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Do You Like The Direction Warframe Is Heading And Has De Bitten Off More Than They Can Chew?


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The same way they said that Update 9 will be the update in which they fix most things? Look where we are, DE's promises mean nothing now. They are probably going to fix one or two things and leave us with a lot of other problems.


I heard lots of promises before Update 9, I still see an extreme amount of bugs and lack of features that could be easy to implement.

True, and like I mentioned before, in a bit more specific way, half of the fixed bugs tend to break once again in the patch thereafter or break other stuff.

I'd like to see more realiable and perma fixes.


This is still Open beta...

This hiding behind "OBT" term again. *Sighs*

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Their game engine is either not optimized or close to being tapped out. My 2600k at 4.6ghz uses 1 core. My gtx770 Classified barely up clocks and runs in the mid 40Cs.

The ai in this game needs an overhaul, needs redone, needs a lot of work. I realize just as much as anyone that a majority of these players want to be able to run through an entire level without shooting anyone.then they want to be able to do this 5 times over in you know 10 12 minutes.

I come from a first person shooter background. I know that when this game gets released as a sci-fi third person shooter it's only going to take two weeks before most of your shooter crowd is completely bored to death with the game because of how freakin easy it is


Same here... Got a gaming rig which isn't even being used to full potential. I'm also from an FPS background and yes this game gets boring because of how easy it is...



Hold up there. If someone paid real money for that Rhino, DE has no right to delete it without compensation.

Actually they do. DE has all the rights. You pay DE for additional services. It's like hiring someone, it's temporarily. DE can shutdown the game at any time if they want and get away with it since they have all the rights. It's their game. Though obviously they don't do that because that would be such a terrible mistake for their name.

This is still Open beta...

There we go again. The point of Beta is making progress towards release. This game might look like making progress from the outside. But a bunch of mechanics are still broken, tons of bugs, glitches and at times exploits. Sure this game is in beta but they aren't making very good progress with fixing the actual game instead of releasing new gear or events...
AI is still terrible. Visual settings are still messed up. Tons of bugs in the UI.
Edited by R3leaZ
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Agree with OP.


I'm.. actually not quite sure what they're doing about all those pressing issues. There are maybe around 5 of them, consistently being brought up by just about everyone in the forums, which I believe are still sorely lacking attention.


1. Mod load-outs interface.

2. Armor scaling and armor ignore mechanic.

3. Stealth.

4. Stats transparency.

5. HUD (especially sentinel info).


I've been playing for many months myself. Saw the potential before, and now I'm unsure.

I personally would prioritise these things over "weekend events" that give exclusive mods. Right now, what Warframe needs is a LOT more polish, rather than pumping out content. That's my opinion on what would make it an inherently better game.


That being said, a lot of people haven't pointed out all the minor changes they HAVE implemented into the game. Before everyone starts ripping up DE, let's just slow down and give it a bit of a think for a second:


1. Mod load-outs now have "remove all" feature. A step in the right direction.

2. Market now scrolls down instead of having multiple pages.

3. They're planning to get rid of the raid missions (not the best decision in my opinion, but whoever says they're not doing anything about gameplay is wrong, at least they're doing SOMETHING).

4. Stealth - yeah, they made it slower for enemies to alert everyone, enemies no longer alert the whole map by simply touching the console for half a second.

5. Lore; of course this is being worked on! if you think these weekend events and release of new tile-sets don't contribute to lore, you're pretty much dead wrong. Plus, they now have the actual lore database section so you can read up about some of the content.

6. Connection; at least now you can do a /invite from chat. This feature used to be non-existent, imagine that.

7. In-game transparency: now you can hover over the planets in the solar chart and see what resources are dropped in the planets respectively. That's also a step in the right direction.

8. Alerts now show items instead of the ?

9. Mod pickups and item pickups are now consolidated and shown clearly on the "mission complete" window.


.. And many more.



Notice how I didn't say anything about warframes and weapons balancing, nor their back-end infrastructure for better connection, the potential for dedicated servers, etc.


It's because those issues are very continual and more complex. Balancing is generally an issue you deal with more gradually and you continue to change it when you release new weapons, and skills. Some are going to be more powerful than others at a particular point in time, and undoubtedly a lot of people will rage about things. In all seriousness, that doesn't bother me anywhere near as much as how clunky and unpolished the game feels overall.


I appreciate the little improvements like the ones I have listed above, but I still feel DE's priorities are incredibly skewed when it comes to content versus polish.


