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Chance This Event Will Fail? Pretty High I Think.


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Isn't that almost implying that the whole community doesn't do anything except those who're in a big clan?

In my eyes, it is.


I took it as two different statements and saw nothing toxic about what was said.  That his clan and the other large one were going for the trophy.  And that they were going to work their hardest to carry those who are just going to do the bare minimum or those who aren't even going to bother doing anything through this event so that the community wins.


Personally I'm going to be busy this weekend and my job doesn't allow for me to put in more than an hour a day towards play during the weekday.  So I applaud their effort.

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I'm in a ghost clan, and achieved 2000 pts on the last event.

Why the hell are you assuming that we're doing nothing?

I didn't assume anything, I just stated what I already knew which is that a lot of us big clans are always in a rivaling state with eachother. Wasn't trying to make you guys feel useless or anything was just trying to say that our chances of failure are low because of how we're always trying to pass the #1 clan in our teirs, even if people don't participate.


I'm sorry if my message came off a bit rude everyone, this wasn't intentional at all.


EDIT: Okay it seems some people got what I was trying to say, thank you above post.

Edited by Hazmatzone
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No personal reward so most people won't do much. That's just the way it works I'm afraid.


Unless they've taken that into account that is.


btw this has nothing to do with progress completed so far, just that it's the 1st event I believe that gives no reward.

for once i agree with this kind of topic, i have i think 9 points atm? and i have no want or urge or insentive to do anymore of that blinding bloom filter corpus garbage :( only event to date i find boring

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Reasons why this event won't fail:

DE probably put a lot of work into the new tileset.

DE doesn't even give us a proper quota.

DE will probably just magically tweak the numbers and tell us we won so they can release their new tileset.


Or they'll tweak the numbers to fail us to prove some point.

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Broframe here, we're going for the Trophy, I think Asuro and all the other big clans will be too, we'll carry you lazy folks like we do every other time.

Put on your overalls and go to work, Farmer Brown. I'll be playing games in the meantime (maybe even this one).
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...I don't see the point of this. My point was that there isn't much motivation to run it, not "OMG so hard to earn points for the event!".


The rewards suck really.


edit: 4 per tenno, or 4 total? 4 per tenno is better, but still, no reason to encourage more people to run it, unless they REALLY have missed out on their daily/weekly grind.

4 per tenno making your clan get 12 per run if you do clan wise.

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Warbros alone will probably get the event done. I mean, holy cheese look at their score.

And honestly I don't think DE even has the luxury to hold content hostage. We've already had a bunch of "burnt out" threads on the forums, player activity has been in decline, and f2p games (especially ones in "beta") require significant amounts of updates and content in order to stay fresh. The devs spent a lot of resources and manpower into making that tileset and the related content, not to mention they're locking the two new weapon bps in the new tileset. If this event fails and they actually don't release the Grineer Settlement content, that is A LOT of resources wasted, not to mention the two new weapons will be kept in a plat-only state which does NOT look good in the eyes of the community. DE does not have the luxury to risk holding back content in this stage of development.

But who knows, maybe DE is crazy enough to do it. Hell, it might even be as one of the other guys on this thread said, DE might be crazy enough to rig it to failure just to prove a point or something, i actually wouldn't put it past them. Or it might be because the Settlement and such isn't even completed and this is all just an excuse. /conspiracy

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hey did you know this is a video game


It's a FREE video game, bub.


They don't have to give us anything. Unless you've paid them lots of money, they don't owe you a thing. They're doing the best they can on this and I think, as a community, we should give them a little credit, instead of being selfish children and crying about not getting 5 copies of Retribution for our work.


Think of it this way. My suggest about Burnout Paradise? You want the new content so that you're not "bored with Warframe", as many players seem to be, according to the forums, you can either work for it, or pay for it. You're not entitled to it in any way, shape, or form.


If you don't want it, fine, don't play. Continue to be bored with this game. If you don't have money invested in it, why do you care if they "hold content hostage", to quote other members? Just go play something else.


I'm speaking as someone who likes that they're trying to get some story into this game, as it desperately lacks one at the moment, and if they want to make us do the work of the Tenno to get our story and our shiny new tileset, I'm totally fine with that.  If anything, having us play out the part of our characters is more in-depth storytelling than some 45 minute MGS cutscene will ever be.


I will gladly start working on the Void part of the mission tomorrow, as I want to run it with a friend of mine since we enjoy playing through new Warframe content together. I'm not going to be up there with Broframe members, as I have other plans this weekend, but I, and I'm sure many players, will do as much as we can to help this event succeed.

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Someone else said it the best in another tread. Im more excited for increased resorces ive been seeing than i am for the event, ive done 1 void run and got a 2nd key and honestly ill proberly only do more if the clan members want to. Less about the evnt more about runnning and chatting to mates.


I want the shiny shoulder emblem, other than that i see lots of time and effort in with very little in return. If the reward is we can have access to a new zone so we can farm even more i dont see the point. This is a shotting game, not a resorce gathering game, if i wanted that i go play terrarai or minecraft.

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It's a FREE video game, bub.

