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Dojo and Room limitation


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Hello, fellow Tenno

I was peacefully building my dojo for a month and today I reached the 100 rooms cap for my dojo.

I need like 15 - 20 more rooms to completely finish my dojo without having a dead end everywhere T^T

Right now if i have to reajust my dojo i have to dismantle like 20 rooms just to be able to cover all those dead end. 

By the way, just the reactors takes 14 rooms plus the fact that i have to link them with more corridor just for them. (Count as room too)


Why do we have a limitation ?!


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Reactors should be upgrade-able so you only need 1 reactor room.

It felt really odd having to build 3, just to have the basic labs so far (Oracle, Orokin Lab, Tenno Lab, Energy Lab, Chem Lab, Bio Lab)... and I haven't added the other dojo rooms that feel more interesting, yet. I don't get the whole pre-requisite halls needed to build bigger halls either... huge unnecessary rooms that fill too much space.

I just hope, after building all the "necessary" (in other words, useful) rooms, I have enough space for extras that I just want for fun. (So far, I'm a solo clan builder, with a friend who might eventually play - mainly built the dojo to have a trading post to give stuff to him when he starts playing)


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