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Why People Quit


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People demand too much of DE. I've played many online games, you have no idea how beautiful this community is and how well DE is doing compared to other games.

You're not the only one who's played other online games besides Warframe. More importantly, you shouldn't conflate criticism (even strident or angry criticism) with "demands". From my observations, the vast majority of feedback posted on this board is phrased something like "this is a thing that needs to be fixed, here's my reasoning, here are my suggestions to address it" instead of "omg DE change this ASAP or I quit!!"

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I cannot speak for everyone that has quit Warframe, however I can certainly speak for why I myself have gradually moved away from the game in recent months. I still browse the forums, however none of the recent content patches have been enough to motivate me to get back into the game. These issues have been brought up time and time again, however it's just one of those things, I suppose.



1) Repetitive/chore gameplay mechanics with little variation between worlds/tilesets/Weapons/whathaveyou

Before everyone gets in a huff about this, I'll just say this: For all the tilesets that have been produced, for all the lockdowns we receive, why do we only have the 5 easy lockdown variations? Why do the Corpus continue to use Grineer Ciphers for their own use?


The majority of weapons are stat variants of each other, which may be okay, however it reinforces the feeling of "I've done this before" when you are supposed to be testing your new weapon. For a game that was stated to focus on variety in gameplay mechanics over quantity and power, the majority of releases are generally the same mechanics with a stat adjustment here or there.


Worlds continue to have little to no interactivity within them. Where Grineer are standing near a giant boiler or something, it would be nice to have that explode in their faces and deal damage. The Mining machines in particular should deal damage; those explosions are purely aesthetic.



2) Insisted reliance on a framerate based tick system, which causes issues with weapons and physics on medium/low-end computers

No. Upgrading your computer should not be the only counter-attack to this issue, which sadly, I see a lot whenever someone brings it up.


I myself am running on a "decent" PC; it runs Skyrim on High settings with a fair few mods pretty well, and most current-gen games are playable at 30-45 fps, however on Warframe, I tend to have instances where the AI saturates my CPU time and performance drops to a crawl. This generally happens in 4-player online, where spawning is at it's highest.


During these periods, running up stairs is an impossibility. Weapon fire rates drop rapidly. You become a detriment not only to yourself but to your team. This could be resolved by moving the physics tick rate away from frames per second and something more fundamentally standard, like actual time? It's done on many, many games before Warframe, and leaving physics to Framerate is bad practice in general.



3) Exploration is often punished, not rewarded

Following Scott's opinion on an Unstuck feature in one of the Livestreams, it's a pretty big slap in the face to players that lose out on their ability to play effectively simply because the mappers aren't making sure their maps are safe to explore in. In the past I've lost a despair BP to getting stuck, and all I did was wallrun-jump from a wallrunning panel towards the door. I shot under the railings and floor, and got stuck in an antlion trap (Effectively) which I can't jump out of or move from in any way.


By playing legitimately, and getting stuck in these manners, with no means with which to recover, and the continued disregard for players displayed, was like a hemorrhage to my interest in the game. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's lost out on mods and gear they'd like to keep solely because of mapping issues, but I am sure that DE doesn't particularly care too much about affected players, at this point.


I've made a thread in the past which countered pretty much every issue Scott had with an unstuck system.



4) Lack of interesting Lore, the ridiculously slow pace of narrative content releases.

Lore has been promised since the beginning of Update 7. In the Design Council, Steve said that it was something he wants to focus on in Update 7.


It's Update 9. It's here now. But wait a moment. The underlying system Steve proposed was a system which encouraged exploration and creative use of mechanics to reach secret areas, which could contain Lore fragments. These Lore fragments would provide the Tenno with more and more information regarding the Warframe universe. This proposed system frankly is a lot more interesting to me than the current "you all get information as it arrives" system that's now been implemented.


The fact that it has taken 5 months to write a page or two of Lore suitable for public review is pretty hard to believe, and the diluted system presented to everyone now is a slap in the face of what it could have been.



These are but a few of the main reasons I have moved away, but as I missed the first few 7 day login rewards, it really made me start to wonder what I continued to see in the game. It makes one open their eyes and realise that the entire goal of Warframe is to keep you playing with the hook of a new item, when the actual mechanics themselves are still unrefined and problematic, and DE claims this is a feature.

Edited by Azure_Kyte
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The way i see micro transactions in beta is if you buy something on the market and the price gets lowered you should get the difference given back to you so its like you only paid for the most recent price. Should something get a price hike (I hope not) you shouldn't get charged anything.

Don't try and tell me this is not possible as I have seen red 5 do this with firefall.

another thing they try and avoid is set dates so they don't disappoint players much like DE has with their lore promises.


A big killer for me is just the bullet sponge enemies that are so boring to fight and get worse the higher you go.

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Why do players quit? Take for example a friend of ours who started a week after us - just after U9 came out. He went through the tutorial and straight into a Terminus mission. As it was his first mission he had no mods, no fancy frame and with only 75 health/shields on his Loki. The mission was in Nightmare mode, the other three high-ranked players were sprinting off into the distance, he didn't know the mission brief or what he was supposed to do, the controls were unfamiliar and the respawn rate was through the roof. 


