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Warframe Has Loss Its Special Orginal Facture Endgame The old Lost Void


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Il y a 3 heures, (PS4)Assassinfox3k a dit :

As like I replied yesterday the Warframe community has a lot of fanboys.

To each opinion their own, I'd appreciate if you didn't generalize and class every valid argument against you as "Fan-boying" just because it doesn't follow your line of thought.

Il y a 3 heures, (PS4)Assassinfox3k a dit :

The void had more challenges and places to grind.

Whilst I feel that I've made it pretty clear in my previous reply, allow me to once again make my point : The void itself and the key system didn't provide any challenge.
Playing 20-40 minutes in endless has always been the middle ground that everyone went for, ense the level range at which players fight hasn't changed.
What did change, however, is how powerful we have gotten and how efficient we've managed to make every single warframes when facing certain enemies.

There's was FAR less places to grind with the old key system.
Exterminate void 1, exterminate void 2, exterminate void 3 and exterminate void 4 are all the same "Place", the same applies for the other 5 mission type.
The only significant difference between 1-2-3 and 4 is the reward that you received from them just for owning a different key.

The new system allows fissure missions to be found on every single existing nodes with different objective emplacement for most of those missions.

Il y a 3 heures, (PS4)Assassinfox3k a dit :

People have the same opinion and implied I couldn't speak proper language lol,

Nevermind the old quote about the lasers, and mag greedy pull. That was the joking part of the conversation nobody understand sarcasm part of my thread.

A lot of people don't  have their own opinion now in days.

I believe that to be yet another stretch.
Collective argumentation and someone mocking you are two different things and are certainly not meant to be put together.

As for the "Joking part", as you refer to it ; You may want to polish your skills at sarcasm, as it would seem that not a single human being in this thread has managed to read your ever so obvious sarcasm.

Il y a 3 heures, (PS4)Assassinfox3k a dit :

A lot of people don't have their own opinion now in days.

Not really an argument to be made.

Il y a 3 heures, (PS4)Assassinfox3k a dit :

Now you said the old void had no skill you contradicted yourself's, saying you like to farm relics for a easy grind and no goal of completion.

I'm not really sure where the contradiction stands as there's no quote, but certainly you know the difference between "Easy content" and "Efficient content"?
Relics are just as "Easy to grind" as keys used to be, however they are also much more "Efficient" and "Rewarding".

Goals are still attainable, however they are also much more rewarding, as compared to the old key system where staying one additional hour or two made ZERO difference.
Staying extra time with the relic system now rewards you with :
-A prime reward of your choice, multiplied by the amount of teammates you currently have.
-The basic wave reward. ( Which was wasted behind the prime parts in the old system )
-All 4 boosters at once, continuously being upgraded as you go forward
-An extra relics that has already been boosted, continuously being upgraded as you go forward.

Il y a 3 heures, (PS4)Assassinfox3k a dit :

Now in days people are to lazy to grind anything in game that they relied on some lack of goals to accomplish. Even when games put out more content to help push the boundaries to the limit.

Another stretch hidden under a generalization.
The core mechanic of the game is a grind, saying that people are too lazy to grind whilst grinding is ridiculous.
We grind prime parts, kuva, syndicates, standing, weapons, exp, etc. We live the grind every day, how do you even manage to label the playerbase as "Lazy" when we do nothing more than grind.

Some people have very senseless complaints,I'll give you that as I've seen my fair share, but you're here doing the very same thing.
You're complaining that the game is "Easier" and "Not challenging" while giving us examples of things that are even easier to be completed by the majority of the playerbase.
You discuss something and when faced with counter argument you bash people and call them fan-boys and technically Brainless instead of actually giving a proper explanation of why you believe something to be better.
I've actually yet to see a single meaningful argument to defend the old key system coming from you other than insults and mockery.

Il y a 3 heures, (PS4)Assassinfox3k a dit :

The void felt like teamwork and more communication with game players. The team impact with different warframes was cool because unlike now there is no impact skill nor communication with fellow skilled players.

Void never required communication. Warframes themselves have always been guided to do a single and mundane task in the void because it was the "Easiest" thing to do in order to reach 20 minutes without getting burnt out by the boredom.
The only thing Void did require was pre-made teams to make the grind "Easier" so to say. ( The very thing you've been complaining about all this time )
In the end, it all falls back to one thing. It's just a Feeling.

Edited by (PS4)XxDarkyanxX
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5 hours ago, (PS4)Assassinfox3k said:

 As like I replied yesterday the Warframe community has a lot of fanboys

With calling people like that you practically disqualify yourself from the discussion. Seems like you were looking for an echo chamber of your Opinion, and not for a discussion.


On-Topic: Hell no I definitely not miss the old System. I didn't even bother with half the prime content because of diluted Reward Tables (Orokin Cells, Fusion Cores) and running the same Mission ad naseum to gain a shot a c-rotation reward.

Skill part: Disagree here mostly with you. Yes it was harder in the earlier times of Void, but the moment we gained the Possibilities to cheese, Void was 95% cheese (Mesa, Greedy Mag, Mirage). And like other said in the meantime we got way stronger thanks to mods like corrupted mods.

Fusion Cores: While i dont know the exact Numbers about the worth of Fusions-Core compared to Endo, I definitely prefer the new System. Now we have concrete Numbers instead of some wonky Core System.

The only things where the relic system falls flat compared to Key System for me is the Cost Effiency of farming Prime Parts in Endless Missions and if you try to get a radshare for an older relic (though that normally means that you can buy that needed part for cheap). And I happily take that in exchange for the new System.





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19 hours ago, Rhekemi said:

With regards to prime parts, mods, and cores losing their market value, yes, the market has drastically changed. It seems the best monetary investment these days are Arcanes (still) and more recently Rivens. (Could be wrong, I haven't been active in the markets for a while. When I am, I still sell old stuff I'm used to selling, if people want them.)

Mostly due to a much larger playerbase. All items are rare when only 100 out of 10k players has them, not so rare once 100k out of a few million do. Every game goes through that. 
But there is still a few players that haven't caught up with that yet, few months from now we will see a similar complain, and repeat.

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