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Clan Emblem - Creation


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Greetings and Salutations fellow Tenno!


Here is a first go at a "pseudo3D" coat of arms using MS PowerPoint (yes, klunky BUT I am VERY facile with it) and Abobe Illustrator ...




Had to downscale original drawing by nearly a factor of 200, hence the dithering




The clan name is "Askagi Ritterrustung" - the first word comes from either Navajo or Japanese (foolish ... can't find my original reference) means "protection" or "investment" and the second is from the German for "a knight's armor"


The scrollwork is adapted from the Orokin style


The Chinese/Kanji glyph in the center means "righteousness"


The clan motto/backstory is "The Warframe began in old worlds and worlds yet to be ... it is both a way of life and a living thing - directing purpose, building form.  The investment - 'askagi' as spoken by silent ancestors, used as protection for noble cause - the ritterrustung'"


The idea behind all this is that this clan - a ghost clan - is truly a "ghost" ... a forgotten remnant of an age of duty, glory and truth

Edited by ElHefe
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thread/Topic still going? I'd really want a cool clan emblem, but i suck at making them! :( Our clan name is "Shinigame" Also sometimes used as "Shini Ga Me" as in "Death Eyes", Can anyone please make one for our clan? It'd be greatly appreciated! message me if you are going to make one on my youtube channel where i'm active daily (don't post videos often at all tho) link: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrAggressiveVideos

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If you are still making emblems, I would like to ask you for help. I created a clan on PS4 called, "The 9th Drumbeat." I got the idea from the Stalker text where the Tenno used ninth beat of the naga drums to signal the attack on the Orokin. I want an emblem that gives the impression of strong force used to promote balance. Unfortunately, my ability to create snazzy, eye-catching pictures is ranked at -1000. If possible, I would like your help in creating an emblem that will help my clan stand out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello I saw your thread and loved your work, I was hoping I could have your assistance on having a clan emblem made for my Dojo Our name is the Absent Assassins and given that name i was thinking something with black and red colors. I like the emblem you had in you gallery of newest emblems the third one it had LoT tag in it if you can make something along those lines that be great I leave design up to you i just ask if u can keep the main color black and add w/e color you think would set it off best thanks for your time

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You make really good emblems, can you try and make one for my clan called OmO? I'm having trouble creating one, I tried using Gimp 2 but I can't create a simple solid color emblem, can you try and make one for me? I was thinking something along the lines of like 2-3 little symbols with solid colors overlapping or something, you seem to know your stuff is why I ask.


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I'd like you, or anyone, to create me one for my clan, Twizted Elite. I don't have any ideas on what I want it to look like. If possible, send me a couple different designs. Thank you for your hard work for us clans.

Edited by (PS4)ZeroRilix
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can i ask some one to make my clan an emblem. the clan is called fatality and i wish for an epic emblem with a skull. i have tried to make many of them and tried to submit ones my friends made but i usually get turned down for copy writtened so i am hopeing some one can help me. if anyone makes a design please send it to me and i would be happy to pay plat for it. i would really like an emblem for my clan to be proud of.

Edited by (PS4)DeathxFlamexko
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I Tried to message you but it says you can receive any more messages.

I would like you to create a symbol for my clan since these look awsome and so far i haven't found any better than these.

 My clans name is Prime Union . 
I want the symbol to have gold letters with  visible backround of the symbol that Prime loki has on his Chest . Take an idea from Prime Warframes and put in a logo I like to see what you will come up with :)

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Just because I still see some people posting in this thread, I figured I should copy and paste this from the OP's profile:


"Due to a shortened lifespan, I've decided to give up on this account on WarFrame and quit it.


I'm sorry to disappoint you."


So I think he's done making clan emblems.

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Hello everyone. I checked back in on my old Email account and saw that I still get notifications from WarFrame. I have to apologize for not beeing able to complete any requests since December, as I had a rather fatal accident. I also don't really have any time to waste anymore and I want to explore other stuff. I will, however, try to make a detailed video of how to create a detailed Emblem in the next few days, so you can do them yourself. I will also try to create some templates for you to use.


