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Cetus and Venus - Less Grind more Fun


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Hello fellow Tenno. Here is a thread I wanted to make for a long time after gathering some information about Cetus, how players feel about it and now, when Venus open world is close to first show, I think this is a good idea to talk about how Cetus came out. 

Note that, here you will find my personal opinions that I wanted to share and get to know more opinions from community.

What you will read will be Edited based around ideas we gather here. To make Cetus more fun as well as Venus.



A) General problems with Cetus now

B) Standing 

C) Bounties

C.1) Daily missions and endless runs on Cetus - Proposition 

D) Resoruce gathering

E) Gemaplay for high ranks 


A - General problems with Cetus now.

Let me point out some problems than I will go and talk them through.

1. Open-Closed world 

2. Locking out content behind grind wall

3. Repeatable 


1. Open-Closed World

As DE said during first trailer of Cetus. We would like to have a place where we wouldn't have to come back to our ship and hang out on massive open area. The problem is: there is not much to be done other than fishing, mining and looking for fish statues/

- Fishing is really good thing added with Cetus but having this option may be boring for a longer time

- Mining is a pure grind, it was fun to dig some stuff 10 times, 15 times, maybe 20...

- Fish statues are the only way to get to know Cetus history better, would be cool to have them hidden but not impossibly hidden. Some places wher fish statues are hidden makes it just too hard to find sometimes.

Plains lack of this feeling from RPG games when you want to explore every cave and look into every tent becouse there is only a little stuff you can look for. You won't find anything special in them despite of enemies, mining resoruces and sometimes fish statues. Going for achivement is cool but it is a one-time thing.

Maybe it is just me but I just miss this feeling. I love Warframe and it's lore so I really think more could have been done here. Even caves after caves (Tombs) are more enemies and more resoruces.

It would be cool to place down a fireplace and sit close to the fire with friends, not only gather for resoruces or do Bounties. 

2. Locking out content behind grind wall 

Personally it wasn't a great issue for me before I saw Mogamu talking about it. While gathering data on what to write here I came across this video:

Here Mogamu is talking about "Locking content about standing wall". I really liked how he named it and commented it.

So basicly, what Mogamu is saying:

There is a lot of stuff to get in Cetus, which is good but it is always locked behind Grind door. (see what i did here?)

- Veteran would like to go out and hunt for eidolons but to deal good dmg he has to build a good amp which requires standing in quillis

- Than he need some resoruces from fish or mining which are locked becouse you need to reach certain Standing on Cetus to get those, this is followed by making player repeat Bounties again again and again. He can't just enjoy "eidoloning" since you don't get points for Defeating a Eidolon. But why? 

- Ok our Veteran is done farming Standing, than building resoruces and he can build a AMP. But how long does it take to reach kin or surah? A bit I might say.


Basic needs like resoruces to buy something shouldn't be locked behind grind door, we should be able to get them from the very start like Zaw blades. Only interesting things like Captura scene or figures can be locked out since they aren't the key fragment to all of the pieces.

3. Repeatable 

As mentioned above - We are made to run bounties if we want cool stuff which may come in handy on high levels.

It wouldn't be as bad If bounties wouldn't be so Repeatable or sometimes just too long and too hard.

- Defend, capture, caches... Defend, kill, exterminate... escort, defend, kill and it goes on. Ok it still wouldn't be as bad if we had to farm only points to buy basic stuff but we have to level up syndiciate which has same amount of points as every other. It takes hell a lot of time to do so. It locks out players which want to kill eidolons becouse they like it, even if they want I was so fed up with look of Cetus for 30th time and having in mind that I will need to come back here another 30th to grind points so killing eidolons would make any sense.

I will talk about Bounties more in Paragraph C but first - Standing.


 B) Standing 

As I said, grind for the points is hell, Repeatable and it just makes players to do it. It locks out WHOLE PoE content behind this grind door.

I came up with some ideas that would be better.

1. Make Cetus have max. 3 lvls to lvl up 

This might be the easy way of fixing it.

Just take away two levels, move all of the baits and rosoruces to tier one and add Standing gain per Eidolon.


2. Make Cetus only lvl 1 Syndiciate 

Just make Cetus one line from 0 to 132k standing and allow us to gain as much as we need to buy needed products. Just remove tier lock form all of the items not including Quills.

Leave it to players if they want to farm eidolons or do bounties for fish thropies or Zaw parts. To balance things out you can increse cost of products which will make players play more Cetus but It will allow us to gain free will of what we want to do.


C) Bounties 

So if we would go route of compledly removing Standing lock and adding Standing for Eidolon hunts Bounties wouldn't need much changes since we are not made to run them all the time. But it would be cool to recive some gameplay change, just to satysfiy everyone:

1. Close by Bounties 

Make missions take place in one location. 

- Defend objective - done - Than we need to eleminate remaning enemies in the area - done - Some kind of backup squad comes to take place back and we need to kill them - done - than we can run for assasination target 

See? 3 stages can take place in a single location to make it faster than fourth can tell us to move. But here is a thing, just do not make us run 800m just to look for caches if we can just do it close by.

C.1) Daily missions and endless runs on Cetus - Proposition 

Ok so I think this may have been proposed to DE a lot of time but, why wouldn't we make a endless mode for:

- Ghouls 

- Grineers 

I know it is hard to balance out stuff so Endless and normal missions would be equaly good to run. 

But We could get Two types of endless missions to balance things out:

- More Standing less prices 

- More prices less standing

First one would give us stuff per wave which is automaticly given to ostrons to turn into Standing. We could defend Ostron NPCs mining in the cave or fishing!

