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Nezha, the exalted lord of fire


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Hello Tenno!

Time has passed and in the new year i want to see two frames becoming useful. Zephyr and Nehza both requies rework and even thought its zephyr who shall get one soon i want to talk about an idea i came up with today.

The basics of this rework is making two of Nezhas abilities into a exalted skills.


The first one to change is the Blazing Chakram.


This skill in itself is nothing but a hardly useable escape ability.

To fix this the blazing chakram from now on is an exalted glavie.


100 heat damage 

20% crit and status chance 

x2 crit damage

1.05 speed 

standard glaive range

All stats are affected by melee and power mods.

Energy drain is 5 per swing and uses glaive stance. The charge attack starts without delay or a quick attack and keeps the original capatibilities of the blazing chakram meaning that killed enemies heal the same way as before.

When using while firewarker is active the throw attacks and charge throws create a wave of flame knocking down enemies and making them vulnerable to fire damage by 25%.

When using while warding halo is active the base reach of the thrown attacks increases by 1 meter, while the chakram gains an spinning fire animation. For each enemy hit with a thrown attack warding halo gains +50 hp.


The second skill what gets changed is the Divine Spears.


With the cast delay, deactivation animation and the general uselessness against armored target this skill is due to some changes.

As with the previous we change it into an exalted spear.


80 puncture damage (on thrown attacks only)

30 slash, 30 impact (normal attack stats)

35% status chance

30% crit chance

1.5x crit damage

0.95 speed

1.50m reach (or whatever is nezha's height)

Stats affected by power and melee weapon mods.

The weapon works exactly like a spear with the ability to handle the spear exactly like a primary weapon throwing it with a click of the mouse and zooming in to your likings.

Each throw uses up fixed 20 energy but stops the energy drain if an enemy is hit for 5 sec. Energy drain is 4/sec affected by power mods.

When using with firewalker the spear gains additional +50 fire damage and +25% to proc panic on enemies. Throw kills stop energy drain on firewalker for 5 sec.


Using the blazing chakram while the spear are active turn Nezha's universe ring into a flaming shield and change the stance of the divine spear into spear and shield.

Stats stay the same with the difference that blocking grants 75% damage reduction and 25% damage reflection. The damage absorbed is channeled into the universe ring and released on the first enemy it hits with a thrown attack.

Allies near Nezha in this mode gain the Will of the Flames buff what increase all heat based damage done by 20% within 15m around Nezha.

Zoom is removed in this mode. Clicking with the mouse first throws the spear then the chakram. Spear retrieve cost is the same but the chakram returns itself for free. The old blazing chakram effects are active here too along with the spear kill stopping the energy drain for 5 seconds.

Energy cost in this dual mode is 5 per swing and 4/sec while both of them is active.


Activating warding halo while the spear mode is active creates a field of repulsive flames around Nezha granting 25% chance to reflect all projectile/hitscan attacks. Oiginal attributes of warding halo are kept too.

Activating warding halo while the spear and shield mode is active creates a field of holy flames where the spear hits the ground/enemy. Standing on that area grants health regen and +15% evansion to all frames while also increases the status chance of all primary or secondary weapons by 50%. The field is active for 15 seconds and warding halo keeps its original attributes too.


This is all, please feel free to tell what you think about it.

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Nezha is a fake frame (#MadeInChina), that came out from a mistake.

A male frame dressed like a loli :facepalm:

I like the exalted chakram thing, if that has the same drain as Exalted Blade ofc, but that would need to become his/her/its/whatever 4th.

Also, you basically turned Nezha from a Rhino-Ember crossbreed into a broken machine of death !

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