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What do you want for the Zephyr rework?

(XBOX)The Neko Otaku

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Honestly, while I used to be all for a complete overhaul with a resource generation system not unlike Nidus, I think that minor tweaks to pre-existing skills are more likely to be considered when they start looking at potential changes.

My personal ideas within these constraints would be to strengthen her "Bird of Prey" aesthetic.

  1. Tailwind | In addition to the usual function, can hold to consume energy to zoom around. Tap-casting this ability will unlock Enhanced Airglide for as long as you don't touch the ground, giving 3x the duration after mods, greater air control (basically allowing you to move in any of the eight horizontal directions that you wish while gliding), and halted vertical descent until aimglide duration ends.
  2. Divebomb | Targets the enemy closest to the cursor, Zephyr extending Exalted Talons from her feet and divekicking them in the face. Not only will the impact cause a radial knockdown as the ability works currently, but the Exalted Talons will snap closed on the enemy's face like a bear trap, detaching from Zephyr's feet, forcing a bleed proc for the ability's duration (10 seconds). Any pre-existing and post-cast bleed procs will be extended or shortened to the ability's duration. Furthermore, casting from the ground will cause Zephyr to somersault forward to do the same. Bleed damage modified by distance traveled. AUGMENT: Divebomb Vortex will also cause Exalted Talons to appear on enemies pulled in by the vortex.
  3. Turbulence | It's Turbulence. Great skill on its own. No need to alter it in any way.
  4. Tornado | Enemies will revolve around the middle rather than flying out the top. Talon'd enemies will cause the tornado to latch on, becoming stationary in the process and refreshing the Talons' duration to the Tornado's duration, as well as having a larger enemy capture AoE. Moving near a Tornado with Turbulence active will suck any items it's picked up to Zephyr. Tap-Casting Tailwind through a Tornado will banish it, causing a radial proc of whatever element it is currently set to. Tornado elements are defined by the strongest element on the weapon currently equipped (with primary elements having their values doubled for calculation purposes, with secondary elements taking priority if values are similar between doubled primary and secondary elements) and will not change randomly post-cast. Attacking enemies captured by a tornado will share status procs between all captured enemies and, should the attacks have more of the element that the tornado is currently attuned to, increase the tornado's damage per tick.
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passive: while in air Zephyr get reduces damage

1) toggle ability: Zephyr flies free like an archwing

2) Zephyr lands knocking down all the enemy for tot sec in a good range and dealing little damage

3) keep the one she has now, which is very good, but with a much wider range bullet reject and stunning for a little enemies that come melee

4) old 4 is bad. need a totally new one. problem with tornados is that it make enemies hard to hit and scatter them. i would onestly totally change it. would like some wind elemental summons which aid zephyr in some way

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