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Restored Rhino "iron Skin" Effect Is Bad


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It looks god awful. Remove the silver/grey and keep the bulges with energy flowing through them and it's much better and allows color customisation. It did bug out a few times to look like that but don't have a screen shot of it. Now it looks like someone threw ugly grey paint on it. It needs to have unified areas that are covered and some that don't, not splashes randomly everywhere. The texture of it is hideous. Can't believe that made into the actual game.


There's how my rhino looks up close.

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As a person who plays rhino fairly often I have to say that while I don't mind the silver chrome look on my character (most of my characters have a blue/white pallate in Warframe), I will admit that it could and does look bad on certain color schemes, on my character he looks like he's diamond encrusted.

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what the F*** is wrong with all of you. You complained about spikes and now you complain that current one does not have sharp enough spikes...

The texture is supposed to be rough. And I just tried it and i gotta say it looks FOOKEN amazing


How does this look weird or bad?

Edited by Aure7
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Looks like a 12 year old did it. Come on now, you guys got better artists than this.. Some tin foil and glowing things is weak

I won't even talk about you, you clearly have no gasp of how games are made and how this iron skin was made.

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I won't even talk about you, you clearly have no gasp of how games are made and how this iron skin was made.


Obviously I was just being childish and spiteful and while I'm sure a 12 year old didn't do this, it doesn't make it any less atrocious. Maybe I have higher standards than most people, because this is HORRIBLE. It was semi-ok-horrible before with the spikes and but now it's just garbage and if the art team is reading this, don't take it the wrong way, I'm sure you could do a lot better, hell, maybe your boss didn't give you the time... I don't know, but as of right now, the stance and this skin is unacceptable.


First time using imgur, let me know if it doesn't work.

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Alright lets get the choice of choosing our iron skin since people are going to complain one way or the other. While we are at it lets have a choice to mix and mash what we have have. Tinfoil with spikes? spikes with bulges?  Im sure this would take a while but hell it would be worth it.

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I hated the pegs and this skin is better, but it looks glitchy.  I've seen flashing and other things that makes it poor looking.  The lumps are silly as well.


Why not have Rhino skin, instead of spikes or lumps, give extra armor pieces, like a horn?


Also, more importantly, fix the texture so it doesn't look like a graphics glitch.

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Its worse then it was before - the "silverish" effect is.. ugly - half the times it looks black or even makes me transparent, it breaks any color cuztomization or sometimes lets few colors through making it even worse.


At least spikes werent that dominationg when the silverish effect dissappeared and didnt make it loo kso ugly :/

Silver effect disappearing was a bug. Spikes was the thing that looked god awful.

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This is how i would want the spikes to be placed on the actual frame. Yes, it has a medieval look but as with everything, armor, regardless of culture, are based on history (yes, the game is fictional but it does have a background lore)


Instead of slapping the spikes all over the frame, placing them on key points like shoulders, knees, elbows and fists would make a huge difference on the overall look.


Edit: Spikes on fists would obviously clip through fist weapons so placing them around the wrist would also work.

Edited by Vurtney
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They should let you choose which skin you want.

Yeah, I have a feeling this is where Iron Skin will be heading, much like the fix for the idle animations. - It really is the only solution as perfect is an unachievable goal as everyone has different tastes, likes and dislikes.


Personally, I'd like to something that activated the energy lines on the Rhino's normal armor.  Those usually look cool when you see the flash before abilities; why not use those?

Yeah, this is what I have posted in prior threads. I was hoping for something simple, like the original skin with energy flowing over Rhinos armor grooves.



However, I do really like the current iteration of the skin and am completely happy with it.

Edited by Lek5tacy
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It is useless to change anything on this game because people will ALWAYS complain.DE should just leave the Iron skin as it is, the complaining will stop eventually.

Yeah, but some things elicit more complaints than others.  Imagine if Iron skin had no visual effect once-so-ever.

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Honestly, was it really THAT much of a thing that the original metallic look was such a gosh-darn problem? I mean really. There are so many more legitimate...you know what. Fine. FINE. 


DE just pick one, make it final. Don't change. Ever. This is why we can't have nice things. 

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It is useless to change anything on this game because people will ALWAYS complain.DE should just leave the Iron skin as it is, the complaining will stop eventually.

^^^^^^true... but it's ok to make constructive critics too..


It's hard to convince everyone. Another idea anyway could be: the "IRON" looking should be only in the armor, or in the black suit below, not in the hole body...


The actual textures and skin are more "defensive" than spikes, wich they look way too ofensive, they might do more damage with Rinho's Charge :D ...

Edited by Hunter.2-1
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Just because its IRON skin doesnt mean it has to literally be iron. 


My suggestion? When activated, make a silver/grey metal flow over all his armor plates only. Nothing else. Gets rid of the problem of him "looking like a retard in a full tin foil suit", and gets rid of the spike/molten blob problem too. And still does allow for colour customization, as his un-plated parts are still exposed. 

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no one is going to be happy...silver effects people complain, spikes, people complain...


at least with spikes i could be Rhino The Hedgehog

People complain because none of the skins so far have been good. Once majority of the community is happy (and I say majority because there will ALWAYS be people who don't like a particular skin no matter what) with the skin, DE can relax. 

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