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Ideas For Loki.


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I love radial disarm, don't get me wrong.  It's one of the main reasons I wanted the Hek.  Disarm, own face.


But you just shift them from guns to melee.  No damage, no snares, no DoTs, nothing.  Meanwhile everyone else can pretty much obliterate the room with their 4.  I'd rather tone everyone else down, but that's not realistic.  So just a *bit* more utility for Loki's 100 energy ultimate would be sweet.  Not to mention other than minor damage it's useless against 1/3rd of the factions in game, and on the 2 factions it works against there are units it won't do anything to (damn you flameblades!)

Agreed there...That's why either them slowing down or a stun would be great.

And I know the feeling you Radial disarm then right after Mag comes in with crush or Nova just goes and is OP as usuall. =P

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Agreed there...That's why either them slowing down or a stun would be great.

And I know the feeling you Radial disarm then right after Mag comes in with crush or Nova just goes and is OP as usuall. =P


My thoughts exactly.  Just kinda zaps all of the appeal out of it when I disarm everyone, and they're promptly obliterated by a better ultimate.  Would have rather saved the 100 energy.

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Like i posted in the other thread (linked here by Bakercompany86), with even more ideas to it:



Decoy needs to last better at longer levels, and it could use some more QoL changes. Here are my proposals for it:

* Invincible (shorter duration though)

* Allies can shoot through it

* Enemies that melee it gets some of their damage returned to them

* Regardless of pvp or not, it could have the weapons that the current Loki uses. If enemies get close, the Loki can even start using the melee weapon (not dealing any damage, but gives a better illusion)

* Loki can see his Decoy through walls, and this can be utilized with Switch Teleport so you can use it through walls!

Focus - Increases the melee damagereturn

Stretch - ??? (Increases the taunt-radius?)

Continuity - Increases duration



Loki's probably strongest skill with its immense melee bonus is fine, mostly. Only small tweaks are needed. Food for thought: What if Loki (or any Warframe in stealth) aren't invulnerable to non-aoe-attacks during the effect? And what if enemies tried to "find" you with their attacks while invisible? And what if they reacted better to noise? It could be improved in these regards, but i don't think it is a high priority right now. But some direct tweaks for it could be:

* Also cloaks the sentinel

* Slightly less sound and vision penalties (mainly the sound reduction)

Focus - Increased melee bonus (?)

Radius - ???

Continuity - Increased duration


Switch Teleport

I think this skill has so much potential, but falls a little short in its effects. Some ideas:

* Can switch with your Decoy through walls (Maybe even so that if you hold the Switch-button down, you automatically swap with your Decoy, if you have one out, regardless of where you are aiming?)

* Loki, regardless of which target you swap with, gets a reduction in damage taken (by up to 50%, for up to 5 seconds?). This would be a more important bonus if the Invisibility effect is less "invincibility"-ish (as mentioned above).

* If your target is an ally, it gets the same reduction in damage taken as Loki

* If your target is an enemy, it suffers MORE damage taken (up to 100% more?) and will also get an illusion on it, making enemies think it is Loki (and will thus attack it). Both these effects last for 5 seconds or so. The first 2 seconds, the target could maybe also be stunned?

* Explosive barrels should be swappable perhaps (will get the same aggro on it as if it was an enemy)?

Focus - Increases the Loki/ally damage-taken-reduction and increases the enemy damage-weakness

Stretch - Increases castrange and enemy aggrorange

Continuity - Increases all effect durations


Radial Disarm

This skill ALSO has lots of cool potential, and here are a whole bunch of upgrades it could receive:

* As OP mentioned: Instead of instantly disarming ranged enemies, making their weapons malfunction on their next shot instead (with some damage + stun or stagger) sounds cool and makes sense. It might deal damage yes, but very indirectly, thus still fitting with Loki's theme.

* It could be an aoe-ability that is castable at where you are aiming, rather than just an aoe-ability cast at your feet.

* Enemies that are disarmable, gets PERMANENTLY disarmed, just like now.

* Enemies, regardless if disarmable or not, also gets a TEMPORARY effect: When they deal damage, they suffer a high amount (100% or even more?) of their own damage dealt back to themselves. Add a Decoy or a Switch Teleport and you got yourself a mayhem! This gives it a lot more useage too where it currently is useless:

a) It makes it useful against Infested units!

b) It makes it useful even against non-disarmable bosses!

c) It gives you a reason to use it more than once (since the returndamage is only temporary)!

