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We Need Endgame And A Challenge - What Do We Expect For Warframe's Future?


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So I checked it. If infested could run walls and ceiling, that would be awsome. It would be truly infested mission because infestation would be literally everywhere.

I also got an idea that these... I don't know how to call it... lets say "infested grass" which distinguish infested ships from normal ships could grap player's leg when you walk over it and you would shoot it / slash it to free yourself.

And what about some kind of chameleon infested which would have textures of ship?


those would be ranged ones, or even better, in non defense missions, there would be infected turrets and poison mines (increased amount with higher levels)

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So I checked it. If infested could run walls and ceiling, that would be awsome. It would be truly infested mission because infestation would be literally everywhere.

I also got an idea that these... I don't know how to call it... lets say "infested grass" which distinguish infested ships from normal ships could grap player's leg when you walk over it and you would shoot it / slash it to free yourself.

And what about some kind of chameleon infested which would have textures of ship?



:o :o :o


I really find that interesting..... that's a great idea xD. Walking through ship's infestation and suddenly getting grabbed would add a very nice touch

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I agree that we need more end game and challenge.  Beyond that I would like to see improvements to the interface to provide more of a sense of community. My Clan is awesome, no doubt about it, but I still feel isolated when playing. There is no chat when i am on a mission, at least i don't think there is, and the chat window in the lobby is always getting buried. 


I highly recommend reading about Player Experience of Need Satisfaction (PENS) here




or here




We will be in great shape if DE/Warframe does a good job covering the bases of PENS.   PENS in summary:


Competence: overcoming challenges
Autonomy: choices have meaning
Relatedness: connect with others


My appologies if I got a little of topic :-)

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The problem with an 'end game' means it's done.  And I don't want this to be 'done'.  I want to keep playing this game for years on end.


Did you read the thread? :/





What is the current "endgame" ?



At this point.... i think we have to agree that there's no actual endgame. If we had to say something..... I'd say the "endgame" is farming, and doing defense missions. Some would say that t3 def is the most challenging/endgame content along with nightmare missions. But I'd say that's far from it..... and even more, after getting nightmare and void things..... there's no point in ever bothering with them again....ever, that's not what I'd call endgame....


What we need is both challenge and endgame.... and not some cheap stat increased enemies.... that means nothing, just more bullets.... that's no challenge and it's just as boring as what we have, except longer. It would just mean to spend more time firing or more time inside a frost's globe, etc.... you get the point.


Keep one thing in mind since some people tend to get confused about this, "endgame content" is not equal to "ending" or closure. I love the fact that WF is pretty open to keep making additions to the game and insert new features. We don't need a game ending or to wrap it up, we need end-game content and more challenges..... basically, more things to do and more variation when we finish the planets.



Why do we need to think about the future and endgame content, as well as Warframe current state?


Well, because as we progress through the non-existent story/plot and finish the countless dots(missions) in the different planets. What usually happens is that players found themselves with little to do.... and repeat the same tasks, the same missions, the same runs.... over.... and over.... and over again. What's worse, we do this tasks half asleep or even fully asleep.... as they are repetitive and pose no threat or challenge to the player.

As a result of this, a lot of players get worn out on the game very easily and many quit the game after getting too bored of repetition, lack of challenge and sense of accomplishment.



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I think it's already been pointed out to have some new game modes, perhaps exclusive to a faction (that infested thread rework comes to mind), weapon balancing (in a way, so you don't get stuck to a limited pool of weapons past Level 50..)

What may be important here is not just the the game itself, but we as players, who seem to be so intent on self-satisfaction that we will keep demanding things from the developers, forgetting they're human too.


They're working on Lore, they're working on actual drop tables so to minimize the tedious grinding the commu who rushed the game whines about everytime, they're fixing what isn't working. We just need to give them a little more time yes?

And might I suggest playing stylishly instead of just rushing from Start to Objective (to Objective) to Extraction, go maintain your a rush speed while killing all that moves, attempting not to raise the alarm while you're at it. Self-challenges, take it up to yourself to make your own, this is how you enjoy a repetitive online game. This isn't, after all, a console game. C:

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I think that we here are not forcing devs to do anything and not whining... much. Just suggesting how we here think how warframe could look like.

People are angry about cheap difficulty via higher stats of enemy and weapons which are weak against stronger enemies. But it's not that bad. I used to play Killing Floor with my friends, there it's almost the same. Higher difficulty means more enemies, they hit harder and survive longer (thay had also a bit better AI on higher difficulty). When you advance in waves you stop using starting weapons and use the best you have available to your class or even offclass. So practically it's the same as Warframe and I really liked it. There was almost no repetitive gameplay, enemies were the same but every time the game was somehow different, lots of playable maps helps with this. The best thing on it was that you got everything under control, then you make a mistake and all goes to hell and you die :D.

Of course there were no AoE abilities so there were also fast and squishy enemies and when I would take all classes together there were more end game weapons than we have in Warframe right now. And there was no grinding.

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I agree that we need more end game and challenge.  Beyond that I would like to see improvements to the interface to provide more of a sense of community. My Clan is awesome, no doubt about it, but I still feel isolated when playing. There is no chat when i am on a mission, at least i don't think there is, and the chat window in the lobby is always getting buried. 