Taking a look at the Arid Fear event, I can't help to see a very shallow addition to the game; more mods (that don't even do anything different to what we have already), and an absurd amount of time spent in a tile-set no different than what we've experienced already, with the exception of the excessive bloom effects. Sure, this drives competition and maybe some player retention over the weekend, but in my opinion DE needs to realise the difference between releasing more content, versus releasing improvements or better content.


^ This one point, so far, has been my greatest disappointment in my experience of playing Warframe. In the near future, I hope to see this game get a lot better.


End rant.

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  Well I have to say 1 thing,Warframe has the potential of being in the top 5 most played games.Since the the times of the Closed Beta I knew that this game could be so much more,yet lately that seems to be diminished mainly because they are focusing to much on adding new content instead of improving what already exists.


  My personal opinions would be:


1.A lore,a story. People can't get attached to the game if there's just some guys killing other guys because those guys attacked those guys because those guys didn't like the other guys. (ya that's pretty much how warframe felt in the closed beta) Also try giving the Frames more personality,the new idle animations for every frame is GREAT,next up there should be custom melee attacks for every frame ( this could even go so far to influencing some frames being better at melee than others in certain situations due to different attack angles ), and many other things if voice isn't really an option from what I understood.


2.Balance current frames instead of releasing new ones,easiest way of doing this is either adding extra effects to already existing skills that seem weak (if you don't really want to remake them from ground up as different,more useful ones),thus making them worth using and not unequipping them because all you need is just 1 skill (yes I'm looking at you 4 button). Also in general just try making ALL frames feel useful.I mean like...what's the point of bringing an Ash to a defence when pretty much any other frame does way better than him,or what's the point of bringing a Vauban to a Raid/Capture/Deceive/Spy/Rescue when all his skills are stationary and the action there is usually ongoing from room to room,thus making Ash there feel more useful than Vauban will be. In general frames that bring utility to specific needed areas are WAY better than frames with damage...the reason why Ember for example is almost useless everywhere past lvl 80 enemies and Vauban dominates ... and lvl 80 enemies are easily reachable on Defence maps.


3.Balance the weapons or fix armor.Currently I see no reason to use anything past level 50 enemies that doesn't have armor ignore/armor pierce/serrated blade/poison damage type.Either make enemies have a flat % in reduction to damage (doesn't scale with level) and make that be reduced by armor pierce,and if we pass that % with our armor piercing mods we will actually do increased damage than they would take if they had 0 armor.Or creating destroyable spots on the enemies that soak up a flat amount of damage,where armor piercing mods will excel at doing increased damage to these spots,and letting only enemy HP scale,also making armor ignore weapons just hit their HP directly (even if that doesn't make sense since getting hit by a bolt launching weapon for about 60 rounds in 5 seconds should pretty much obliterate any armor)


4.Make game modes more fun,no one wants to farm 50 runs for Saryn or other frame,and NO one wants to do it while its exactly the same scenario every time. So just add some...wait no...MANY RNG based events inside all the mission types. Also make the mission types more immersive,for example you're fighting Phorid and all of a sudden LOTUS : I am detecting a malfunction in the ship's electrical systems,it seems like the infestation has destroyed the ships power supply. < an all of a sudden the game turns into a horror game where you're only source of light is your Flashlight and if you're lucky enough to bring Ember for example (or other frames) and us the skills to light up the place.  < It's those kind of things that would make everyone play any kind of mission just to see what things will happen next,what dangers will they have to face,what obstacles must they overcome.


5.More customization options. Obviously some will be obtainable by playing,others obtainable by purchasing them,or simply make them to how the helmets currently work,either wait a lot of time if you're patient to get one,or simply buy it faster with platinum.This should include more armor types for every frame,also giving stats like helmets. A slider for the helmet (and maybe armor) stats that allow you to chose between having 1 of the stat more but with a greater reduction to the other. Lights + ambiance changing color for the dojo (since the same old blue gets boring,Warlord only option). Weapon skins...etc.


6.Maybe even try adding a PvP mode. I understand there is no time and resources to balance things out,so just make it that when you enter a PvP match every frame gets only the first 3 skills available ( let's face it,they're fairly balanced for PvP as it is ) and at level 1,the frames themselves will have all other mods unequipped. The weapons will also have all mods removed from them.   < All that should allow for some interesting PvP and maybe the addition of PvP modes WAY BEFORE you will need to actually balance the skills and frames for PvP only.


 Ok I think I wrote enough for now,but you get the point. If all that's fixed first and game goes into official release afterwards MORE players will enjoy to see new frames and weapons being added than just those that are currently playing. Also the moment people hear of all those changes being made,they'll rush back to Warframe in swarms. 

Edited by Sebastianx
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Some very good suggestions but on the criticism guys I think some of you are being a little too harsh.


