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Didn't Want That Vauban Anyway


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And you seriously don't think there's a problem when we get like 3 dark sword alerts in 2 days? or 2 physique alerts in the same day? They seriously should implement an alert system that repeats the alert at 12 hour interval. For example we get vauban systems alert at 5 pm whatever american time zone is used as standard and then we get another one 12 hours later. Will it mean some people use it to get multiple good things? yes. Does it mean people will miss good alerts due to silly things like sleep or work like now? Less likely

That would make the game too easy, when grinding bosses you are not assured a part for every run but for alert you already know what your gonna get. throwing in so many chances might literally just be spoon feeding the player. The way it is right now is not say perfect but also not bad, alert missions being low risk low reward where they don't come out often but u invest little time to get the item when they do where as boss grinding is high risk high reward, you can grind for hours and get nothing or get all 3 parts, so yea putting more missions would change the missions into low risk high reward, do like 3 missions and tada a warframe is given

Edited by xblackpandax
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And you seriously don't think there's a problem when we get like 3 dark sword alerts in 2 days? or 2 physique alerts in the same day? They seriously should implement an alert system that repeats the alert at 12 hour interval. For example we get vauban systems alert at 5 pm whatever american time zone is used as standard and then we get another one 12 hours later. Will it mean some people use it to get multiple good things? yes. Does it mean people will miss good alerts due to silly things like sleep or work like now? Less likely

No. there's no problem in that. dark sword, auras, are supposed to be more common than the rare ones like helmet and parts. and about the 12 hour alert:


That would make the game too easy, when grinding bosses you are not assured a part for every run but for alert you already know what your gonna get. throwing in so many chances might literally just be spoon feeding the player. The way it is right now is not say perfect but also not bad, alert missions being low risk low reward where they don't come out often but u invest little time to get the item when they do where as boss grinding is high risk high reward, you can grind for hours and get nothing or get all 3 parts, so yea putting more missions would change the missions into low risk high reward, do like 3 missions and tada a warframe is given

what he said.


and once again, if you have something more important to do and you know it's more important than a game, then why whine about an in game item that you can always have chance next time? I'm not against negative feedback. I'm against the whiners that called their whining "feedback".


(and btw, I agree with xblackpandax suggestion about choosing reward. that's what you can call "feedback")

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Alert systems have been made a lot more common, with [?] reward rates up and the duration of such alerts doubled due to user feedback. (in comparison to the one [?] mission popping up roughly once a week for half an hour wayyy back in the day)


Vauben is just a great example of pay4convenience to sidestep the RNG process. If you want it now then buy it straight up. Otherwise, play until you luck out with the right alert reward. A good method to minimize the random chance of specific Vauben part drops while still keeping Vauben exclusively an alert-based warframe is to average out how many blueprints a player picks up before obtaining all three warframe parts (based off typical boss-farming warframes) and have the player craft that many Vauben "tokens" to exchance for the warframe. A convenience fee that increased the number of Vauben "tokens" necessary would likely be added.


But to be honest, as time goes on, all of us will have enough copies of Vauben parts to craft it many times over.... just like we do for Banshee part blueprints.

Edited by Cakes
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but please, get used to it. Or just buy the damn Frame for plat, if you're so sought after that thing.


Just wait until you get your chance or just buy that god damn Warframe if you´ve got zero patience.


didn't you guys read the title? he doesnt want vauban...

why he felt the need to inform the whole forum about this, is beyond me

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Hey, didn't expect this to still be going.  Now that I have a little more time, I'll offer some numbers and real constructive feedback.


Vauban has three parts to it, and, as far back as I'm willing to go on the Twitter feed (Two weeks), Vauban parts showed up four (possibly five, but I think one was a cosmetic helmet) times - Once last week, three times the week before.  This averages out to once every three and a half days.  Of those, there's a one in three odds that the blueprint is a specific one, so on average ten and a half days to get a specific part if you need it (which is also the average time that it takes for someone to get all three parts assuming they come up sequentially).


Let's stick with just those numbers for a while.  Ten and a half days to get a warframe's components.  It took me three days of farming to get my Trinity parts and I was considered extremely unlucky; most people I know can bang out the three blueprint drops in a day, maybe two.  Though I'm admittedly lacking in comparisons since I only have two, ten days seems about the average time it took to get Frost Prime before they added all the new stuff to the tables for towers (so it might take longer now) including the time spent getting keys.  It's long, but it's not torturous.


But here's the added problem:  Those alerts appear for only one hour, often only 40 or 50 minutes.  Like many people I work for eight hours during the week and I spend eight hours sleeping.  So even if I'm watching the twitter feed 100% of my free time, including all day on weekends, I only have a 43% chance to actually be in a position to run the given alert.  This increases the average time it will take me to get the Vauban from ten and a half days to fifteen.  This goes up the more time I take to do other things in the real world like eat, bathe, and socialize, but it cannot go down.  This is pretty ridiculous if you ask me, especially since the alternative is paying $15 to buy the frame with real money - That's the equivalent of a freshly-released indy game at full price or a big-budget title like Dishonored during a Steam sale.


