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Why Should Non-Paying/ Poor Ppl Have To Suffer?


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why should ppl that dont have any money have to farm for days and wait extremely long crafting times??  I think that farming will always be a problem for any MMO or game that needs you to do so. So thats not even a big problem. Tho the crafting times are make this game hard to play. It doesnt make it to where I want to put money into the game. because of the WAY over priced stuff in the market. even to get  a frame thats not one of the main ones to pick from you have to put $30 bucks to get it. plus you have to buy the basic colors set. Come on Dev's this makes you guys look money hungry and that bad. you gys made a good game dont #$$ it out plz . 

Because you're not helping the people who work on the game to continue doing so.  Games don't just pop into existence for free, they are very, VERY expensive to make.

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Farmed and built a rhino in 3 days (rushed last build with plat), been playing a week. got sentinel, potato for my suit. couple forma (alerts, dailys), few weps (random bp drops in alerts). I have been logging an extreme amount of time but now that i have the essentials out of the way i can start casually playing. besides farming mats isn't that terrible, sure neurodes suck but meh such is life.


Edit**: And when you are poor, you learn to make do, not ask for entitlement.

Edited by Ravnok
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Okay I am going to assume you´re some 12 year-old that can´t get his parents to pay him for this game to serve him everything on a silver plate.Dude,if DE would implemetn your "system" it would shut down in maybe like 4 weeks.I....I don´t really know how else to explain this to you or to insult your stupidity but....just delete this post or burn it or some shiz.

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There are only two things that I hate about Warframe's monetization: buying inventory slots and the absurdly high prices of things in the market for mats and "pointless" bundles. What would be nice (but probably will never happen) is that inventory slots either cost X plat or a VERY large amont of credits (I'm thinking somewhere between 50k-100k, maybe more).


But on the OP: WTSF!?!? How the frick is the existence farming/grinding a big problem in MMOs. Besides the point of buying th dev more time to churn out content and fixes, some (or alot in endgame) farming/grinding makes that new and more powerful gear feel just that more enjoyable. Don't overdue it, but keep some form of farming/grinding in your game.


Okay I am going to assume you´re some 12 year-old that can´t get his parents to pay him for this game to serve him everything on a silver plate.Dude,if DE would implemetn your "system" it would shut down in maybe like 4 weeks.I....I don´t really know how else to explain this to you or to insult your stupidity but....just delete this post or burn it or some shiz.

Also, this. I'm kinda like that example (doesn't have spare money to spend of recreation), but I understand why I need to pay money for things (someone has to pay to DE to be able to feed themselves)

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True, most players leave because they don't want to wait, but I'm sure the devs will take notice, make this more easier to craft or even free, like colour choices. but some people need to understand, players who paid are entitled to some kind of thing that only they can have.

It would be nice to have statistics on that. I believe the true cause of most people leaving, is the repetitive gameplay, and the bazillion of connection problems.


Financing the game is more important than the whines of a few. Just plan in advance your adquisition, so you can queue multiple projects. That way you can also overcome the slot limitation, you'l redeem your weapon once you've erased the ones you ddon't like.

Edited by Tasurinchi
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There are only two things that I hate about Warframe's monetization: buying inventory slots and the absurdly high prices of things in the market for mats and "pointless" bundles. What would be nice (but probably will never happen) is that inventory slots either cost X plat or a VERY large amont of credits (I'm thinking somewhere between 50k-100k, maybe more).


But on the OP: WTSF!?!? How the frick is the existence farming/grinding a big problem in MMOs. Besides the point of buying th dev more time to churn out content and fixes, some (or alot in endgame) farming/grinding makes that new and more powerful gear feel just that more enjoyable. Don't overdue it, but keep some form of farming/grinding in your game.


Also, this. I'm kinda like that example (doesn't have spare money to spend of recreation), but I understand why I need to pay money for things (someone has to pay to DE to be able to feed themselves)

100k credits is nothing...


DE has to make money, games are very expensive to make and you're putting hundreds of hours into their game for free.  Complaining about them having systems set up so that you could perhaps, if it strikes your fancy, spend money on it is really not that big of a deal.  You want to complain about being money hungry, go try to play any of those games you get when you type in "free online game" into google.

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Only thing I find punishing in this game is the idea of Orokin Catalysts and Reactors, and the 3 day wait for Frame build times (3 Days honestly? Is this one of those bs Press Build and stop playing for 7 day games?) Anyhow, the only reason I find Potatos annoying is the fact that the only times there on alerts is mainly during Livestreams, and the Daily Log In system got bloated way too much so yeah... gl there. And some weps honestly... just need a potato. Take Dual Zoren for example, the only way you can actually build a Dual Zoren properly is with a potato, it's not even viable with out one. Great utility, horrible melee. It also irks be that the classic color set has 1 row... honestly? Give us a full color pallet at the very least, we have 2 slots and 8 wep slots, more then enough if you're like me and can deal with re-building frames since you're broke as f, but when you have a total of like 5 Colors? It's sorta like... Really? You're gonna make me pay 5$ for a assortment of colors because you're too cheap to give me the base color set for free? All in all though it's completely possible to play this game for free, just those certain aspects that at times irk you, one thing I do feel should be removed how ever is the purchasing of resources, completely takes away the "The Longer you play the more it pays off" aspect that they said in the beginning, now you can buy all the resources, never enter a mission once, buy the credits, then buy the bp, build the bp, rush the bp, and be done with it.... just kinda irks me that they put that in the Market.