WHY can new players get put with a team that has A, already started the mission leaving not even Lotus' brief words for a guide, B, get stuck in a mission scaled to players with maxed and forma'ed gear and C - and the only thing that was fixed - be in Nightmare mode?


I think he only ever did another few more missions and left the game. He is a hardcore gamer but the effups with the new player experience meant he had a terrible first impression and that is unfortunately true for many. First impressions last and if DE want the game to get anywhere they need to START with that, not more goodies for the gear wh0res


There's also the stupidity of the tilesets. First mission on Venus and we're on a planet. An icy planet that has a runaway greenhouse effect where any water that exists is in superheated gaseous form only. Yeah, way to draw me in DE. The tilesets should at least bear some resemblance to the planet in question if you want to use a planetary location.

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I shown Warframe to a friend. He picked Mag as starting frame and played a little bit. He then shown the game to another guy who also picked Mag. I helped them power-level a bit (standing on a box while I solo Xini).


All fine, now my friend told me that his friend has levelled Mag to 30, now which frame to go. I said something to him, which I quote here, word-to-word :


"His Mag is level 30 ! Great ! Now tell him to sell her, she is trash !"

Edited by rksk16it
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It sounds almost heretical to say, but maybe DE should re-close this game and put it through a massive re-dev phase before trying to expand on it.



I can agree with this.  In my personal opinion, if DE wants to save this game in the long run and have it stand the test of time for years, they need to seriously re-evaluate some things.  These forums are packed with great ideas from the community on how to improve the game.  I support it.





And for the person that said this community is full of elitists, you couldn't be more right.  It has it's great people, that's for sure.  And I appreciate all the feedback and debating about game suggestions.  But there is a large group on here that feel just because they've played it a bit longer, we all owe them something, and DE owes them something.

Edited by Bakercompany86
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There's also the stupidity of the tilesets. First mission on Venus and we're on a planet. An icy planet that has a runaway greenhouse effect where any water that exists is in superheated gaseous form only. Yeah, way to draw me in DE. The tilesets should at least bear some resemblance to the planet in question if you want to use a planetary location.


LOL ! True tho... they should've chosen a fictitous solar system, so that players dont expect any similarity with what they know from real world.

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In my opinion we need more planetary maps 0_0. And not the stupid little box rooms that we currently play in, cinematic-like awe inspiring futuristic environments that also showcase natural beauty, because most of what we currently play in is NOT any of that. So that we aren't constantly carrying out missions on semi deserted and dormant ships.

Edited by Jamescell
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In my opinion we need more planetary maps 0_0. And not the stupid little box rooms that we currently play in, cinematic-like awe inspiring futuristic environments that also showcase natural beauty, because most of what we currently play in is NOT any of that. So that we aren't constantly carrying out missions on semi deserted and dormant ships.

I can see this happening, but I'm sure it will take time.


Take a look at the corpus ships, from what I understand that was the initial maps that the game had.  Step forward now and look at the orokin tower and dojo tilesets, as well as the grineer ships and the like.  They are leaps and bounds ahead of the corpus boxy rooms (boxy rooms are fitting for the corpus too, but lack that charm too). 

This tells me the artists are learning and becoming allot more comfortable in their style and designs for the game, the level designers as well.  Personally I cant wait to see what comes out of the Grineer planetary complexes not to mention what comes after that as well.



As to the platinum and beta thing, keep in mind DE doesnt plan on ever doing a global reset (in fact they had to be begged to give us an optional one).  This does mean some things wont work as other game beta that reset quite frequently.

Sure it would be nice if they tweaked or modified bits here and there but I can see people having issues even with refunded platinum making them hesatant.

Edited by Loswaith
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  • 3 months later...

Yes, because never criticizing anything and being "positive" has helped so many people in the past..


It would if there were less negative people dragging the rest of the world down to their level.




Honestly, I've been playing for 200+ hours and I'm still not bored. Boredom is relative to each person, so saying that the game is boring to new players is coming completely from you and people you associate with, who all probably have at least somewhat similar interests to you, thereby you're all bored together.


I agree that the tutorial needs a rework, as do the DE which is why they are doing so. There no longer needs to be posts on here saying that the tutorial needs work, there needs to be posts on here saying how to rework the tutorial from your perspective.


I personally have nothing to input for that respect. It's been too long since I've played the tutorial, and I was already occasionally playing on the account of someone who had the game before me anyway, so I already knew the basics, therefore I'm not the right person to suggest improvements, but if you're going to say that something needs a rework, give a proper description of how you think they should do so, don't just complain and leave it at that.

Edited by KaeganDeoir
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I think if there was more multiplayer and less solo, duo play the game would be much more interesting. I love when I enter a new game and the community is huge. The region chat on the hone screen simply doesn't cut it.

Okay, so how do I communicate with players in game? Keep in mind that my left hand is on the keyboard, and my right is on my mouse, and the two are glued to their homes. I'm busy slapping bullets into the eyes of mooks.

I press the voice chat... Nothing. If they could get voice chat working, I could communicate with players in pick up games, and actually coordinate things. I might want to play with random people then, so long as they don't mind gaming with a nonskilled gamer. Edited by EvilKam
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