big time the range is too far and having multiple shockwaves throwing you all over the place is just insane.

Edited by Zilacon
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Your Physx one is because a lot of destruction in the environment can be very taxing on the PC, especially depending on how long it remains that way. Currently as a beta they just want to make sure they get their core features down, so destructable lights and other things really aren't important at the moment.

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Your Physx one is because a lot of destruction in the environment can be very taxing on the PC, especially depending on how long it remains that way. Currently as a beta they just want to make sure they get their core features down, so destructable lights and other things really aren't important at the moment.

They can add the options in the graphics settings. Instead of a checkbox it can be a dropdown for Low, Medium, High so it isnt taxing on those who do not want it to be taxing. Low would have normal body physx, medium would have body and wall physx and high would have body wall and object physx.

I agree. This game lacks of MMO features.

You've pointed the radar, same as me in this thread.


I agree about the enemies being displayed on radar, there is a artifact for that but so far i have yet to find it.

Edited by Zilacon
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hey guys, i started playing this game today, i'm enjoying it a lot, but i have found a little bug, sometimes when i play multiplayer, my health bar shows up 65674 health,i dunno what is causing it, and i think is only with me, because most of the players die during the course, and i tank all the enemies plus revive my friends without having any effect on the hp, it goes down, but the amount is just too big, did that happen to you anytime?

i'll post a screenshot as soon as i download fraps.

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hey guys, i started playing this game today, i'm enjoying it a lot, but i have found a little bug, sometimes when i play multiplayer, my health bar shows up 65674 health,i dunno what is causing it, and i think is only with me, because most of the players die during the course, and i tank all the enemies plus revive my friends without having any effect on the hp, it goes down, but the amount is just too big, did that happen to you anytime?

i'll post a screenshot as soon as i download fraps.



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