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Trinity Vs Rhino



Ohai everyone :o


So uh



Oh yeah..


I have to build 1 part of one of the both warframes stated in the title, the Systems.

I can build Trinity's system or Rhino's system but I cant choose which one to make. >.<


My friend told me to choose according to my playstyle and somehow, Im offencive and a healer player. q_q


So any oppinions? :D

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OP, being someone who has leveled both frames to 30. Build rhino. Trinity is outclassed by breakable crates, playing her is pointless because of the abundance of energy and health orbs. She shines in nightmare, and soloing bosses, but so does nightmare, and he has a team wide damage boost.

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OP, being someone who has leveled both frames to 30. Build rhino. Trinity is outclassed by breakable crates, playing her is pointless because of the abundance of energy and health orbs. She shines in nightmare, and soloing bosses, but so does nightmare, and he has a team wide damage boost.

Hmm.. :l

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Rhino is definitely an awesome frame. Tons of damage on the ultimate as well as a large amount of shield capacity. Rhino is the frame you would want for overall gameplay.


Trinity is good for the healing but most of the time players die within a few seconds of taking damage.

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Another person here who's also maxed out both Trinity and Rhino. Gotta say I prefer Rhino more. At this point in time, it's hard to contend with a rhino for pure survivability and damage output.


It is nice however to have a trinity along for the tougher bosses though. infinite energy makes it much easier on everyone.

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I'd go for trinity.


Acting as a Epic Mob Decoy?

- Link

Healing Powers when no Health Orbs Exist?

- Blessing or Well of Life

Revived under Epic Crossfire?

- Link

Longer Survivalbility? 

- Blessing Spam (If you got High Power Duration)

Healed Under Enemy fire?

- Blessing and Well of Life (You still have it)

No Energy Orbs?

- Energy Vampire 

No Energy Siphon?

- Energy Vampire

Out of energy in a middle of a Crossfire? 

- Energy Vampire


I'd go Trinity over Rhino anyday as Trinity shines well in higher level defense.

Problem is, gotta use the skills correctly and at the right time or Spam it correctly.


Rihno is still great due to slowing the enemy down with Stomp, Atk Buffs and dat Tanky Iron Skin.

If you have the 2 together however...GG imo. Though the only reason I use Trinity is because shes underrated and underplayed.

Other than that. I hears Trinity will get some changes.

Edited by Ephesus
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I love my Trinity.


Only time I pull out Rhino is when I need to hack'n'slash across a planet, which isn't very often. That, and when I want to walk around on Corpus Spaceships.


Trinity also keeps other team members running, rather than just making them deadlier. Sustained fire from not dying beats 1.5x damage, imo.


Although, if you don't plan on playing with friends with voice or don't like keeping the health bars open 24/7, pick Rhino. He's better for solo-play in general while Trinity is better if you have friends to scream "BLESSINGBLESSINGBLESSING!" over voice when they're doing their fighting thing.

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Having played Trinity and Rhino to 30.


I have found Rhino the easiest to play both solo and in a group.  The Iron skin mod is simply awesome and requires little effort to manage.


Trinity I found is best played in a group.  I found blessing is the only mod I use most of the time and only ever use energy vamp and well of life when I'm fighting a boss.  Regular mobs die so fast neither of those latter skills I mentioned are cost effective in energy when used on them.  Using them on bosses will keep you and your mates topped off in energy the entire fight. 


Simply put Rhino is more fun if you like to just kill things quick and brutal without putting in much thought into how you do it.  Trinity is more fun if you like to be more supportive and tactical.  I enjoy either and both depending on mood and necessity. 


I hope this helps and adds something to this rather comprehensive thread.


Be Well,


Semper Fi

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I would go with trinity sounds like your playstyle. Trinity is a lot less simple to use than rhino and she is very useful to a party. Energy vampire bassically = infinite energy. Also, you can keep blessing up pretty much 24/7 with duration mods and by targetting mobs with energy vampire that are away from where everyone is shooting at. The only problem with trinity is she takes a lot of work to bring out her full potential or playing with friends with a microphone.

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Trinity is also SLOW. So slow. And if you ever fall beneath enough energy to case EV you're prettymuch doomed.


Rhino with the Season 2 helm is actually pretty damn fast. Rhino is also the absolute best frame to run nightmares solo on, as you can pop IS at the beginning of a missions even if its a energy loss setup, and take no damage during a speed run. :)



Also, and this might just be me, but I fairly frequently find that I die while Link is active (and linked to an enemy). I have no idea how this happens, but shes so squishy that I'm dead before I notice I'm taking damage.

Edited by Darzk
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