Again, I'm terribly sorry that I'm not able to complete any requests. Feel free to use this thread as a Clan Emblem Creation Market or something.

I will also answer any message you may send me regarding questions or tips about the creation of clan emblems.




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Hi RhSDarkReaver! 

I'm very impressed with your work and would be honored if you would make my clans logo. My clans leader is called volcanix75. feel free to friend him and talk to him to confirm this tomorrow, Aug 19, 2014. The idea that we have is more or less like the second image of your last spoiler. We want it to have a devilish look. If you have any other suggestions don't hesitate to put them in the final product. Your the boss at this. Once you have an image ready you can send it to antswtor@gmail.com 

Feel free to message me or volcanix75 as well. I can't wait to see your work soon,

the generic ones.

Edited by SnipesReborn
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Hello, i have a request if its okay, I would like my clan emblem to have a grayish skull with glowing green eye holes, two scythes goes through the skulls like  an x. I would also also like the word Necro under the symbol.I also want the emblem to mainly consist of grey black and greenish colors, if possible i would like a green aura surrounding the emblem, thank you and i hope you take this to consideration.(undead theme) 

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If you are still doing this, I have a fairly simple request.  Our clan would like the word "Kleegy" (joke from an old d20 session) in Grineer layered over the lotus symbol, with a clear background.  The colors are fairly unimportant, but nothing too bright.  Maybe black for the lotus symbol and either a grey, white, or maybe a gold/yellow for the lettering.  Thank you for your consideration, and I hope you are still here!  

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Hello Community!


I am playing this wonderful game since quite a while now and I noticed that Clans often have Emblems that are just random images resized to 128x128. Since I'm a person who really loves to improve the looks of everything, I'd like to create Clan - Emblems for all of you.

I did not study art, nor did I study graphics designer or anything like that. It's more like a passion. I love to create tiny little pieces of art here and there.

Also, check out my Tutorial for GIMP 2 for creating such an emblem (Yes, the emblem I used there looks ugly, but I only used that as an example):


Gallery of the newest Emblems:







Here's a gallery of some of my Clan Emblems:


Here's the link to my gallery on www.imgur.com:

RhSDarkReaver's Gallery

If you want me to create you such an emblem, feel free to post a comment with a detailed description of how you want it to look. You can also message me, whatever you like.

I do not charge anything for this. I create these Clan emblem out of passion!

Please understand that not everyone has the same view on everything! These Images may look ugly for you, but not everyone has the same taste.

I create everything, except logos that aren't allowed (like sexual, racist, etc. logos) in this game.

It can be pink - barbie, dark - devilish, green - nature, from simple to complex. Everything. There is no limit in Ressources from my side.

If you want me to create such an Emblem for you and you don't like it 100%, it's not good enough. Tell me exactly how you want me to change it, until you love it! Even if you have to tell me 30 times that it's ugly and you want to change this and that. Don't be too shy. ;)

I create these emblems from morning to afternoon, but not in the evening. Creating such an emblem may last from 5min to 2 hours, which depends on the following points:


-Your description of the emblem

-errors with my software

-Reallife - Happenings

Here are some pictures of my created Emblems ingame:





Ingame Picture delivered by Zareek and me.








I await your requests.

Your hopefully soon-to-be Clan Emblem-Creator

RhS DarkReaver

Grate Post men

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Okay Guys. I said I'm gonna make a YouTube Tutorial, but I can't seem to find anything good for recording it. I don't want to disappoint you, so I'm gonna start making Clan Emblems again. Please send me your requests per Mail here on the forums! It's to keep everything clear so I can see which requests are still open and which are not. I'm gonna make a website where you can start requests and stuff and where you can receive your emblems. 


Here are the emblems I've created today:


M2FZwaR.png Ancient Chaos

yikBDpu.png ISRWarframe

U6Sy4pv.png (No Information on Clan Name)

nPALM2x.png The House of Gemini

oRmYQRm.png Mandalorian Raiders

k6x7Cmw.png Muha

Edited by RhSDarkReaver
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