I hear the grind argument over and over but if you have hit the stage where you have done everything, opened up all systems etc. (and solo'd them just for fun :)...remember...fun? ) how many hours have you put in? I think I was at ~80 or so when I'd hit that point. 80 hours of great fun on what was then for me a free game. Now I'm up in the 200s, have put in some real money and yup I've been-there/done-that for just about everything. Mod/Resource grinding and rewards these days are a bigger draw than being hit with anything new, but there is also the essential core gameplay that I just love. I don't care if I've seen the tile-set before, or played that mission type 100s of times, Fast/Skill-rewarding combat wins, especially when done with my clan-mates. Even if I stopped now it'd work out that I paid roughly $1 an hour of gameplay and had months of fantastic fun - All from a relatively small developer, while it could be better and more varied I think they deserve Kudos rather than scorn in an age of $60/10 hour games built around slower/casual models. I also have faith that regardless of resources they are working their asses off trying to improve it, this is very obviously a labour of love for the devs, and a risky one financially, and they DO listen even if they don't always respond directly here (quietly slipping in the energy-colour matching on my beloved Dera as a case in point :) ).





Love the suggestions here, no so hot on pessimism.

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Hold up there. If someone paid real money for that Rhino, DE has no right to delete it without compensation.

Yes they have. Not only the game is in BETA which allows them to to whatever the F*** they want, but they also don't need to justify or compensate anything.


Although, they are humans, and they are a respectful team, so if my point happened you would be compensated, not because you had to, but because they wanted to.

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Yes they have. Not only the game is in BETA which allows them to to whatever the F*** they want, but they also don't need to justify or compensate anything.


Although, they are humans, and they are a respectful team, so if my point happened you would be compensated, not because you had to, but because they wanted to.

After educating myself, I'll admit you were right.


Although this does put us in an unsavory position as consumers of the F2P gaming model. Not necessarily with DE, but with all companies.

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    I started playing after Update 7, I had great amount of fun, and for that I really like this game. Since then I got to mastery rank 11, I got every warframe leveled and upgraded, almost all mods maxed, and all weapons except some new primes (my luck with T1 void keys is just NULL).

    Looking back at all that I am forced to admit that I had the most fun when I was just starting this game, when I didn't have to care about what weapon or warframe is the best for what purpose, I just played the game.
    Slowly it changed into a race to get all warframes and weapons, and evolved into mastery points grind. After I leveled every single primary and secondary, and all good melee weapons I had enough of that as well.
    Now its always the same cycle, log in for a good alert or an event or to help a friend with something. When a new weapon is released I would get that weapon and level it, that often involves boring farm followed by affinity grind, and more often than not I would never use that weapon again.

    I used to think that more content is what I need to keep enjoying this game, but going through that cycle I described above made me realize that this game has too much content which becomes irrelevant at some point or simply never changes.

For example, this is what I play with:
  Warframes: Vauban, Nova, Frost (and I only play frost for his Snow Globe)
  Primary weapons: Ogris, Lanka, Supra, Torid, Latron Prime
  Secondary weapons: Acrid, Despair
  Melee weapons: Hate, Reaper Prime and sometimes Glavie. I use them rarely anyway.

    Before Vauban and Nova came out I played almost all warframes somewhat equally, even Volt and Rhino (before roar was implemented) were in use sometimes. After I got Vauban and Nova there was no going back, they are simply too good, to the point that switching to any other warframe made you feel like you are handicapping yourself deliberately. But no matter how great they are, you can only do the same thing over and over until it becomes boring.

    Switching between multiple warframes before, kept the game fresh to some degree. Play on Ash or Trinity, switch to Saryn, then Mag, have some Banshee with that, or go grill something with Ember, by the time you are bored with them and get back to Ash you actually want to play it again.

    The problem with weapons is the way armor scales with levels on enemies, armor ignore and effectiveness of elemental mods on weapons are the only things you care about everything else becomes pretty much irrelevant the moment you start facing off 100+ enemies.

    Lack of endgame does not help the matter either, endgame doesn't have to be new content, it could be just special mission types which are challenging, something that would require different mod setups or warframes, and by challenging I don't mean challenging grind. Last thing this game needs is more content that requires farming/grind to gain access to it (yes I'm talking about Void here).

    Nightmare mode is a step in the right direction, but what made most people dislike it is the fact that often it was on the way of farm. When you are rushing Hyena for Control Modules having to do it in Nightmare mode would not make it more fun, it would only be more irritating. A simple ability to pick which version of the mission you want to run would fix that part.

