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Region chat tied to game language and not to matchmaking region.


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Just.... why?
I play in the south-america region and also like to play in english because its just easier for me to read and there shouldn't be any problem with that. Except for the fact that the Region/Recruit/Trade chat are almost empty unless I change the language of my game.
I was playing in english not 10 minutes ago and the trade chat barely had 10 people in it so I decided to change it since my friends said they were filled on their side. A quick restart and set to spanish later the list got so god damn long that it just blows my mind to think "why does the chat work like this?"

I didn't change the region setting at all, its still set to south america. I just changed the UI language. UI as in USER INTERFACE, something that should be completely CLIENT SIDE and have nothing to do with what server I should be in.

I still get matched with people playing in other languages in the same region yet I can't talk in the same chat if I have a different language set in my game? What the f-? Can someone explain this bs to me?

Edited by Qruis
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i can think of a few reasons.

Reason 1: filtering of foreign languages for those who are not bilingual.
I'm not sure what the language diversity is like in south america, but try to imagine what it would be like in Europe if all languages were simultaneously present in chat.
We have English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish, Turkish and i think Ukrainian as possible language choices. If you are not bilingual then when you look at region/recruiting/trade chat 87.5% of the text shown will be gibberish to you (not accounting for player distribution among these languages, of course). Filtering out the languages that are different from yours makes it easier to: keep track of a conversation in region, co-ordinate planned missions like keyshares or taxis in recruiting, and makes it much easier to select trading partners that you are not going to have to overcome a language barrier in order to barter with.
As for random matchmaking, when was the last time anyone co-ordinated in a pub match, lol

Reason 2: It cuts back on how fast chat scrolls.
If you have ever been present when region descends into anarchy, or just ever looked at trade chat, you know how fast anything can just fly off the top of the chat window. Imagine that, but multiplied by 8 and also most of it is in a language you cant understand.

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