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Lightning Chroma: Room to Improve!


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Hi! Since everyone's looking at Chroma right now, i can see space to come and hawk some of my own ideas on ways to improve my favorite Chroma, Lightning Chroma!

Lightning Chroma was never really a contender, commonly known to be inferior in usefulness to Ice and Fire, while people who had a lot of time with him saying it was beat out by Toxin aswell.

Post the Shrine of Eidolon update 22.12, I think Lighting Chroma has the biggest space to maneuver in balance-wise. He is the most MAD as far as needing range, strength, and duration, as opposed to his other elemental builds which benefit more than they suffer from ignoring range. This added stress on his lightning builds could be a boon though, since he has been changed overall to be more capable of squad oriented play, as DE gave his powers new opportunities to affect ally's. The changes I have in mind really only relate to Elemental Ward, the most decisive skill of his kit for differentiating the elemental Chroma's from one another (appealing to different imagery's  and artistic fantasy choices).

My idea would be to have Chroma's shields fully recharge after the standard shield recharge delay is finished, or to have no delay at all, and just constantly regenerate, like nidus but with shields.


My other change would be for Chroma to constantly discharge the last instance of damage to shields he took to the enemies around him, making him an actual lightning dragon instead of an occasional bug zapper! The damage could even be a fraction of the original, since Elemental Wards status proc chance would be great for his own and his squads survival (he currently, when damaged targets one creature within range with an arc of lightning, which deal electricity damage and has a base statis proc chance of 25%. I think that at the very least this could effect creatures in a radial burst when it occurs, rather than a single target).

Lastly, as a buff to all Chroma's, but specifically our electric friend, i think the base range on all of this Elemental Wards seperate features should be set to 18 meters. Elemental Ward and Vex Armor already share a duration, i think they should also share their range, so the sweet-spot of engagement and team buffing is more clear for players. Of course this is a much better thing for Lightning Choma, since his Elemental Wards Lightning Arcs actually scale with range modifiers, and has a base range of 10 meters. This will make it more worthwhile for him to mod for range and it will help his teammates out should they want to get in on the new, extra-zappy shield buffs!

If anyone's interested or has their own ideas revolving around lightning Chroma or my proposed changes, it would be great to see them!

Edited by BigPapiPimp
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sorry for the self bump, but i just learned about shield gates, and how great they are! in that case while the aforementioned Lightning Elemental Ward is up, maybe just have his shields instantly restore themselves after the shield recharge delay run's out.

Edited by BigPapiPimp
dope! forgot how to forums
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Quick shield recharge would be a nice addition to Lightning chroma, combine with arcane Aegis for some possible hilarious recharge rate. However it still won't be as viable as ice or fire because shields as a mechanic are lackluster. But nonetheless +1

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30 minutes ago, Buzkyl said:

But nonetheless +1

Thanks for checking it out!

yeah, i looked up shield gates and thought they were implemented based on a DE stream that came up, but they were never actually put in the game, which kinda suck because they would have improved the usefulness of shields a good amount. Maybe they don't want to make corpus more resistant to one-shots.

Another potential change to Chroma's Lighting Elemental Ward: it could keep regenerating shields past the normal maximum, into over shields? One way to look at it is that shields are weak, another way to look at it is that DE has more room to buff abilities that manipulate them, like Lightning Chroma, especially after the hit to his defensive potency.

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