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Operators conclave


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Is conclave a chaotic mess? Too fast? Everyone's bullet jumping all over the place like a ping pong ball? 

Well, you can't do that with an operator. ( without focus abilities that is, otherwise you can hit the moon with zenurik and naramon ).


Do you think conclave weapons can't be balanced because there are so many of them?

Well, fear not, number of amps is so much fewer.


Do you think conclave abilities are so unbalanced as well because of the sheer number of existing ones?

Well, same goes here. Operators abilities are only a few.


Do you think conclave is unfair because of its mods? Especially between conclave vets and new conclave players?

Operators don't have mods.


This idea can be modified of course. Adding special conclave abilities to the operators or their amps. Making them faster if they need to ... etc

Check the most sucessful Shooting PvP games. Most of them are so much closer to operators than warframes. 

You can even include First person view in the case of operators much more easily than warframes because of the reduced maneuverability.

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