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The Harrow Chassis blueprint only drops from Corrupted Void Fissure enemies. It along with Ash and Oberon are the only blueprints that are dropped from enemies directly rather than mission / rotation rewards.

Purple/Violet beams represent blueprint drops. This may be a weapon blueprint or 'Frame blueprint such as Gorgon or Oberon pieces.

Edited by (XB1)RPColten
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Copy pasted from the wiki.
"The Chassis blueprint drops from enemies Corrupted by Void Fissures. The Systems blueprint can be found in Rotation C of Defection. The Neuroptics blueprint can be found in Rotation C of Kuva Fortress Spy (Pago). "

Void missions only drop his chassis. So if you want the other parts of him, you have to do Defection and Kuva spy.


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Why does everyone want warframes to do damage, everyone wants a 5 to 10 wave insta spawn kill frame, why even bring guns. Nyx is really good in long survival if you know what your doing, once mobs get certain levels warframes poop out and you have to depend on your weapon loadout. I like nyx, only thing wrong is the passive. Move along

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  • 3 months later...
On 2018-03-08 at 11:33 AM, (PS4)Awesomenisticus said:

Those drops are like a rainy day account...in a pinch, quick money. Better selling those drops than being "that" tenno jumping into Akkad for only 5 waves...

Akkad is s**t anyway. Hieracon is best for credits. So being that tenno would be bad. 

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13 hours ago, (PS4)salovel1991 said:

Akkad is s**t anyway. Hieracon is best for credits. So being that tenno would be bad.

Hiercon is wonderful for more than just credits. I typically use Akkad for leveling (and I like the gameplay), it's frustrating to get someone only popping in for the first round (5 waves) then bailing, especially for the "quick credits". Which it really isn't.

Sorry if this started to derail, I forgot the orig post question, and the 90's were A LOT of fun...

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