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Why not make every Warframe non-specific gender.


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...Ember currently looks like a giant Chicken...and I constantly confuse her avatar for a velociraptor head...(LET THE MEMES BEGIN!!!)


Hopefully they wouldn't make a male version look like this...hopefully.

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I don't understand why can't people just cope with having a warframe of whatever gender the developers had made it.


If the abilities of a specific warframe cater to your play style then use it.

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I don't understand why can't people just cope with having a warframe of whatever gender the developers had made it.


If the abilities of a specific warframe cater to your play style then use it.


For me its part of the immersion process. In choosing a character I look for what the character can do if it is something I like, I try it out. Then comes the "does the character look cool" question and imo Ember could look WAY better based on the current design and other Frame designs. On both points Ember fails, imo. And I luv fire 



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I like ember's design, but maybe that's just because of dem hips.


But still, I really really want a male Trinity just because healing seems to be stuck with the female characters in the video game world, and I don't like that.

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While not a bad idea, it is a lot of work for the animation team for a game that is still completely short on game content. It isn't something that is going to lead to player retention so I wouldn't expect it. Priority #1 right now while they are gaining players rather than losing them is getting on track for creating proper endgame content that will keep players interested long after they finish all of the existing bosses a few times.

The is a narrow window for games while they are new and people are trying them to hook those players. They need to be focused on content, content, content right now.

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While not a bad idea, it is a lot of work for the animation team for a game that is still completely short on game content. It isn't something that is going to lead to player retention so I wouldn't expect it. Priority #1 right now while they are gaining players rather than losing them is getting on track for creating proper endgame content that will keep players interested long after they finish all of the existing bosses a few times.

The is a narrow window for games while they are new and people are trying them to hook those players. They need to be focused on content, content, content right now.

Blast you for making a concrete non-debatable statement!! :P

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Blast you for making a concrete non-debatable statement!! :P


Thanks. I could be wrong though, and there may be a large enough number of players who really are more into the cosmetics than I realize and who are turned off by having to play a gender they don't want to play. If that is really the case, then this would likely jump up the priority list. My gut says thought that game content and a proper vision for an endgame state really is the #1 most critical item at this moment for the games future.

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Thanks. I could be wrong though, and there may be a large enough number of players who really are more into the cosmetics than I realize and who are turned off by having to play a gender they don't want to play. If that is really the case, then this would likely jump up the priority list. My gut says thought that game content and a proper vision for an endgame state really is the #1 most critical item at this moment for the games future.

I am one that does care but in reality it is something developers afford players based on the game. I mean you don't get to choose between Laura Croft or Lawrence Croft but you do get Jill Valentine or Chris Redfield because of the story. I just hope they fit it in where it make sense...but Ember still looks like a chicken...!

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Think of the Warframes like LoL champions, you take away the specific gender and you take away their specific character.



Sort of, but with the Lore of the game they are just exo-suits are they not? If there are 4 Rhinos on a team it isn't 4 of the same guy - it is just 4 guys wearing Rhino suits? TIt seems a bit odd for a suit to have breasts if the one wearing it does not?  :)  I suspect they just chose this path because they needed to incorporate female and male models, but didn't have the time/resources to offer up multi-gender options of each. If I had to guess.

Edited by Emotitron
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While not a bad idea, it is a lot of work for the animation team for a game that is still completely short on game content. It isn't something that is going to lead to player retention so I wouldn't expect it. Priority #1 right now while they are gaining players rather than losing them is getting on track for creating proper endgame content that will keep players interested long after they finish all of the existing bosses a few times.

The is a narrow window for games while they are new and people are trying them to hook those players. They need to be focused on content, content, content right now.


It's not actually hard to change the proportions of a model, especially when they have almost no gendered features. All the frames currently share a single animation set to boot. One modeler could do it in a few days.

Jared Gerritzen of Zombie Studios talked to Jim Sterling of The Escapist about modifying their male characters to have a female option. It took very little time and money and the benifits far outweighed the cost.


A lot of my friends only play female characters in games. Even though I'm kind of used to controlling men after gaming for most of my life, I would be very happy if they let me change my Excal. Prime into a woman.


Think of the Warframes like LoL champions, you take away the specific gender and you take away their specific character.


This has always been a point of contention, but the Devs seem to be going more and more towards the idea that each Frame is a class of limited production armour, not an individual.

Many people prefer to make their own character, so more customization would bring in more players (imo).

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It's not actually hard to change the proportions of a model, especially when they have almost no gendered features. All the frames currently share a single animation set to boot. One modeler could do it in a few days.

Jared Gerritzen of Zombie Studios talked to Jim Sterling of The Escapist about modifying their male characters to have a female option. It took very little time and money and the benifits far outweighed the cost.


Could be, though a few days might be an underestimation. As a 3D animator myself I know how little things can creep into big things in unexpected ways. I do agree they should make male and female versions of the frames at some point as they are just exo-suits.

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Then doing a rescue mission must be the worst for you... Considering Naked Nick sure does live up to his name. XD

Dunno about you but I have this weird thing where I often note the gender of the rescuee by looking at their &#!---waitwut?


Eh but no seriously. This is one of few games where I actually don't mind being forced to play a specific gender. Somehow the alien appearance of the warframe just adds more to the atmosphere and makes me more interested in whats going on than how big my non-existant pixelated boobs are. Granted Saryn's at least got that going for her.  

I wouldn't be bothered if this was never implamented, but I also wouldn't mind too much, so long as when it is we all get a chance to change up the appearance. I've always been one to play a female avatar, so Volt is a new experience for me. A refreshing one I must say.

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Essentially I am proposing that instead of haveing warframe a be male and warframe b be female decided by the type it is; to instead allow the player to decide what gender their warframe character is. I think the user preference would be much better than having to be a male or a female just because you like the abilities better.

It's the lore, friend. We don't know about, but DE has their reasons.

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Oh look, yet another gender thread with like a million pages of stupid S#&$.


The current situation will stay as is until the game isolves its bigger problems. No developer in their right mind will add completely new model shapes for existing characters before they have a good enough character roster and a game that is content-complete. Maybe in the future you'll be able to spend ten bucks to buy female Excalibur and then you'll be able to call yourself Arturia and scream EKSUCARIBAAA whenever you use your 4th ability.


But until then, what's the point of arguing about it.

Edited by krisp
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Oh look, yet another gender thread with like a million pages of stupid S#&$.


The current situation will stay as is until the game isolves its bigger problems. No developer in their right mind will add completely new model shapes for existing characters before they have a good enough character roster and a game that is content-complete. Maybe in the future you'll be able to spend ten bucks to buy female Excalibur and then you'll be able to call yourself Arturia and scream EKSUCARIBAAA whenever you use your 4th ability.


But until then, what's the point of arguing about it.


1. You do not need to read or reply in this thread if you don't want to. Unreplied threads tend to fall to the end of the list and disappear from existence.


2. People have different opinions on different issues. The availability of choice between genders of characters is one such issue. Nobody's opinion should be more valid or invalid than any others'.


3. Having a thread on a forum does not equate to forcing or asking the developers to handle the issue immediately. It is to signal to the developers that this is an issue that players would like to be handled. When it will be handled is always left in the developers' hands.


4. Do not speak for the developers. We do not know what they view as important or not important.

Edited by OoKeNnEtHoO
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