Second one would give us resoruces, this would be run in the caves where we need to defend drill that give us resoruces.


Daily missions

In my opinion some NPC can have daily missions for standing,

Those missions would be just a simple stuff for Ostrons: "Get us fish to eat we will like you more" - "We need to build this so we need iradite" - "We need water, bring us some"

There could be like 10 NPCs giving missions like that randomly everyday which would make us wonder around Village to see if ppl need our help.


D) Resoruce gathering 

So this one is just a quick point to sum up what I Had wrote.

Resoruce gathering is hard sometimes since we need a lot of it so let me make a list:

Maprico - Stands on a good ground

Iradite - Harder to get, gaining it via endless resoruce missions would be cool 

Grokdrul - Ok, easy to get. Even got some fame during ghoul runs

Nistlepod - No so bad, almost same as iradite but we need less of it for stuff

Breath of Eidolon - Resoruce found only during bounties. Would be good to have other way of gaining it. Buying at quills? Gaining some from dead eidolon parts? from killing eidolon? Actually finding remains of the old eidolons and getting Breath from them would be really good point to thing I pointed out - exploring. We could learn about eidolons from finding their remains and get something from them. 


Mining stands preety well too... but gaining eidolon gems could be hard too. 

- Adding Eidolon gems to Endless resoruce runs and some bounties would be cool



- Defenietly need to somehow get more of them. There is not much way other than walking when pleague star is off.

(Edit 26.04.18 - Cetus Whisps has been added as a product at quills, a little expensive but they did it. Maybe couse of this thread? :3 )


E) Gemaplay for high ranks 

1. Eidolons 

Adding more challenging eidolons was a good move adding arcanes was interesting too. 

I hear that Eidolon runs need some fixes but mostly:

- We need to get points for Ostrons somehow for defeating Eidolons



This is the main issue I and some others has. Please let me know what would you like to see in a PoE "End game" for veterans? Tell me your opinions and ideas so I can fill the list with more info!



Long thread, this is how I would like to recive some changes for Cetus as well as some features on Venus.

Making Venus better after learning from Plains would be cool but we have to remember about Cetus too!


Did I miss anything? Let me know! And have a good day ^_^


Edited by CuteFoxyFox
Got new opinions to put on the list :)
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12 minutes ago, CuteFoxyFox said:

Did I miss anything? Let me know! And have a good day ^_^

Regarding D) resource gathering: I have no problems with most resources on cetus myself, but one resource that bothers me a lot is Breath of Eidolon.You can't grind it decently.

You can only do bounties and HOPE you get some.

I wouldn't mind having an other way to gather it (alerts, trading in for standing, ghouls reward, reward for the standing you get with the infested boil mission, randomly spawning in the plains) since it is required for quite a lot of items.

Edited by BlackEagle777
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7 minutes ago, BlackEagle777 said:

Regarding D) resource gathering: I have no problems with most resources on cetus myself, but one resource that bothers me a lot is Breath of Eidolon.You can't grind it decently.

You can only do bounties and HOPE you get some.

I wouldn't mind having an other way to gather it (alerts, trading in for standing, ghouls reward, reward for the standing you get with the infested boil mission, randomly spawning in the plains) since it is required for quite a lot of items.

I Will add it to the list - Thanks ^_^

And added ^_^

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3 hours ago, BlackEagle777 said:

Regarding D) resource gathering: I have no problems with most resources on cetus myself, but one resource that bothers me a lot is Breath of Eidolon.You can't grind it decently.

You can only do bounties and HOPE you get some.

I wouldn't mind having an other way to gather it (alerts, trading in for standing, ghouls reward, reward for the standing you get with the infested boil mission, randomly spawning in the plains) since it is required for quite a lot of items.

It's funny because after a certain point, you get more Breaths of the Eidolon than you can hope to use up. Generally speaking, though, quite a number of new items introduced since PoE are unbalanced in terms of supply vs. usage.

On one hand, you get stuff like all the different Eidolon Shards which after you finish Focus become 100% useless and just pile up in the hundreds to even thousands, as well as Riven Transmuters which you inevitably get way more of than you can ever hope to use up. Then on the other hand, there are frustrating resources like Cetus Wisps, of which the most efficient farming method is to simply collect that and ONLY that. At least with most stuff like Oxium or Mutagen Sample, you also get affinity, credits, and Endo on the side. Not wisps.

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Make bounty acquiring on the plains themselves.

Now my bigger opinion:

Make me be able to jump into alerts.  

Let lotus tell me there is a new alert with something like "Tenno, there is a huge ship flying over you. You need to sabotage it/Kill everyone on it etc." Let the ship be above the plains so you can see it. If I accept the alert I get teleported on the ship and do the mission like normal. When I'm done I'll get teleported back to the plains.

That'd would be nice :)

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11 minutes ago, Hergarian said:

Make bounty acquiring on the plains themselves.

Now my bigger opinion:

Make me be able to jump into alerts.  

Let lotus tell me there is a new alert with something like "Tenno, there is a huge ship flying over you. You need to sabotage it/Kill everyone on it etc." Let the ship be above the plains so you can see it. If I accept the alert I get teleported on the ship and do the mission like normal. When I'm done I'll get teleported back to the plains.

That'd would be nice :)

Yeah I would like our ship to be waiting on landing side, where we spawn. So we can go into it with same door mechanics as entering Plains.

Would it be good? :P

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