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What Is Better, Dps Or Dph?



Recently I have been reading a discussion that mentions Damage Per Second (DPS) and Damage Per Hit (DPH). I was wondering, should I maximize DPS in my weapons or DPH? Which one is better?


Also, for those of you interested, this calculator may help, though I am quite a newb and I do not know how to use it:



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18 answers to this question

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How do I know if my weapon is automatic? All rifles are automatic right?

The only non-automatic weapons are the bows and snipers right?

If you would tell the guns name I could instantly say yes or no, but in general rifles will be auto. Granted the Latron is not but that is a battle rifle. If you have a Braton, Boltor, or a Gorgon get higher DPS.

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How do I know if my weapon is automatic? All rifles are automatic right?

The only non-automatic weapons are the bows and snipers right?

False. Automatic weapons are "hold trigger and continuous fire", so there are plenty of semi auto weapons in the game like latron prime, torid, acrid and dual pistols etc where you dont have to reload every shot, you can continuously fire, but you pull the trigger each time Edited by Santaphrax
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I never really thought about it with Warframe, but when I used to play WoW it was generally DPH > DPS

Seriously?  DPS>DPH  in WoW unless talking about burst damage for PvP.  But back to topic...Focus on DPS for longer fights (bosses), or DPH for other enemies.  I would say have primary set up for 1, secondary for the other, but I don't think there's going to be much difference in this game.  Bosses are usually dead in a min or less, you don't really have sustained encounters lasting 5-10 mins like in an MMORPG.  Maybe this will change at some point, but for now I don't think it matters which way you go.

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It completely depends on your playstyle. If your playing against enemies that would require 1 hit with a DPH build but 2 hits with a DPS build, then the logical option would be the DPH build. If your however playing against enemies that require more than 1 hit, then the DPS build is better.

DPH is generally better for enemies you can kill with 1 hit and ammo conservation.
DPS is better for killing bosses and other stronger enemies.

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How do I know if my weapon is automatic? All rifles are automatic right?

The only non-automatic weapons are the bows and snipers right?



False. Automatic weapons are "hold trigger and continuous fire", so there are plenty of semi auto weapons in the game like latron prime, torid, acrid and dual pistols etc where you dont have to reload every shot, you can continuously fire, but you pull the trigger each time

^This, basically.  Automatic weapons are any in which you hold down the fire button for a continuous stream of bullets (lasers, bolts, etc.) Semi-Automatic weapons are any in which you press the fire button one time and get one shot.  (In RL, Semi-Auto means you don't have to re-@#&$ the weapon before it's ready to fire again.  Generally, this means the weapon automatically re-cocks as a part of the firing sequence.)


Back in the (really old) day, you had to load a weapon each time you fired it, and this usually meant preparing the powder and loading a round, which took a long time by modern standards.  And you are partially correct, I believe the only in-game weapons that fall into this category now are bows, where a bolt has to be nocked and drawn every time before you can fire; the sniper rifles I've used so far all have clips, which make them Semi-Auto, although the clips are small, and you have to reload every couple of rounds.  Broncos are another example of Semi-Auto small clip/frequent reloads.

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DPS isn't so much a classification as it is a measurement.


take, for example. any braton series rifles. each has slightly different stats from the other, but that makes no difference.

DPS is the measurement of damage dealt over time (in this case it's the measure per second) so in which case, increasing fire rate increases overall DPS as one is able to deal out more rounds per X timeframe, increasing one side of that DPS algebraic equation.


DPS = DPH x accuracy / time per shot

u could say.. if u want to look at it in a simple perspective.


therefor, u could say increasing fire rate increases dps, increasing accuracy increases dps.

e.g. grakata.. it has huge fire rate but low in the actual DPH area..  grakata's DPS could be on par with a braton with lower fire rate, but higher DPH.


so all that rambling aside, here's my point:
first and foremost, if u can't hit anything, ur DPS = 0

secondly. DPH is always number 1.

following closely will be accuracy. no matter how high ur DPH is, it does u no good if u can't hit ur target.

lastly, firerate. while, yes, dumping high amounts of rounds into a crowd is useful, firerate isn't as important as the other mitigating factors.

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Alright, specifying:

Is Braton 100% DPS?

Is Paris and Lanka and Snipetron 100% DPH?

Is Burston a semi-auto weapon? (Is it DPS or DPH?)


What is the difference between a 100% DPS weapon (automatic) and a smi-automatic?

Braton is pretty much completely DPS, but it can slowly fire in bursts. It's more effective to unload a couple of bullets into an enemy though, as it's not accurate enough to make all it's shots count. (Hit in the weak/unarmored spot)


Snipers and bows take time to charge, aim and fire, so they should focus on dealing 16k damage through the use of critical hit builds. It's best to take them if you're not going to face many enemies, so you want to make sure the enemies you do face -will- die in one hit. They're accurate, so you can get massive DPH, but they're not fast. Even if they were, aiming for the weak spot is time-consuming. 100% DPH for sure.


If you can click and hold down the click button and it rapidly fires, it's automatic. If you need to click every time you want to fire it, it's semi-automatic. In this case, Burston is semi-auto, as firing a burst requires you to click each time you wish to do it.


DPS is for heavy enemies or bosses that can take lots of damage, while DPH is for light units. Of course.. snipers and bows will deal massive damage, so you'd probably just use those for tanky units and bring a faster secondary.

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It all depends on crit chance, bonus crit damage, and fire rate.


A weapon with a high crit-chance and moderate fire-rate will benefit more from a DPS build because each shot has a % chance to do proc +%bonus damage. Thus its better to hurl bullets down the range as fast as possible because your goal is to get 15-20% of your total magazine value to crit. 



DPH builds are better with low crit chance, slower weapons where its more beneficial to maximize the base damage of every shot because your not expecting each bullet to proc.

Edited by ADDpillz
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...Why is this a thing?


Fact: there will always be a point in the game when you won't be able to 1shot things anymore. At that point, how much damage you do per hit will become irelevant.


There is no "better". Everything is situational. You're better off comparing 2 weapons than taking such broad strokes.


If you somehow thought the enemies armor value is a static amount that gets subtracted out of your weapon's damage, it's not like that. All armor is percent-based, therefore weapons with low damage don't get shafted later on. (or maybe I should say all normal damage weapons get just as shafted)

Edited by krisp
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As krisp said there will come a time when you cannot one-shot certain enemies no matter what you are running.

For example: a perfectly built-out 5x polarized Lanka cannot 1-shot corrupted grineer heavy gunners on the final wave of a TowerIIIDefense mission without outside help from warframe powers or auras.

You cannot forsake DPS for spike damage or vice versa. You have to factor both, though in a lot of cases they overlap and are mutually beneficial. As a quick example: the difference between the optimum spike and optimum dps sniper build is a single mod (Primed/Charged Chamber vs Speed Trigger).

Edited by GottFaust
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