Vauban, as we all know, is one of the 'top tier' frames for its immense utility in Endless Defense missions.  Bastille alone is a must-have against Infested and fairly useful against Grineer and Corpus as well, and a Vauban/Frost combo is almost untouchable in Endless Defense.  This, combined with its difficulty in acquisition, makes it the single most popular Warframe to buy with platinum, which means in providing any feedback on this I'm asking DE to cut one of their revenue streams so I'm not expecting much.  But there are a few good suggestions in this thread that I could go with, namely making it so that 'Vauban alerts' aren't for specific parts but let the player choose what blueprint they get.  That would still mean you need to get three Vauban alerts to get the prints but would take away the frustration of needing one part only to see another part appear in the one Vauban alert you've seen that week.  Alternatively, extend the alerts that drop Vauban parts from one hour to four or so, which gives people more time to catch the alert and mitigates a big portion of the 'I can't do that, I'm at work' factor, though it doesn't completely eliminate it.



And for all those people who are confused, which is more than I thought it would be, the thread title is sarcastic.

Edited by Trylobyte
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Yes, this is a feedback forum but this isn't constructive, it's just you ranting about how mad you are that you can't get Vauban without coming up with solutions for people who can't be on twitter or warframe 24/7.


Having said that I agree that relying on pure RNG for Vauban is frustrating (I just got mine which I started on a few months ago). At least with Banshee there are missions that will eventually give you the BPs and you aren't bound by a time constraint.



I use the Warframe Nexus app, set the alarm to loop, and the filter to only alert me on things I don't have. I wake up in the middle of the night to do alerts.

I was wondering if something like this existing, thank you for posting this.

Edited by merryfistmas
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Correct, this is a feedback forum... for Warframes (not the game, the item). This thread is another topic complaining about the Alert system. None of which are feedback or related to Warframes themselves, just whining about not having it.


On topic, it took me over a month to get the third item needed to build my Vauban. It will not be a short journey as a lot of people missed the first of the third Vauban piece after it was released and had to wait a considerable period for it to drop again. Not every frame is easily obtainable, nor grindable from some specific place; it will definitely be a matter of chance.


The Feedback is that Vauban is too difficult to get because you have to rely on a specific set of RNG circumstances to come up, not once, but three times, AND you have to be available when the stars align and the CORRECT part comes up on the Alerts.


This is a valid feedback thread in which the OP is saying "Vauban is too hard/annoying/frustrating to obtain".


And those who are saying about the OP's topic name, have you guys ever heard of SARCASM!?


Seriously, now....


And I agree, even though I have a Vauban. No other Warframe is impossible log in and try for RIGHT NOW anytime you want. No, you have to wait for the Alert system to generate an alert, pray it is something you're capable of doing (and not something like Pluto Defense or something), and pray it doesn't happen some stupid crap like 3AM in the morning.


All other Warframes, you can log on anytime you want, hop in whatever assassination mission drops it (or, in the case of banshee, whatever raid/defense mission commonly rewards it).


But no, Vauban just has to be different.


I'd have to question DE's judgment in putting a 3-part item on freaking Alerts. Seriously? I always thought that was the dumbest idea ever.


well, i'm sorry for that. maybe if this kind of topic isn't the thousand times it posted, people will react differently.


well, I'm sorry, if DE would actually fix the problem then we wouldn't see threads like this, would we?


All they gotta do is take Vauban off alerts. Stick him in the same places you see Banshee.


I don't recall hearing a lot of complaints about how Banshee is acquired, do you?

Edited by Xylia
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And those who are saying about the OP's topic name, have you guys ever heard of SARCASM!?


In my defense, how would anyone know that it's a sarcastic remark? ;P


There wasn't a ;p, ;D. (lol), /Sarcasm, or any indicator that it was written in a  sarcastic tone.

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Rhea (Saturn): Enemy Recon Unit Located - 62m - 3900cr - Vauban Systems (Blueprint)


But here's the added problem:  Those alerts appear for only one hour, often only 40 or 50 minutes.  Like many people I work for eight hours (a day) during the week and I spend eight hours sleeping.

Just goes further to prove my point in how stupid the system for acquiring Vauban is.  Had zero chance to get this one because of work (I'm on my lunch break right now) and now I'm going to have to wait, on average, another two weeks to get another chance at it.  Joy.

Edited by Trylobyte
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Just goes further to prove my point in how stupid the system for acquiring Vauban is.  Had zero chance to get this one because of work (I'm on my lunch break right now) and now I'm going to have to wait, on average, another two weeks to get another chance at it.  Joy.

