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Venus Environment and Open World Suggestions


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So, Venus...

IRL, Venus is a rather inhospitable place, with an atmosphere consisting of 96% CO2, with trace amounts of hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acid, shrouded by an opaque layer of highly reflective clouds of sulfuric acid. Venus's surface is a dry desertscape interspersed with slab-like rocks and is periodically resurfaced by volcanism. Almost a thousand impact craters on Venus are evenly distributed across its surface.

How this should relate to Warframe:

I fully acknowledge that most of the planets, moons, and dwarf planets used as locations in Warframe have been terraformed at one point or another by one faction or another (well, except Earth, but that's for another thread). That said, given its proximity to the sun, THERE IS NO POSSIBLE WAY VENUS HAS AN ICY ENVIRONMENT. It's too close for even its poles to freeze, even if water was reintroduced via terraforming. Venus should be rocky, hot (the actual surface temp averages 462C), with an orange sky (as described by the Soviet Venera probes), with a multitude of active volcanoes; terraforming might smooth things out, maybe reduce the cloud cover and volcanic activity, but the heat is mostly solar. 

What I propose:

It's no secret that the Devs are looking to redesign Venus. Between the heat, trace levels of strong acids in the air, and dense clouds of acid, I suggest that, similar to the storms that affect Ceres and Sedna, random heat and corrosive procs would force the occupation of the surface to be dependent on shield-domes to protect from the heat and acidic environment. As you move out of civilized areas, you would be dependent on personal shields (or vehicular shields, for Corpus caravans moving between settlements/outposts), environmental generator stations akin to those on Europa, and/or localized generators akin to those used in The Jordas Verdict. Without shields, the environment would cause armor to degrade over time while outside. A happy side effect of this is that this provides lore to explain why the Grineer have not been able to invade or occupy Venus, as the Grineer susceptible to both heat and acid. Random acidic rain could compound the environmental effects.

Venus also has a much weaker magnetic field compared to Earth, which actually results from the interaction of solar winds on its ionosphere, rather than being generated by a fluid core (like Earth), leaving it susceptible to cosmic radiation. This could throw an interesting monkeywrench into any surface activities, should the Devs opt to include a random chance of a solar storm which could potentially add the irradiated environment seen in some sorties and events, or to possibly wreak havoc on electronics, communications, and perhaps even the transference connection.

And on top of all that, an orange sky would just be cool.

Hat tip to my clanmate WNxSpectre for helping me flesh this out and for convincing me to post.


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6 minutes ago, Praetor_Fenix said:


Counterpoint: The game and devs say it is. The beings that designed the system can possess bodies and live for quite a long time, possibly forever. There's a sentient dimension that turns people into figurative or literal monsters. Venus could be made of candy at this point and using actual science to refute a fictional story is silly.

Also: a quick way to make sure nobody plays a planet would be Radiation storms on normal nodes.

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15 minutes ago, Praetor_Fenix said:

should the Devs opt to include a random chance of a solar storm


4 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

Also: a quick way to make sure nobody plays a planet would be Radiation storms on normal nodes.

The operative word is random. The effects would not necessarily be permanent throughout the mission. The storm comes and passes, and all is well again.

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1- No one knows if Venus is entirely icy.

2- Based on the lore, the only part thats still icy is the mountains where the terraforming towers are still working.

3- We don't know how the terrafoming device works



"Hidden and entrenched in the mountainous peaks of Venus, the Corpus practice their industrious craft. the superstructures built here are a testament to the inventive Corpus engineers that have settled in regions where lingering Orokin technologies still moderates surface temperatures."

Venus Fragment



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I think the idea of a corrosive acidic rain enviornment is brilliant.  Its in keeping with what we actually know of the planet.  This corrosive atmosphere should mean that outside of corpus shield domes armour takes a large penalty over time that its exposed to the acidic environment and health damage would follow that.  This would explain why the Grineer hoards cannot easily wrest venus from corpus hands.  Corpus shielding grants the Corpus a strong advantage in protecting themselves from the toxic corrosive environment.


I want to see this idea implimented.  We could also have mission types where protecting the shield generators from being disabled , or alternatively taking down corpus generators, in specified spots is our goal.


As a long time player this makes sense to me.  In warframe cold enviroments have always meant weaker shields, so it never made sense why the corpus would be holding out on ice planets where their shields are at a disadvantage.  Venus would also look incredibly beautiful with the vivid colours Praetor discribed.  Imagine the sunsets in such an alien environment.  Lots of creative potential.


DE please pay attention to Praetor's suggestion.  This sounds great.

Edited by WNxSpectre
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