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Zephyr's Airwalk Suggestions


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Hi! I've been really enjoying the recent updates. Wanted to make a suggestion regarding Zephyr's new tailwind- this was a thing before but now that tailwind has so much more duration and range, its becoming more of an issue.

Basically, when indoors the tailwind can be used to dash through hallways and get to the ceiling to rain fire from above. However, the issue is that the duration of tailwind continues even after you hit a wall or ceiling. this leads to a few seconds of kinda humping the wall and glitching  for a second, unable to move until the dash ends. it's not really a big deal but it'd be nice to be able to dash and have the tailwind stop when you hit a wall. 

I don't know how hard this would be to implement, as it would require detecting that something is stopping Zephyr? but it would be really great in terms of polish. I wouldn't want Zephyr's duration or the length of the dash to get nerf'd because it's super fun and amazing right now, I just think hitting a wall should stop the effect so you can hard brake. here's a couple alternative ideas-

  • Hitting a wall or ceiling has the same effect as a divebomb, damaging any nearby enemies. You could even make it so dashing directly into an enemy does a bunch of damage, like turning into a missile.
  • Hitting a wall or ceiling stops advancement from tailwind, and transfers any remaining dash duration into the time you hover in the air. this would mean after dashing to the ceiling we would have more time to sit up there shooting with the Kulstar or Lenz or Tonkor or whatever.

I LOVE using zephyr in the plains now. it's way more fun than Titania or even archwing (because of the lack of brakes on archwing). I'm happy with everything about Zephyr but I wanted to throw this out there to maybe make her a little less clunky in enclosed spaces. Thank you for listening and if there's anything I misunderstood or any additions to this idea please let me know!


tl;dr make tailwind stop when you hit a wall or ceiling, so that zephyr isn't dashing into it for 2 or 3 seconds like a derp.

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I’ve had the idea in my head were they some how turn tail wind/dive bomb into her “roll” how they would do that I’m not exactly sure but they’re smart I’m sure they could figure it out. For example like what they did with limbo. Make it more of a “dash” then a straight 20+ meter “fly” depending on your build of course. It’s just a suggestion though so take it with a grain of salt.

Edited by (PS4)supernova5069
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