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Zephyr needs just a few more tweaks!


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I'm loving the Zephyr updates, but while playing her I've found some problems and came up with some ideas for fixes.

1. Tailwind is too fast! I don't want the speed reduced of course, it's super fun. What we need instead is more control, like the ability to instantly cancel it into Divebomb. Tailwinding around indoors can be pretty dangerous, getting you stuck in walls sometimes. Being able to cancel it into Divebomb instantly would help a lot with maneuvering through tight quarters. Also an alternate input for Divebomb would be ideal for this, like pressing crouch during Tailwind, so you don't have to instantly aim down all the time.

2. Tornadoes are still pretty aimless. More control over their movement would be nice, like Divebomb quickly drawing the nearest tornado to the impact point, or Tailwind dragging a tornado with you. Also tornadoes having an increased suction effect on ragdolled enemies would be a great bit of synergy. Also they still vanish through walls sometimes.

3. Divebomb impact just barely slows you down enough to be annoying, especially when you want to bypass her slow fall speed. Being able to cancel the impact animation into a slide would be great for maintaining flow.

And that's about it! I feel these changes or something similar would go a long way towards making Zephyr even more fun and speedy to play.

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