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It would be nice to have statistics on that. I believe the true cause of most people leaving, is the repetitive gameplay, and the bazillion of connection problems.


Financing the game is more important than the whines of a few. Just plan in advance your adquisition, so you can queue multiple projects. That way you can also overcome the slot limitation, you'l redeem your weapon once you've erased the ones you ddon't like.

Waiting 12 hours for a wep is fine in a way. Waiting 3 Days for a Frame you (May Have) Spent 3 Days farming for to finish building? That's a serious test of patience for many people. And that's also were many people suddenly feel this game is making you pay to get the good stuff. I know there are alot of people who, when they finally can build that new Frame, during those 3 days that it's building don't even touch the game for that period, myself being one of them. The instant that build timer starts, I generally instantly lose interest in playing and just want to use that new gun or sword or frame that I just started building. Maybe but that's just me but I highly doubt it.

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Resources were put in the market because people expressed a willingness to buy them if they were there.  Colors are vanity, you pay for extra vanity.  Extra slots are convenience, you pay for convenience.  The game is free and very much so open to be enjoyed in full without putting any money into it, which is saying something in the current gaming community.  Devs gotta eat, yo.

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Waiting 12 hours for a wep is fine in a way. Waiting 3 Days for a Frame you (May Have) Spent 3 Days farming for to finish building? That's a serious test of patience for many people. And that's also were many people suddenly feel this game is making you pay to get the good stuff. I know there are alot of people who, when they finally can build that new Frame, during those 3 days that it's building don't even touch the game for that period, myself being one of them. The instant that build timer starts, I generally instantly lose interest in playing and just want to use that new gun or sword or frame that I just started building. Maybe but that's just me but I highly doubt it.

There are some people who wait, there are others who actually enjoy playing the game and just keep playing while their new items build.  I've got 1 frame left to build and have never had a problem with the 3 day wait, nor have I ever rushed an item (CV keys excluded: 0 plat rush).  Usually I try to see if I can build another frame in 3 days, haha.

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My advice, is, Farm for multiple warframes at once and weapons. That way the wait time is only dependent on how fast you can level up the warframes and weapons. Other wise u are crazy. I haven't paid one cent on this game and I am thankful that it is so free to play. I don't want many many weapons for slots because I forma'd my rhino so many times and my gorgon, afuris, and my Fragor. The rest are just rankable items that I toss. I wish there was a mission that was hard as hell to farm for platinum, that only gives like 1 - 2 max platinum so I could eventually buy the color tables with a lot of grinding and time put into it. Also, it would be nice for the accessories and color packs.

Thanks dev's for making this free to play. <3 you all.


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My advice, is, Farm for multiple warframes at once and weapons. That way the wait time is only dependent on how fast you can level up the warframes and weapons. Other wise u are crazy. I haven't paid one cent on this game and I am thankful that it is so free to play. I don't want many many weapons for slots because I forma'd my rhino so many times and my gorgon, afuris, and my Fragor. The rest are just rankable items that I toss. I wish there was a mission that was hard as hell to farm for platinum, that only gives like 1 - 2 max platinum so I could eventually buy the color tables with a lot of grinding and time put into it. Also, it would be nice for the accessories and color packs.


Thanks dev's for making this free to play. <3 you all.


By the way, that was my old account. from along time ago. This is my new one. I am DrCorpse.

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@ Rapid99-well in most Free to play game's there are ways to make plat. where in this game there isnt. if we the ppl had a way to make plat then waiting times, frame and weapon slots wouldn't be a problem. because then I would think dev's care about us more. 


@dadgoat- big, small or otherwise doesnt matter. if you put a free to play game out there and you want your gamers to pay for things then give them a taste of what you want them you buy. its simple really and a good business module.  

1:  There will be a way to make plat in this game it isn't in place yet.  People really should watch the livestreams they talk about most things people complain about. 


2:  This game is in development still and the devs said they are not in a position to lower prices yet.  If the prices are adjusted it likely won't happen until after the PS4 release. 


3:  So what there are waiting times, are you that impatient?  I don't know anyone who buys platinum that has used the rush function more than once or twice, it is a non-issue. 


4:  This is DEs first game like this, they are learning as they go, you can't expect everything to be perfect right away. 

