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The only challenge in Warframe is how fast you can cheese through missions. Why newbies leave


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4 hours ago, (PS4)leduanjohan said:

That's been requested a lot. After so many years I'm led to believe the reason it hasn't been implemented yet is because they would feel compelled to add better rewards along with the addition of more challenging missions, and that's a no no for them. Part of their business is to not let players progress too quickly to incentivize market purchases, boosters, potatoes, forma, etc. If they increase the level certain warframe combinations will still trivialize the content. Basically you'd be able to progress faster (if the missions rightly so yielded better rewards) with little effort (4 player squads).

How you go about this problem? Even if DE added higher level missions without the better rewards, players would still demand better rewards. No rewards then players wouldn't bother investing time in those missions, so the missions would not be played. 

Only increasing mission level won't do anything unfortunately. DE needs to make harder content period that cannot be cheesed, so that they can feel that then it would be possible to add better rewards, and the missions would be played regularly. A balance in reward and effort.

I made this game mode suggestion specifically thinking about 4 player squads that I think would be fun and would justify better rewards due to the increasing difficulty: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/918653-hardcore-survival-how-bad-does-this-idea-sound/?tab=comments#comment-9479384

I don't think something like the above could be cheesed but I might be proven wrong. Anyways, it's a hard mode survival where abilities are disabled as you progress in the mission, enemies reach decent levels faster, and defeating mini bosses is required to advanced.

Honestly i don't have much problem with your issue and i see you're a forward thinker, but you must remember, that higher level missions offer more affinity, which means you don't really need rewards, as the mission level itself provides that. Something i was toying around with was to have a special mission with increased  level scaling and checkpoints that can last a week. Every time you enter, you pick up at the level you left off. The bonus of course comes after a week and grants you different rewards for whatever level you stopped at. Honestly, a nice looking armor set, sigil, and badge would make it all well worth it. Fashion frame is the true endgame, and never underestimate the power of bragging rights and showing off lol

Something long lasting like a weekly mission could give you great rewards with scaling potential without the farming  aspect interfering like it was feared for with sorties and trials.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)Fairfied said:

Clearly the vast majority of players are new players, my source: 6500 hours of gameplay, being the Warlord of a clan, and observation.  If you pay attention you can also deduce that this is also the factor that drives many of the decisions that DE makes, case in point, the removal of raids.

In my hometown, I don't see people with a dark skin color. I see caucasians, I see asians.
My assumption. Dark skin tones are the wast minority on our planet.
That's a wrong assumption. So no, your observation doesn't help. Sources help. And if you can give such source, then you don't state stuff.

Another guy said something about the Trophies on PS4. That's just stupid. Theses Trophies take every registered user into account. Even if that user doesn't play anymore.
What we want to know is the number of active players and their level.
So come back when you work for DE. Then you can show me that numbers.

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5 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

In my hometown, I don't see people with a dark skin color. I see caucasians, I see asians.
My assumption. Dark skin tones are the wast minority on our planet.
That's a wrong assumption. So no, your observation doesn't help. Sources help. And if you can give such source, then you don't state stuff.

Another guy said something about the Trophies on PS4. That's just stupid. Theses Trophies take every registered user into account. Even if that user doesn't play anymore.
What we want to know is the number of active players and their level.
So come back when you work for DE. Then you can show me that numbers.

It's not that your arguments are nitpicky and out of place here, which already alludes to you being a troll; but they are false too. 

1. You stated before, that my one mistake deems my whole OP as false and to be deleted by the internet police. That's a known logical fallacy. 

2. Your example about your hometown is wrong. Warframe newbies/veterans (-300h/300+) is more like young/elderly ratio (-60/60+), the disparity of races doesn't have anything to do with it. 

3. About PS4 Trophies you are right. It's still a fair indication though. You just have to tone down the ratio, but it can say something until further investigation. It's not "stupid", it's just flawed. 

4. "Come back when you work for DE." - If arguing would work like that, it would be very comfortable for the troll right? Because demanding facts is always viable without facts, right? 

Internet is your city. 


I'm not assuming that you're a troll by the way (would be a fallacy as in 1.). What about the topic at hand? What's your opinion about cheese/challenge/engagement, new mission types? We would genuinely appreciate your feedback. 

Edited by (PS4)Snypomaniac
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8 hours ago, (PS4)leduanjohan said:

Only increasing mission level won't do anything unfortunately. DE needs to make harder content period that cannot be cheesed, so that they can feel that then it would be possible to add better rewards, and the missions would be played regularly. A balance in reward and effort.

Very true.

The mission type with the bosses sounds very viable. This actually mixes the two good sides of Warframe, the cheesy mob looter and the engaging combat. 

Arena enemies, enemy phantoms could be incorporated. Where you have to evade, use your combat versatility, sinergize teamwork. What about this: four phantoms appear, each one locked on one player, and there is no progression until they are dead. 

Enemies with way tougher uncheesable barriers, or/and making the barriers (like bubbles of eximus, nullifiers) tougher. Barriers (cover system) make other games AI look smart (no, I don't want cover system, no). Already when we see a nullifier we have to snap out of the cheese sometimes to engage.

Edited by (PS4)Snypomaniac
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By the way, Dark sectors are very much just in development, so it's not far fetched, that the players could effect the outcome with ideas. I think we can agree that we don't want just another grindfest, this time with a timer and whatnot. 

I think DE learned the wrong lesson from the fact, that not many play the Arenas and PvP. They think we want the grindfest then. But why not both? Why no arena executioners in endless defense for example? 

Or PoE is a very good place for this, because bounties are heavily staged, "you cannot progress until...". Just not more knockdown enemies like the Ghouls, please...

((I keep highlighting some key things by the way in case DE happens to scroll through such a thread. Sorry if it's annoying.))

Edited by (PS4)Snypomaniac
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I'm a newby with about 50 hours spent in-game.

My bro is about to leave this game and we had a talk about it.

As I see it, the best rework would be higher lvl of enemies on all planets and an advanced AI. These mobs aren't dumb, but they could be more cooperatice to each other, or have some strategy. I liked my first encounter with the stalker even if i died almost imidiately. Mini bosses would also salt the game a bit. Especially if they could command their troops.

More types of puzzles could also make the experience more colorful. Anicent cultures (orokin, eidolon) with their own type (or every planet).

If the game could be more team-based (e.g.:base enemy lvl+2*party_members or more same-time actions on different places (like door opening)). I know it makes harder to solo, but the community IS THE BEST I'VE EVER SEEN so it wouldn't matter much.

And more open world area. I like the PoE, but it's too plain for my taste. A space a mountain and an underwater map would be more than enough. It gives the taste of an RPG.

I know it means years of hard work, but keep up the good work! I love this game (even the farming, which i hate in other games).

EDIT: A tutorial for stats and mods would be great too for beginners.

I would like if the player should do the forging in the foundry. I mean we should put together the parts and then the forging time would be when te robot puts together what we made. And if something is messed up, then ingame features could appear during missions like vibrating sreen, short time shock or simply decreased stats. 
Make foundry a fun thing!

This game is just not enogh of a challange for most of the gamers.

Edited by Jeksamat
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8 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

autistic screeching

this is beyond embarassing and totally out of context my friend, just stop grasping at straws and making a fool of yourself, there re people here actually contributing to the conversation that you're diluting with pages of nothing but sheetposts, making it worse for people with actual common sense wanting to have a constructive dialogue

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