    Right now the only "endgame" we got are level 100+ defense missions, but even those are a chore to get to, even if you run them from Pluto it requires 15-20 waves to get to that level and it only lasts until you are bored from "clicking" things to death, since enemies still behave the same way and still use the same abilities and only their health and armor scale up with levels. When you get a group with Vauban, Nova and Trinity you don't even need a 4th warframe for this, boredom will be the only reason why you would want to take your reward and leave instead of staying.

    On top of all this, there is an issue with matchmaking, when I feel like "starting fresh" putting formas in everything and just going back to beginner areas, I am forced to play solo or find some friends who are in the same boat, I can't just go online because I'll end up being put into games with people who are starting this game fresh for real. Their pace is painfully slow for me and even if I try to slow down I still ruin the game for them just as much as they are killing my pace.
    Matchmaking is often the issue with defense missions as well, often in the same group you have people who are hunting for kills and people who are there for experience and rewards, instead of staying at the pod people begin to spawn camp slowing the game tremendously for everyone.

    With all this said, DE, the way you are involved with community is great, it's obvious you guys are putting your best effort in fixing issues with the game at the same time as adding more to it. Warframe idea is great as a whole, and there is great potential in it. I have faith in you to do the right thing in the end. I just feel bored with the game and I made my best effort to try and describe what I think is the reason behind this, after all I owe you this much. Hopefully it all makes sense because English isn't my primary language.


Good luck, and thank you for putting up with us.

Edited by Unit03
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Yes they have. Not only the game is in BETA which allows them to to whatever the F*** they want, but they also don't need to justify or compensate anything.


Although, they are humans, and they are a respectful team, so if my point happened you would be compensated, not because you had to, but because they wanted to.


I'll paraphrase something I wrote about a month ago to respond to this.


You're correct in saying DE can beta-shield and do as they please, but that doesn't makes it right, which is why we're talking.  The ethics is highly questionable to push out bad patch after bad patch featuring poorly tested content which can cost real money to acquire, with little to no compensation upon correcting/fixing/removing/nerfing to the ground.
Amidst the waves of "Customer Service sucks!" threads, gripes with how events are poorly handled, and ongoing lack of communication, there's a strong case to be made to refute your opinion that DE's respect and willing compensation are a given.  Historically DE does always not tell people whether or not "corrections" will even be made, nor whether or not compensation will be offered.  In some cases they did, like the void key packs; in some cases they didn't, like the void drop rates.  It's highly unfair to paid players who give DE money on good faith, and unfortunately, the ones that do pay are often the innocent ones who didn't know any better and bought into the hype.  Hardly respectful.
You need only read the first couple of pages of this thread to find sentiments of regret in spending money on Founder's packs.  Moreover, many players are already saying "never buy new content, just wait until the hype dies down and it gets fixed/priced fairly for what it is", and who can blame them?  With the track record DE is currently accruing this is certainly a smart way to consume new content.  DE's ongoing sub-par level of communication repeatedly puts players (read: customers) in a tough spot, knowing FULL WELL that beta-shielding and glossing over problems and past mishaps is a real possibility, with numerous precedents.  Players have no way of knowing what state the game or its changes are in, culminating in discussions like the one we are having now.  
If a sense of respect and compensation were indeed the status quo, this thread would likely not exist.
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Seriously debating on quitting and blocking the word Warframe on my computer so I never have to see it again. Here is hoping to some hotfixes that MAY make the game interesting. 


New Planet unlocked and guess what? MORE RUSHING!. And at the END, 2 BOSSES AT ONCE THAT ARE ALREADY IN THE GAME!!. Reminds me of WOW!. 

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Personally while I don't like how this game is going, I'm trying my best to sympathize with DE. I've seen these things before, and this is mild compared to the c*** I have seen before. I'm mainly talking about (god forbid) Jagex and Funcom. Runescape used to be a good game, but then I took a break and did not play till 2013, and boy did it change. They just announced Runescape 3, which was very buggy and was tough to play even on high end desktops, and they barely gave anything that they promised, giving only a graphical update and an even more confusing UI that most veterans took days to get used to. And I shall delve into the c*** like the squeal of fortune (another way of squeezing money with "better content". Then there is the way that Funcom treated Anarchy online, barely changes since 2005, the current staff of twelve is responsible for a whole new engine (good luck with that) with 4 to 6 of them working on cosmetic clothes with 2001 graphics. The only people left in AO are people who were playing this game since the early 2000's and even many of them are quitting.

