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Advanced Idles (Animations That Depend On Your Actions)


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So in addition to selectable animations coming soon, some tweaks to existing ones, it would be really nice to see animations smoothly merge with one another depending on your surroundings and actions. Or in other words:

1. Idle animation is more aggressive, tactical (like the current loki idle) and tense when you are in combat or have just escaped combat. This would ease down as the time goes and eventually turn into the third one. (some frames look really fierce for no reason while being in a dojo or in no combat)

2. More intense breathing animations after running, moving alot, maybe same as above. Animation when they are low on health, a more hunch, limping animation perhaps.

3. Opposite of the first one (more relaxed, thoughtful) when just entered the mission, and in arsenal screen.

Because some animations do look cool, and let's say I select the fierce and aggressive one. But it's completely out of place in a dojo or some kind of stealth mission and I am stuck with that one in all situations.

Edited by Aure7
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any more thoughts? Animations are a very big part of such game, and animators doing a great job but more advanced animations and all that scripting tuff they mentioned is also very much needed. Don't you agree?

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I wouldn't mind matching shooting/aiming and running animations for the idle anims we have currently. It looks weird when my Loki is hunched over all badass then starts running all 'Ohai guys, just trotting along here' *stops* 'GET AWAY!'.


Suppose my post isn't really related to advanced idles...

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I wouldn't mind matching shooting/aiming and running animations for the idle anims we have currently. It looks weird when my Loki is hunched over all badass then starts running all 'Ohai guys, just trotting along here' *stops* 'GET AWAY!'.


Suppose my post isn't really related to advanced idles...

that was perfect example why it looks weird and why it would be so much better with these idles that depend on stuff.

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I am very pleased with my Ash's animations, very subtle.


Such a pose when he crosses his arms in the Dojo.


The only thing i ask now is new crouching animations...

Crouching - meh, not that important. It will probably change with those "heavy, medium, light" body type animations they've talked about.

But imagine clearing a room of infested with your ash, he sheathes his sword while still standing aggressively and on alert.

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  • 2 months later...

Aure7, you get all my +1s. There are so many things which can be improved in this game, but for a game that has such a great visual style the animations need to be at a similarly high level of quality to really hold everything together.

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Crouching - meh, not that important. It will probably change with those "heavy, medium, light" body type animations they've talked about.

IIRC the heavy/medium/light thing evolved into an entire animation set per frame.


The weight was basically a way to generalize the frames to body types, after all. Then they ditched that and just made distinct sets for each.

Edited by Kyte
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IIRC the heavy/medium/light thing evolved into an entire animation set per frame.


The weight was basically a way to generalize the frames to body types, after all. Then they ditched that and just made distinct sets for each.

where did you get this? Design council? I heard nothing about animation sets for a long time and nothing at all about making distinct sets for each warframe



On the side note this has been posted on the "grand thread for animations* sort of thing that i have been managing for a while. Feel free to comment and bump that one because that thread as whole has more chance of being spotted.

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I admit it's an assumption. When they explained light/medium/heavy it was basically referring to their stance, 'cause, for example, Mag and Rhino were really different in build so what looked good on Rhino looks bad on Mag and such.

However, they ended up making a set for each frame, which in my mind makes the light/medium/heavy distinction redundant.

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Adding Physic period would be a good idea.

Like lets say a Heavy Warframe (Frost/Frost Prime and Rhino) Fall for a long distance,they should be able to smash a hole into the floor to symbolize they are heavy.Lighter Warframes should only bend the floor some. Bullets,slashing,and abilities should show damage on enemies and you.Certain items in the environment should be damaged after a huge gun fight or explosion(if your a nova).Glass should shatter,walls should warp and bend,the ground should burn or freeze.

Physics in this game would make it so much better even thought its all ready really good.

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Adding Physic period would be a good idea.

Like lets say a Heavy Warframe (Frost/Frost Prime and Rhino) Fall for a long distance,they should be able to smash a hole into the floor to symbolize they are heavy.Lighter Warframes should only bend the floor some. Bullets,slashing,and abilities should show damage on enemies and you.Certain items in the environment should be damaged after a huge gun fight or explosion(if your a nova).Glass should shatter,walls should warp and bend,the ground should burn or freeze.

Physics in this game would make it so much better even thought its all ready really good.

"Behold the wailing and gnashing of teeth of the thousands of gamers worldwide watching their systems melt." - Anonymous


It would be amazing if they added those effects, though.

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"Behold the wailing and gnashing of teeth of the thousands of gamers worldwide watching their systems melt." - Anonymous


It would be amazing if they added those effects, though.

They could just make it to where they were toggle options there's enough people with good enough computers to make it worthwhile

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  • 2 months later...

I like this idea, it could also be used as way to give frames a little more personality. Like Ash's noble animation gives you the sense that he might be very serious and is someone you don't want to mess with. Some animations in Dojo I can agree with like Frost making a mini-avalanche on the ground seems playful and calm, but Saryn doing a poison effect while holding her hands in sense like she wants to murder someone doesn't really make much sense to me in a calm environment or their home where they go to meditate or something. I mean if I was meditating I probably wouldn't look menacingly but rather just calm and collected. Maybe animations could apply to the situations like you stated. I would definitely love to see that. 


Edit: I say meditation because you can kneel down in the duel room and Tenno are usually depicted kneeling down seemingly in a relaxed state.

Edited by Cactuarspy
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  • 1 month later...

This kind of thing is sorely needed. Our characters are what we look at ALL DAY LONG yet they seem to be some of the least polished/informative animations in the game. A great example of useful and immersive animations is the idea of separate animation sets for low health levels, and even extending to more "painful-looking" downed stances (right now it just looks like we're kinda chillin') with slowly deteriorating 'energy' in our movements as we get closer and closer to death. I view visual indicators like this just as -if not more- important that a number to show your health and shield levels.


As for more relaxed and casual animations in the dojo and during non-combat situations: YES! These would be a huge boon to immersion (something which I hear tell DE is looking to add more of), as well as bring a better feeling of personality to each frame.


I realize such things are a lot of work, but trust me when I say it is so, so worth it. People often underestimate the importance of subtle and expressive animations on primary characters, but it is one of the -if not the- most important feature you can have as far as immersion goes.

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