Competence: overcoming challenges

Autonomy: choices have meaning

Relatedness: connect with others


My appologies if I got a little of topic :-)

Check key bindings. Press T for ingame chat. Warframe also supports mics (I think it's "push c to talk").


Otherwise, I agree with your Competence, Autonomy, and Relatedness input.

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Feel free to read again and leave constructive feedback.


Nobody is demanding anything from the devs, it's just players concerned about the game and the high quit rate due it's lack of challenge and end-game fun, trying to collect ideas in an attempt to inspire DE to make the game even better than it is with that feedback.

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well what is certain to me is that we need ranged infected enemies, and a tenno infected boss, also more dual boss battles


To be completely honest with you.... the dual boss thing came as a very lazy and cheap way to make a "new" assassination missions to me (let's leave the bugs aside for the moment :P). Super boring, nothing new... and the bosses don't even have AI to work together..... so you can just as well fight them independently as if you were playing the single version of each.

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To be completely honest with you.... the dual boss thing came as a very lazy and cheap way to make a "new" assassination missions to me (let's leave the bugs aside for the moment :P). Super boring, nothing new... and the bosses don't even have AI to work together..... so you can just as well fight them independently as if you were playing the single version of each.

kela da thaym and Sgt nef Anyo in a new corpus settlement tileset maybe?

two J3 golems doing combos together

4 hyenas hunting a tenno down and 15 players against those.........

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Thanks for adding my ideas :P


I would like to take a second though and point something out.  Endless defense kind of ruins this game.  At the current moment it is what defines the game.  How many levels of endless defense can you live through?  personally i'm nowhere near most the hardcore players, but that's why the other missions seem trivial and most people just rush them. 


way to fix it:  its already been implemented.  make them not so endless. also add minibosses at every nth wave.  breaks up some of the monotony. easier ones have a lower cap of 5-10 rounds while hard ones cap at 25, countdown style.  This fixes the problem by making endless defense not the focal point and instead makes the bosses more of the point, or endgame content as the reason why we get better. 



All our suggestions are great, but endless defense will decimate their toughness fairly quickly since you'll have x weapon that does y^inf damage.  all other missions do need a buff, but this one needs a nerf like yesterday, and i remember someone quoting steve as endless defense not being the highest form of this game.   so hoping for that one :P


refocusing, infested on the walls would def make you pay more attention to them.  as for ranged, not so much, just increase their speed a bit.  Runners arent really fast imo, especially for being "runners".  Give them some usain bolt speed!  i would rather deal with multidirectional attacks rather than the shooting infested.  As for the infected grass, penalize the player by reducing move speed, and removing jump as they wade through it.  maybe increase the heighth a bit so that infested charges can hide in them, or have stalker units that can hide in the grass to pounce on you.  and i would like to see some kind of enemy that can cloak or blend in. 


Maybe for "spy" missions, or at the very least for some of them to be coded in, you have to infiltrate the ship first, Maybe there are no open ports without cannons that our ship can drop us off at, but that would be rather tough to produce mapping etc.  The downsides are obviously the aforementioned, but the benefits would be that it could give us a grasp of the enormity of the ships that we rampage on. 


Dual bosses would be good like in zelda ocarina of time Twin Rova, but lets not increase cell size, 4 people is fairly easy to control as opposed to 10-25 man groups with no designated roles, and i do not see there being any defined roles anytime in the near future. 


As per tilesets, i would like it better if for the planets, they had two parts, Ship missions and planet missions, and the map corresponded with the particular planet.  Maybe even make it like you have to break through their "blockade" to even make it onto the planets


Lot of random stuff, sorry :P

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maybe increase the heighth a bit so that infested charges can hide in them,


That gave me an idea. How about giving an infested crawlers ability to leap on short distance. They could easily hide in the grass and wait on players.

Also when I played today I again noticed how slow is attack of Grineer melee units and on the contrary how fast is lancer's strike which staggers you. Attack should be faster and that strike should be a bit slower, then we could use block on it better.

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That gave me an idea. How about giving an infested crawlers ability to leap on short distance. They could easily hide in the grass and wait on players.

Also when I played today I again noticed how slow is attack of Grineer melee units and on the contrary how fast is lancer's strike which staggers you. Attack should be faster and that strike should be a bit slower, then we could use block on it better.


It could work, that's kind of why i started with mobility for infested.... for main melee enemies, they need to step up the game if they are gonna pose any threat at all for us. Though the infestation would need to grow a lot to actually hide them (and it would be kinda bad, unless they fix the pixelation thing.... more often than not infestation blocks shooting... or at least it was working like that last time i checked)

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That gave me an idea. How about giving an infested crawlers ability to leap on short distance. They could easily hide in the grass and wait on players.

Also when I played today I again noticed how slow is attack of Grineer melee units and on the contrary how fast is lancer's strike which staggers you. Attack should be faster and that strike should be a bit slower, then we could use block on it better.

oh , and blocking fucntion SHOULD ACTUALLY BLOCK

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