Tl;dr : DE might be going off track, but I've seen worse s*** and this is not the beginning if the end for them yet

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Personally while I don't like how this game is going, I'm trying my best to sympathize with DE. I've seen these things before, and this is mild compared to the c*** I have seen before. I'm mainly talking about (god forbid) Jagex and Funcom. Runescape used to be a good game, but then I took a break and did not play till 2013, and boy did it change. They just announced Runescape 3, which was very buggy and was tough to play even on high end desktops, and they barely gave anything that they promised, giving only a graphical update and an even more confusing UI that most veterans took days to get used to. And I shall delve into the c*** like the squeal of fortune (another way of squeezing money with "better content". Then there is the way that Funcom treated Anarchy online, barely changes since 2005, the current staff of twelve is responsible for a whole new engine (good luck with that) with 4 to 6 of them working on cosmetic clothes with 2001 graphics. The only people left in AO are people who were playing this game since the early 2000's and even many of them are quitting.

Tl;dr : DE might be going off track, but I've seen worse s*** and this is not the beginning if the end for them yet

Oh god dont bring up Funcom and AO, i am still in love with that game and waiting for the graphic overhaul (5+ years and counting :'(     )

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Personally while I don't like how this game is going, I'm trying my best to sympathize with DE. I've seen these things before, and this is mild compared to the c*** I have seen before. I'm mainly talking about (god forbid) Jagex and Funcom. Runescape used to be a good game, but then I took a break and did not play till 2013, and boy did it change. They just announced Runescape 3, which was very buggy and was tough to play even on high end desktops, and they barely gave anything that they promised, giving only a graphical update and an even more confusing UI that most veterans took days to get used to. And I shall delve into the c*** like the squeal of fortune (another way of squeezing money with "better content". Then there is the way that Funcom treated Anarchy online, barely changes since 2005, the current staff of twelve is responsible for a whole new engine (good luck with that) with 4 to 6 of them working on cosmetic clothes with 2001 graphics. The only people left in AO are people who were playing this game since the early 2000's and even many of them are quitting.

Tl;dr : DE might be going off track, but I've seen worse s*** and this is not the beginning if the end for them yet

I don't care, I don't care, I don't care that there are worst things out there. DE started good, they gave me hope about the future of gaming, they made me trust them. There might me worst things out there but that makes no difference to me, I have huge expectations of DE, or at least I had, so any disappoint, no matter how small is a big deal because I care about DE and I care about their game too.


And it's not like they've been making mistakes only recently, nope, they have been going on the wrong path since Update 7 and I haven't seen even a glimpse of their improvement. They do fix some things, but not enough and their priorities are all wrong.


Meh, no point in going any further, I've been saying these things for a long time.

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Main reasons I hardly play anymore :


Network issues : before update 7 everything was fine. After that update, sometimes I can only connect to my wife, sometimes she can only connect to me, whatever we try. Often we get booted at the end of a mission. Now, we don't have any any issues at all with other games, whether we're hosting (like multiplayer games where you have that option), or mmo's (wow, guildwars 2, etc...). I don't understand why warframe is the sole problem, but it's extremely frustrating.


RNG : This is the main reason I more or less stopped. Working towards something is a constant battle against dissappointment. By the time I eventually I got it, I lost interest in it. And really, going through the same ole corridors again and again ? I'm really sorry, I just can't do it anymore.


Warframes : I liked loki, I liked rhino, they felt really different in play. Then I got volt and saryn... difference in play seemed to be the "4" button. The buildup of those frames seem too similar. My wife got vauban, but from what I see, nothing terrible exciting is going on there.

This however may be caused because the challenge is weak. If the mobs were doing a better job, maybe the diversity in the frames could shine.


The market : Sorry, just shaking my head whenever I browse it.


Events : Actually I think they're ok, in a sense that they give members something to talk about. I'm not a collector so I don't care much about the rewards, but they do feel a bit uninspired as it is mostly a grindfest.


It's like they had a good idea, layed out the groundwork and then just stopped building the game. A beautifull ruin, you can spend a couple months here and then you're done. If that is/was the goal of this game, I'd say mission accomplished. If not, they have a lot of problemsolving to do. I do hope they resolve issues and wish them a good lauch on the ps or wherever they go with it.

Edited by Sammy001
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 Just watched the livestream and I appreciate that Rebecca echoed some concerns, but I wish it went more in depth. Nice to hear that loadouts are coming, long/single swords are recognized as being outclassed, some primaries getting some re balance, recognition of poor online performance and netcode optimization, and other small things. Well I hope these things come in a timely manner. Sadly I'm getting horrible performance after downloading the latest update, stealth is still slow coming, a.i. intelligence is slow coming, and no word on fov max increase for motion sickness... I still can't bear to play the game more than a few minutes, but hopefully that will change after these acknowledgements/announcements.

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