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Push Limits Of Level Design, w/ Examples


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This steps slightly outside of the core gameplay loop of Warframe, to stretch the concepts and explore the assets and resources for differentiated gameplay. 

Imagine levels that have greater parkour/platforming focus. Levels, that transformed your player into a Kubro, or Kavat. Levels,  that had you play extensively as your operator.


The Flux Landscape

The void destabilized landscape. Imagine, if say a region of Eris, or Sedna, or  Ceres, or any planetoid on the star chart had a landscape that was destabilized by a void cataclysm. This Landscape would utilize a version  of tile map system that the common maps are made of. Only, very large, and ever shifting. The geography is constantly in flux and the biome shifts and alters with the ebbs and flow of the void energy. 


Baro's Mansion

A mission where the players are raiding Baro K'Teers Mansion to extract relics to dangerous to be sold on the open market. This Mansion is designed to keep thieves out, especially Tenno thieves.  It is designed like a escher painting, defying the laws of physics. Powered by void relics, the nature and defenses of the Mansion will require creative and capable Tenno to conquer. 


The Magic Of Earths Forests

There is a grove that promises secrets and knowledge for those who dare to enter, but the strange ways of these woods risk making interlopers disappear. Players are transformed into Kubrow, or Kavats while entering the realm, or portions of it.


The Stream

The virtual space of the data stream, naturally allows for any environment and expression to be possible. Perhaps, there is particular Cepholon domain that must be raided by brave Tenno, and face the rules of the particular masters of their domains rules and eccentricities. 

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How about Baro's Orokin Mansions/Resorts/Amusement Park.

Where our clever trader is actually more like a thief, like Maroo, than we've realized and goes spelunking in abandoned Orokin places to get his supplies, and maybe Ducats were a form of Orokin tokens for old Vending Machines like the sorts known in Japan? Could give a reason for why that form of currency is used.


One other thing I'd add is more transitions where we have to blast our way through. There are some neat ones here and there can easily think of that one Kuva Fortress one, so more of that would be lovely as more tiles are added and worked on.


I like the potential for the other ideas, just felt that the Baro one could be expanded a bit and help explain where he's at in between visits and shared one of my own for existing tilesets.

Edited by SPARTAN-187.Thanatos
adding to idea
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