Correct. And this is important as to why you are wrong. They rely on people playing their game and THEN paying for it. They don't want people leaving, or getting bored ESPECIALLY when it's because they made a mistake and overestimated how much people care about a tileset/2 weapons and are willing to grind for no reward.


They don't have to give us anything.

If they want money, they do actually. No reason to spend money if the game stagnates.


Unless you've paid them lots of money, they don't owe you a thing.



They're doing the best they can on this and I think, as a community, we should give them a little credit, instead of being selfish children and crying about not getting 5 copies of Retribution for our work.

Haven't seen anyone saying "giimme 5 rare mods!", but I also don't think this is their best. Look at the last event, THAT was probably the best event DE has done. Why? It got people to work together, had good rewards, AND had a punishment that people wanted avoid. The previous event had a good balance of reward vs punishment, while this event has no reward other than a cosmetic badge you get after one point, and the punishment is locking away a TON of content for awhile.


If we fail, we lose a tileset, 2 weapons (atleast, one of which was the freaking TENNO REINFORCEMENTS weapon for some stupid reason). And true, we don't lose it forever, and it'll appear in another event, but again, if the punishment is this severe, the reward should be pretty dang good too. The current reward besides the badge is that we get to grind MORE for weapons (and everyone knows how much people like that...) AND then build them at our expense of mats. A better way to do it might have been to have the weapons as some sort of high tier reward (i.e. something like 300-400 points gets both weapons, 200 gets one (obviously, numbers would have to betweaked). THAT'S how you motivate people, if the punishment is extreme, the reward should be pretty dang good too.)


Think of it this way. My suggest about Burnout Paradise? You want the new content so that you're not "bored with Warframe", as many players seem to be, according to the forums, you can either work for it, or pay for it. You're not entitled to it in any way, shape, or form.

Sure, but without new content WF stagnates, DE stops getting money, WF goes under (if this is how they're gonna do events)


If you don't want it, fine, don't play.

No one has said "Gee, I hate new content." People want it, but they also want a reward of some kind, they play this game for fun, and part of fun is being rewarded, not avoiding punishment.


Continue to be bored with this game. If you don't have money invested in it, why do you care if they "hold content hostage", to quote other members? Just go play something else.

That's not what DE wants. DE released an event in competition to The International 3, and WCS, clearly they thought they could compete with them. DE wants people to invest money, and holding content "hostage" is not a good way to do it, and neither is saying "hey, don't like it? Go somewhere else then." DE wants people playing as long and as much as they can, and hopefully spend money too.


I'm speaking as someone who likes that they're trying to get some story into this game, as it desperately lacks one at the moment, and if they want to make us do the work of the Tenno to get our story and our shiny new tileset, I'm totally fine with that.

Sure, that's a great method, but that's not enough to carry it. More people would like to be rewarded for their grind in an already grind heavy game. If the game had more to it than grind, this wouldn't really be a problem, but that's not the case. Warframe's content = grind, and more pointless/unrewarded grind doesn't sit well with a decent bit of WF's community.


 If anything, having us play out the part of our characters is more in-depth storytelling than some 45 minute MGS cutscene will ever be.

Sure. It is a good way to tell a story, don't get me wrong, I like this method where we decide how the story turns out.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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It's a FREE video game, bub.


You want the new content so that you're not "bored with Warframe", as many players seem to be, according to the forums, you can either work for it, or pay for it. You're not entitled to it in any way, shape, or form.


I think you have counter-agrued your point in you own sentance. They want us to pay, they want us to stay in this game. Its benefitional for them to keep the playerbase happy and that from new content. If the majority say we dont want to pay for new content in a FREE video game and are going to only work for it if its worth it then that the case.


To meny people seam to forget as far as a F2P game is conserned the majority of the playerbase is right regardless of the minority. IF not then the majority of people stop playing and the game will shut down. If im gonna use time and/or money on this game, then i am from my view entitled to be entertained and i see that as in new content. Look around the forum the majoirity agrees with me.


So yes i am entitled to get enjoyment out of time. As someone also stated above its human nature to want to be rewarded for time/money or effort.

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It's a FREE video game, bub.








hey guy i didn't read any of that S#&$ beyond the first line, but i never claimed they owed me anything, just like i don't owe them or anyone else a login to slog through their boring non-event

Edited by bro-dog
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 I can't be the only person that appreciates the humor in the fact that every single event within an hour a thread with this same sort of title and this same sort of message pops up - saying "We can't"


 And here we are - not even 24 hours in - and we've smashed out a whole 25% of T1. 


 We have 6 Days ticking on the timer. We're good. Naysayers be damned.

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Broframe here, we're going for the Trophy, I think Asuro and all the other big clans will be too, we'll carry you lazy folks like we do every other time.


Oh! Thanks! I'll be playing Payday 2 meanwhile :) just hit me up if ya need anything.

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I started doing the event but got a bit sidetracked (need Frost Systems so I can build him).

As soon as I get that, I'm going back in.....I'm using Volt right now while I wait for Mag to finish...Do love walking into a crowded room and melting faces.

Having decent luck with drops on the void ships too...so that's a plus,and solo so I can kill all I want and leave when I feel like it.

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