Focus - Increases the damagereturn amount

Stretch - Increases effect radius

Continuity - Increases the damagereturn duration

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why are there so many threads trying to change loki?

anyways... my 2 cents:

1 - Decoy needs more HP/armor/shield say something like X1/2/3/4 at each rank, this would help it scale with higher level content, as currently it is great/OP on lower level mobs, and disappeares instantly with anything over lvl 60

3 - Switch Teleport - already one of the most useful skills ingame, so if anything I think it'd be cool if any enemy swapped with would be confused/stunned for a few seconds, say like a mini-chaos

4 - Radial Disarm - % chance to cause critical weapon failure and dmg targets that get disarmed say (10%/20%/30%/40%), not consistent (say 600 armor ignore base dmg), but extra cool fluff, then cripple mobs that cannot be disarmed, slowing their attack speed and movement and reducing their dmg output by the same % amount (10/20/30/40) [ie bosses, ancients] (should not be able to stack the debuff btw) [remove the dmg to chargers and light infested with this change]

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Like i posted in the other thread (linked here by Bakercompany86), with even more ideas to it:



Decoy needs to last better at longer levels, and it could use some more QoL changes. Here are my proposals for it:

* Invincible (shorter duration though)

* Allies can shoot through it

* Enemies that melee it gets some of their damage returned to them

* Regardless of pvp or not, it could have the weapons that the current Loki uses. If enemies get close, the Loki can even start using the melee weapon (not dealing any damage, but gives a better illusion)

* Loki can see his Decoy through walls, and this can be utilized with Switch Teleport so you can use it through walls!

Focus - Increases the melee damagereturn

Stretch - ??? (Increases the taunt-radius?)

Continuity - Increases duration



Loki's probably strongest skill with its immense melee bonus is fine, mostly. Only small tweaks are needed. Food for thought: What if Loki (or any Warframe in stealth) aren't invulnerable to non-aoe-attacks during the effect? And what if enemies tried to "find" you with their attacks while invisible? And what if they reacted better to noise? It could be improved in these regards, but i don't think it is a high priority right now. But some direct tweaks for it could be:

* Also cloaks the sentinel

* Slightly less sound and vision penalties (mainly the sound reduction)

Focus - Increased melee bonus (?)

Radius - ???

Continuity - Increased duration


Switch Teleport

I think this skill has so much potential, but falls a little short in its effects. Some ideas:

* Can switch with your Decoy through walls (Maybe even so that if you hold the Switch-button down, you automatically swap with your Decoy, if you have one out, regardless of where you are aiming?)

* Loki, regardless of which target you swap with, gets a reduction in damage taken (by up to 50%, for up to 5 seconds?). This would be a more important bonus if the Invisibility effect is less "invincibility"-ish (as mentioned above).

* If your target is an ally, it gets the same reduction in damage taken as Loki

* If your target is an enemy, it suffers MORE damage taken (up to 100% more?) and will also get an illusion on it, making enemies think it is Loki (and will thus attack it). Both these effects last for 5 seconds or so. The first 2 seconds, the target could maybe also be stunned?

* Explosive barrels should be swappable perhaps (will get the same aggro on it as if it was an enemy)?

Focus - Increases the Loki/ally damage-taken-reduction and increases the enemy damage-weakness

Stretch - Increases castrange and enemy aggrorange

Continuity - Increases all effect durations


Radial Disarm

This skill ALSO has lots of cool potential, and here are a whole bunch of upgrades it could receive:

* As OP mentioned: Instead of instantly disarming ranged enemies, making their weapons malfunction on their next shot instead (with some damage + stun or stagger) sounds cool and makes sense. It might deal damage yes, but very indirectly, thus still fitting with Loki's theme.

* It could be an aoe-ability that is castable at where you are aiming, rather than just an aoe-ability cast at your feet.

* Enemies that are disarmable, gets PERMANENTLY disarmed, just like now.

* Enemies, regardless if disarmable or not, also gets a TEMPORARY effect: When they deal damage, they suffer a high amount (100% or even more?) of their own damage dealt back to themselves. Add a Decoy or a Switch Teleport and you got yourself a mayhem! This gives it a lot more useage too where it currently is useless:

a) It makes it useful against Infested units!

b) It makes it useful even against non-disarmable bosses!

c) It gives you a reason to use it more than once (since the returndamage is only temporary)!

Focus - Increases the damagereturn amount

Stretch - Increases effect radius

Continuity - Increases the damagereturn duration

These are very interesting have you ever thought of putting this as a forum?

Edited by Duskblade777
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They discourage repeat topics.  He added it to an already ongoing Loki thread.  I'm not opposed to making it the spearhead thread for Loki changes though.  

He should make it on his own forum it sounds like a pretty good ideas although one ability I don't agree with that much his ideas are pretty good.

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