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Unairu School Feedback


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Before I begin, I will skip the unimportant or already good passives/abilities whitin the Unairu focus school.

Void Spines:

Cost: 1Million Focus (1-2 days of focus and eidolon farming)

Drain: 11

Passive ability: Returns 100% of damage back to the atacker.

Issues: This passive has a very expensive drain and unlock cost for how minimal it is. The best chance at kiling an enemy by reflecting bullets back at them is by using a Sonar Banshee. And even then the Banshee would probably get killed by the bullets. The big problem is you need to take damage to benefit from this, and enemies will deal low damage and have massive health or armor, making them nearly imposible to kill via reflecting alone.

Suggested fix: Replace or turn into a % that lowers the damage taken by a certain %.

Void Shadow and Void Chrysalis:

Costs and Drain: Very cheap, low drain.

Active Ability: Void Shadow turns allies within 25m of the operator (50m diameter) invisible and drains 4 energy per ally (at rank 0 1 energy per ally but 5m range)

Void Chrysalis makes invisible allies take 80% less damage within 25m but drains 4 energy per ally (at rank 0 1 energy per ally but 5m range)

Issue: Combined together they can drain an absurd amount of energy (8 per ally), making the ability last only a few seconds (~12) and with a single nekros in your squad you will run out of energy faster than you can regen it. Void Chrysalis is mostly useless as invisible allies will almost never get targeted to begin with.

Suggested fix:

Void Shadow: Make the drain 4 energy per ally at rank 0 and 1 per ally at max rank.

Void Chrysalis: Replace or rework.

Unairu Wisp:

Costs and Drain: Expensive but the ability is almost excelent.

Active: Void blasting any enemy will summon a wisp that the player can pick up for 100% amp damage for 12 seconds.

Issue: The wisp can be quite difficult to pick up due to it being extremely small (smaler than the cetus wisp) constantly moving and hard to spot.

Suggested fix: Increase wisp size or replace the wisp with something more vissible such as Vombalyst Bloom (Or more logically a void rift) except it buffs operators within a few metters of it (15m) for 100% damage for 12s.

Sundering Dash:

Drain and cost: Very expensive, benefits only single targets.

Active Ability: Dashing through enemies permanently removes 75% of their armor and stacks with diminising returns.

Issue: The only issue is that it requires mutiple dashes making it only usefull on priority targets such as bosses or juggernauts.

Suggested fix: The ability no longer displaces enemies but strips them of 100% armor and 100% shields for 15 seconds (during the 15 seconds they are unable to recuperate shields*)

Crippling Dash:

Cost and Drain: Medium, low reward

Active ability: Dashing through an enemy lowers their damage by 50%.

Issue: With 50% less damage enemies will still be dealing massive amounts of damage, and the ability will not take care of an entire room but of only several enemies while another enemy can freely take shots at the operator.

Suggested fix (also synergizes):

Dashing through enemies disables their guns/weapon for 15 seconds (similar to Shooting Gallery or Polarize Augment)

PS: Sorry for gramatical mistakes.

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Void Spikes:

I agree, it's a rather gimmicky ability right now, loosing it's impact much quicker than any other base trait. It definitly requires to change.

Void Shadow

I personally really dislike traits to increase in powerconsumption, when level up.

However i also think, that, since Void Shadow is undeniably potent, 1 drain per ally is a but to low. I'd prefer 2 or 3 energy on every rank.

Void Chrysalis:

I'd prefer this trait to not consistantly drain energy per, but only when you or and ally are actually hit.

Sundering Dash:

The proposed change sound very good to me. If you consider enormous strngth of Naramons Dash modifiers this whould hardly be to much.

Crippling Dash:

I think this is the point where it whould go to far. I think it's fine as is. Especially IF Sundering Dashs whould be greenlit this whould make enemies basically unable to to anything.

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4 minutes ago, Walkampf said:

Void Shadow

I personally really dislike traits to increase in powerconsumption, when level up.

However i also think, that, since Void Shadow is undeniably potent, 1 drain per ally is a but to low. I'd prefer 2 or 3 energy on every rank.

Void Chrysalis:

I'd prefer this trait to not consistantly drain energy per, but only when you or and ally are actually hit.

I understand your point but.

Increasing the drain on Void Shadow would result in no theoretical changes at all to Void Chrysalis and Void Shadow as they would still drain a lot if not more energy per ally.

6 minutes ago, Walkampf said:

Crippling Dash:

I think this is the point where it whould go to far. I think it's fine as is. Especially IF Sundering Dashs whould be greenlit this whould make enemies basically unable to to anything.

Ok maybe I went a bit too far with this one, but usually you will only void dash 10% of the enemies you actually fight.

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vor 7 Minuten schrieb DustyFlash:

Ok maybe I went a bit too far with this one, but usually you will only void dash 10% of the enemies you actually fight.

You are right,you don't dash every enemiy. But you need to keep in mind, what type of enemies those 10% consist of.

Hardly anyone whould bother dashing a Butcher. You'd dash a Bombard or Napalm and thus with one dash you'd completly remove the biggest threat from the playingfield.

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6 minutes ago, Walkampf said:

You are right,you don't dash every enemiy. But you need to keep in mind, what type of enemies those 10% consist of.

Hardly anyone whould bother dashing a Butcher. You'd dash a Bombard or Napalm and thus with one dash you'd completly remove the biggest threat from the playingfield.

Fair point, completely disabling an enemy for 15 seconds such as a Bombard, Tech, Nullifier etc is a bit too much and can be abussed.

How about this:

Cripling Dash (to be renamed) now increases the damage enemies take for 15s by 1.5x (mutiplier instead of additive, making the player try to maintain unairu "rift" and the dash mutiplier bonus)

Or this:

Enemies affected by crippling dash will now explode on death (within 6 seconds if killed*) petrifying nearby enemies (5m radius or lower) for 3 seconds and dealing 10% of their health as explosion damage (1000 base explosion damage as void damage, or lower or no base damage) . . . A bit over the top I know, but has minimal potential, its free to cast and offers ocassional short cc to let you breath.

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