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Chat Issues / unstable fps


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So its been like 3 days or 2 days roughly since my chat has not been working, i did a support help no one replied, So whenever i load my chat, all i get is a spinning circle on the top left 24/7 i cant access public chat nor friends chat. And its getting annoying right now does anyone know how to fix it? And its like after the new update, i got on and it starts giving me fps spike and the chat issue, no idea if its ur engine or what but i know its not on my end because all my other games run smoothly, no spike no nothing. Gtx 960 able to run gta on high settings 0 spike but warframe im getting fps spike and this chat issue after the new update. Honestly hope someone can look into this for me, its getting annoying.

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Does any mod be able to help me out? My chat is literally buffering 24/7 Its not my connection issue, my wifi is perfectly fine on other games or site. I searched up on yt and saw other people have expierenced the same type of issue as me few months back, its really getting annoying as i am not able to talk to my friends or clan mate whenever im on a mission with them, and they thought i ignored them when i actually cant see anything in chat at all beside one circle at the top left buffering. Everytime was fine before a update from warframe i think, when the chat issue came, my fps kept spiking during missions. I am pretty sure this isnt my pc issue, tried every solution and none of it work. Really need assistance right now.

Edited by SapphireZ
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Honestly any support? Been a full whole week without any update on this issue or any progress from you guys, i mean arent u guys supposed to help us out i gave u guys so much time to respond back to us but 0 replies from support team or an admin, im really getting pissed off.

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I have this same problem.  At first I thought it was my internet connection, since it is far less than stellar.  But when my internet connection is working, its working just fine.  I literally logged off at night with chat working, then logged in the next day with no chat.  Its now day 3.  No amount of option checking, internet testing, rebooting, cache verifying or program restarting will fix the problem.  I can access everything else on the internet just fine.  I can log in just fine, but chat is not connecting.

I don't suppose anyone has the IP address for their chat server?

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K im pissed right now, any mod willing to even help or update us with this issue, since im not the only one expierencing this? I literally have no communication to other players. Like legit can u guys actually do something? BEEN  a WEEK and 0 response 0 help.

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I guess we'll just have to keep bumping this thread every day and for every person this affects.  Mine is still broken, even after the patch.  This is clearly not a user error, so don't waste time trying to do reinstalls, verify cache, etc.

Isn't the ability to communicate with other players one of the most important facets of an online multiplayer game??

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Support replied to my ticket on Wednesday asking for more info, which I provided within the day. No updates since then, and I've sent follow ups too. I tried disabling DirectX10 as I'd heard it screwed with the latest update but the issue persists. I also tried using another PC within the same network, still same issue. My housemates who use the same network do not have this issue.

I can't participate in trades or radshares due to this, hoping this is fixed before I have to farm for Mirage Prime and her accompanying prime weapons.

I'm trying optimizing the cache but this will take some time, hopefully I'll be able to bring some good news next time I'm here.

EDIT: nope, optimizing cache did nothing.

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12 hours ago, SapphireZ said:

Reinstalling the game does 0 use, its on DE side, and hell im just surprised no one even bother to update us or what with this issue. Yes communicating is the most important regarding online mission. Guess DE doesnt care. @De_Active @DE_Adam @De_Adnachiel-EN-

your asking for support on the community forums, support doesnt fix issues here, the best case scenario would be someone from support just looking thru threads asking you to send them your support ticket number or a WAR Error code number


besides that you'll need to send support a ticket if you haven't already and wait it out


update 22.4 broke the game almost completely for anyone using a controller, DE made no mention anywhere of being aware of the issue or looking into it but about 7 days later a hotfix that included a fix for the controller issue was released


as far as FPS, ive also noticed strange drops and slowdowns since the latest update, even on regular tilesets which usually for me i run a rock solid 60fps on unless its an infested map with crazy number of enemies spawning around me then its usually 45-55fps for that moment but recently ive been spiking down as low as 7fps which is totally not playable

Edited by Tokens210
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