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Possible fix to improve PoE


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Right now I hate having to go to do bounties on Cetus. I love Warframe, I think the idea of Cetus and it's beauty is great. I don't think it's good to force people there though because more often than not I leave there with a headache. The loading in and out of that dang door.. Running to try to catch up to everyone as they try to speed through bounties. No opportunities to stop and smell the roses, or scan a rock ;) Bounty and loading glitches, host migrations.. Anyone else feel a tension headache coming on?

I think one way to greatly improve this area is to move Konzu outside the Cetus door. This way we can stay in an instance and continue choosing bounties. Players can come and go as they want. Require them to call an extraction if you want but that damn door in between little bounties makes me really aggrevated.  I honestly spend more time trying to load in and out than I usually do actually completely the bounty.

I think another idea is only rarely require the next bounty stage to be more than 100m away.  You gain almost 0 credits from Cetus. You gain almost 0 affinity. All this stress and work isn't rewarding enough. Heck make the bounty stage rewards random per person and allow everyone to select their rewards like we do for relics. Something needs to counteract the work vs reward imbalance.

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I've seen a number of cool ideas on how to improve the plains.

One, archwing launcher consumables are the dumbest thing. Instead, perhaps have a permanent version of those to get around, and a consumable that can call in our orbiter to extract you if you'd like. That or have an optional extraction point (hit x to extract) or something at the end of every bounty. Admittedly though, the upcoming drivable Dargyn things will help with players that don't do plains things enough to get a steady supply of the dumb archwing beacons. Legit though, we pull them out of our &#! when we jump into water on water planets, but as soon as we're in the plains, naaaaaah.

Another thing is to just... give us Tenno a damn radio to talk to Konzu. I mean, he talks into our ear, why not choose bounties from our end? Hell, mix in that extraction point idea up there, swap it out for a beacon that allows communication with Konzu. You can either choose to speak with Konzu and get a new bounty, or call in your ship to head back to your orbiter or go back to Cetus.

They were very correct when they said that all we did before the plains was go back and forth from the orbiter to missions, endlessly, but that's the same thing we're doing now, but more painful. Going back and forth between the plains and Cetus, endlessly. But this time with travel time and buggy doors.

(I've actually been very lucky with the plains, I have very few issues with it. I also don't hate the walking as much as I sound like I do, but some QoL would be fantastic)

I also dunno if it's just me, but the plains are ridiculously dark at night ever since weather was a thing. Yes, I know, night should be dark but... considering we have literally no options to light up an area so we can actually see, I feel we should either get a boost to the brightness level in the plains, or get some dandy little thing that provides light in an AOE. Obviously boosting brightness would be the best choice. Some things demand gameplay over realism.


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  • 2 weeks later...

We definitely need some QoL change.

I like the idea of either putting him in the Plains or letting us call him. I just hope it saves our rewards after each bounty without having to leave the plains so that a disconnection doesn't lose you 5 bounties worth of rewards you've earned all at once.

I suppose the chosen bounty may have to be on a vote system or only forcibly matchmake from within after the level is chosen. What keeps the team you did a tier 5 bounty with from hijacking your run and only selecting tier 1 bounties after calling in for more?

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