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why should ppl that dont have any money have to farm for days and wait extremely long crafting times??  

because of the WAY over priced stuff in the market. even to get  a frame thats not one of the main ones to pick from you have to put $30 bucks to get it. plus you have to buy the basic colors set. Come on Dev's this makes you guys look money hungry and that bad. you gys made a good game dont #$$ it out plz . 

it is not uncommon for people to need to wait for things without paying for them. you are forgetting that in the game industry, TWO things are valuable. time, and money. that's ALL a developer has for leverage. nothing else. 


i admit, i don't personally agree with the prices of most things in the Market. the cost of frames means i'm never going to just outright buy one. i buy Forma, Potatoes occasionally, but that's mostly it. things like color pallates, i have as many as i'm ever going to buy, probably. the cost of them ($5 a piece?) is a bit meh :/

i'd've bought all the color packs in a heartbeat for like $15 worth, but not with those prices.

they're not too extreme though really, just outside of what i can justify dropping on a single item. i can understand frames being the most expensive thing since they're the foundation of everything, and the biggest part of the game. and then next would be weapons, since that's the next biggest thing. etc.


frankly, Warframe is one of the most fair F2P games there is. i've rarely if ever felt like i was at any sort of disadvantage because i'm not dumping more money into a game. frankly, Potatoes and Forma are the single two items that Digital Extremes makes most of their money on. due to their high use to players in all stages of the game, and fair pricing. 

the only times i've felt like i was progressing slowly due to less money spent, was probably when clans were first introduced. those prices on everything were ridiculous for normal sized groups. but that's no longer an issue. 

Instant gratification can be a plague to a society.

not can be, more like is. kids grow up getting everything they want and don't, and think the world works that way. 

it's the same story as buying a puppy, and not training it to behave decently (which as conscripting as that is, is necessary). all you're doing is abusing the animal because you didn't raise it correctly.



I don't know anyone who buys platinum that has used the rush function more than once or twice, it is a non-issue.

i've... actually rushed about 3, possibly 4 items. all of these items however, were items i was REALLY excited about being in the game. and i did not regret rushing them, because i really wanted them. 



well in most Free to play game's there are ways to make plat.

please be informed. Captain Vor's Consignment Store is including trading. the transmuting is the first part of that, the next will be market trading. you'll be able to buy and sell mods and other stuff for Platinum. small numbers usually, but it'll exist. 

Edited by taiiat
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Some way of trading credits for plat seems like something that will most likely happen, or maybe as a reward (one per super hard mission), would also work. As for the pricing, at the moment it seems shaped around the 75% discount login rewards.

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Some way of trading credits for plat seems like something that will most likely happen, or maybe as a reward (one per super hard mission), would also work. As for the pricing, at the moment it seems shaped around the 75% discount login rewards.


Yeah. Discount login rewards, the steam sale, the founder program, plat giveaways like the alienware promotion.... if you're paying full price for plat you're a sucker.

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I have to say I think that non-paying players have it just fine (except with regards to warframe/weapon slots - more below). I've only spent my plat on one sentinel, one helmet, the dual ethers when they were released, a few potatoes and one forma, and the saturated colour scheme.


Without paying any plat, I've crafted five frames, including a Frost Prime, have nine primaries, eight secondaries and nine melee weapons (including teh Glaive - got an alert for it just a few days ago \o/). More than half of these have been potato'd using alert potatoes, but only one is polarised because Forma is a biaatch to find. I've got all the prints to build another 3 frames and about another 6 weapons but I've already got enough weapons that I need to level up anyway!


The majority of the gear I have crafted, I didn't have to farm long for, if at all (although the goddamn Nova is proving an exception...), I just played the game as I liked and happened to find cool stuff to build in the process. I really think this is pretty damn awesome for not paying any money.


However - I do have a big problem with having to pay plat for extra warframe/weapon slots. I was happy to buy a founders package, since I love the Excal Prime and wanted to support an awesome game, so I have the plat to buy the slots, but this is one thing I think needs to be changed. There should be a way to get these without paying platinum in my opinion.


Overall I love the F2P system so far. I don't feel at all disadvantaged compared to players who pay plat for gear, as a matter of fact I prefer not to, it makes it way more satisfying/exciting when I do manage to get all the mats/BP's for a sick weapon or frame.

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So we should just give you everything that you want while those who actually backed DE with hard earned money get no benefits... 


yay totally makes sense.  You are getting to play a game completely for free. The only  things that you cannot get are completely cosmetic and do not affect the outcome of how well or powerful you are in game.



Some of us are luckier than others and have extra money laying around to support DE.  And some have parents that give them money too. That's part of life. 


I backed them game and i actually wait for all the building times to complete.  I do not spend my plat on rush times.


I should point out that if you are really that poor, maybe you shouldn't' be playing video games. Learn to code or improve your skills to help get a better paying job...

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I have like no platinum except for what was given to us in the beginning and I don't feel like I'm suffering at all.

I am more than willing to wait for a frame to build. Makes it l the more sweeter when I get it in 3 days. Yeah the color thing is a bother but really that and slots are all I'd ever buy. And maybe orokin reactors.

I doubt they are that money hungry for a game that is free to play. So no you can enjoy the game without putting a dime into it but you will have to give up things or limit yourself.

You have no platinum except the starting plat?  How much was that forum avatar?

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