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Tennobaum gifting center


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Wishlist - PC - Wife_Prime


Slots (ie warframes, weapons, stasis)

Color Palettes (ie classic, daybreak orokin)

Incubator Power Core

DNA Stabilizers

Noggles (any landing craft decoration)

Warframes (Mesa, Equinox, Nova, Mag, Nyx)

Skins (Mag Deluxe, Excal Proto)

Thank you to - CephalonShy (Orokin CP)

Wishlist - PS4 - Gessabelle


Slots (ie warframes, weapons, stasis)

Color Palettes (ie classic saturated, infested, smoke, daybreak, orokin)

Incubator Power Core

DNA Stabilizers

Warframes (Ember, Valkyr, Ivara, Equinox, Nova, Nyx)

Skins (Excal Proto, Ember Magesty,Ivara Youkai, Nova Visage, Nyx Athena)

Syandana (Bodo, Naru, Raiji, Sari, Vasa)

Thank you and Merry Tennobaum to all!

Edited by Wife_Prime
Thanking for gifts
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any gift would be appreciated.    BUT, the best gift you can give me is to gift my wife instead >.<  double gift!   Her PC username is  Unole      :P  the best gift is the gift of giving!  Merry Tennomas!


"for it is not about what item you get, nor the item you give; tis about the feeling you get, or the feeling you give"

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Merry Tennobaum Tennos!

I would like atleast one thing from my wishlist :)


Any Affinity Booster

Dragon Bundle

Some color pack like alpha (these basic colors have no style after a while :/)

Adi Holster Collection

Nidus Bundle

Sands of Inaros bundle

Orokin reactor/catalyst

Nikana Gemini Sheath\

Moth Syndana Pack

Sugatra Pack


I would be appriciative if i got anyone of these and i will make sure to shoutout those who share the wealth :)

I Hope everyone recieves what they want and has a great Tennobaum, Keep raising money! 


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Any skin for ma rocking girls: Valkyr and Saryn.

Color Pallets: Any of these .  Twilight, Lotus, Infested.

Slots: Frame or Weapon.

Whether you do or don't, be safe, have a Great Christmas or Holiday break... And enjoy being with family. Peace.  :)

Edited by Tarkerus
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Merry tennobaun everyone my wishlist consist of the the deluxe skins like nekros or banshee soprana some warframe slots and honestly what ever people want to give from silly to useful and I hope all your tennobaun wish list come true

Edited by (PS4)Zmbiguy
Maling it more understandable
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my wishlist would be:

  • ember deluxe bundle
  • Oberon deluxe bundle
  • relic packs
  • noggles
  • catalysts (run out so easily)
  • skyrinx armor bundle
  • any boosters
  • Riven slots (run out easy to XD)
  • weapon slots
  • ash immortal skin
  • Gazal armor bundle
  • opulas syandana

that's all 

happy tennobaum :D

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Merry Tennobaum lovely Tennos!

My wishlist:


Warframes Default or Prime, Just frame or Bundle:

  • Ash;
  • Banshee;
  • Ember;
  • Nekros;
  • Rhino;
  • Volt;
  • Wukong;
  • Gara;


Collor pallets:

  • Lotus
  • Orokin
  • Twilight


Any weapon, cosmetics, syandana, colors

or frames Bundle

Warframe and weapon slots

Potatoes, much potatoes as possible! XD

Cosmetics in general


Thank you so much to anyone who can give me anything, or not, and a very blessed tennobaum, christmass and new year! <3 <3 <3 

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It was recommended to me that I post I do have a Wishlist :)

Someone surprised me with my first color palette the other day!!  I was so excited to fancy up my ship & outfits!  I'm sorry I don't remember who you are, but thank-you!!

I am new to Warframe, but have been watching a family member play for quite awhile. 
Also on my wishlist but I don't see where to actually add them is the Solstice Daedalus armor set & Solstice Sigil -- I got the syandana & it's so pretty!!


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