It's just luck, man, Took me like a month to get complete Vauban because I missed Systems twice. The one I got was like in the middle of the night, when I slept late for something else.

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One out of fourteen warframes is available through alerts and people still whine about it like it's mandatory...


The God Tier Warframe, no less.


If this were... say, Mag... I doubt anybody would be complaining.


In my defense, how would anyone know that it's a sarcastic remark? ;P


There wasn't a ;p, ;D. (lol), /Sarcasm, or any indicator that it was written in a  sarcastic tone.


I thought it was rather obvious, just from the wording "I didn't want it anyway" .... reeks of sarcasm IMO. Maybe it is a dialect thing.

Edited by Xylia
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that's exactly what i intend to do. Cant we just share the love and stop focusing on negative thing? They already know what OP want, because hundred people whine before him. Yet they dont change that because it was intended. There's no point to discuss this further and repeatedly. Just accept that you cant have everything and this is just a game.


If you think that a feedback forum is meant to avoid focusing on negative things, I don't think you understand the purpose.

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If you think that a feedback forum is meant to avoid focusing on negative things, I don't think you understand the purpose.

feedback is supposed to be constructive, not whining over negative things. tell what's wrong and tell what can be done to make it better, then it can be called feedback (I think we already said this repeatedly?)

and if you see some last posts in this thread, you can see that this actually happen because of bad luck. no one can be blamed because of a mere bad luck, yet this kind of thread keep appearing. and still without constructive feedback. still think I don't know the purpose? it's up to you then.

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feedback is supposed to be constructive, not whining over negative things. tell what's wrong and tell what can be done to make it better, then it can be called feedback (I think we already said this repeatedly?)

and if you see some last posts in this thread, you can see that this actually happen because of bad luck. no one can be blamed because of a mere bad luck, yet this kind of thread keep appearing. and still without constructive feedback. still think I don't know the purpose? it's up to you then.


A lot of people are asking that something else be done with Vauban's BPs.


Stick him in with Banshee, increase the % chance his parts appear on Alerts, etc etc etc etc.


Or maybe the OP doesn't know what Exactly to do with it?


Feedback is a user's thoughts on a certain subject. This is the Warframe Feedback Forum, so any thoughts we have about something in-game belongs here.


The OP saying "Vauban is too RNG/luck-based to obtain" is a valid complaint. He'd like it to be improved, made a lot less luck-based.


And to be honest, are you seriously trying to say that Vauban ISN'T at least 10x harder than any other Warframe in the game to acquire, due to the ridiculousness of having to wait for his Alerts to appear some time and place you're able to get it?

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Feedback is a user's thoughts on a certain subject. This is the Warframe Feedback Forum, so any thoughts we have about something in-game belongs here.


The OP saying "Vauban is too RNG/luck-based to obtain" is a valid complaint. He'd like it to be improved, made a lot less luck-based.


And to be honest, are you seriously trying to say that Vauban ISN'T at least 10x harder than any other Warframe in the game to acquire, due to the ridiculousness of having to wait for his Alerts to appear some time and place you're able to get it?

if this is the first thread about that, maybe me and some people will react differently. but after the hundred whine about vauban and nothing is changed, can we at least start the discussion with something constructive? not the "oh no i have bad luck. f*** you de".


and no, vauban difficulty to get the parts is depend on luck. it isn't harder if you're lucky enough, but yeah, hard if you aren't lucky. the thing is, some people still think that they deserve to get an in-game item just because they play the game, or because they work or have some more important activities outside the game. it's fine if they have something more important, but that doesn't mean they deserve to get anything. if that the case then I also deserve to get vanguard helmet or 12 hour vanguard helmet alert because i'm currently at work.

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I have to say I was lucky to get the Vauban parts as easily as I did. Going back through the Twitter feed there weren't a lot of opportunities to get it recently especially you consider how they were split out over timezones:


It's come up 5 times TOTAL in the last ~month. The times in Eastern time(US):

9:37 AM - 6 Aug

4:00 PM - 24 Jul

12:21 AM - 23 Jul

8:38 AM - 14 Jul

10:02 PM - 10 Jul


Of those 5 it's quite normal to be either asleep or at work for 4 of them and to not be around for the fifth.


This isn't even people being spoiled or lazy or whatever for not wanting to "work" for something(spoilers: playing a game isn't work), this is seriously "the window to be able to obtain this is incredibly narrow". As for not being "constructive", I think it's pretty obvious that the solution is "make it come up more often". Just because something isn't neededless complex and convoluted doesn't mean it isn't a good idea.

Edited by LightCleric
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You know, I am really really really really getting tired of the "deal with it" people.




Don't freaking like it?




Now get the hell out.


I love you.



EDIT:  Maybe by feedback they thought it meant we want their feedback about us posting here?

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