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Latron Wraith?


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Can you find any lore context saying Wraith weapons are exclusive to Grineer weapons? I don't think so. It's never mentioned in lore. We don't even know who made them. The same goes to Vandal weapons.

That being said, the people who made Wraith weapons probably have something to do with Red Veil. Rakta syandana was awarded by Red Veil(also worn by Red Veil hostages) and has the same pattern as Wraith weapon.

Edited by yles9056
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Wraith/Prisma/Vandal Variants are much like Syndicate weapon variants, some may have a general theme (All 3 Steel Meridian weapons are Grineer) but don't have to hold any loyalty to it as they're just, modified by a third party, and while said third party might have a biase, like Wraith guy GENERALLY sticks to grineer weapons, they're by no means BOUND to it, like the Strun and Latron Wraith, Imperator Vandal, and Prisma Obex/Cleaver/Skana.

I'll also add Vandal weapons usually have a Lotus design, so who ever does Vandal weapons is probably a close ally of the tenno directly. (and maybe uses Corpus so often for availability/ease of workmanship)

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