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[Augment Ideas] Atlas and Korah


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After doing a photo shoot with my Atlas frame and posting it in the forums a few comments gave me an idea, which I think could be fully workable and very entertaining. As it stands Atlas's rumblers are just weird rock dudes, or one really big rock dude. I propose an augment, [PH] Stone Hounds. This augment changes rumblers to Drhak kubrows made of stone, all of their stats and functionality would be largely the same as the base original ability save for how they attack, using the abilities and attack animations of the kubrow AI players use. Additionally the augment COULD (and this is up for discussion) allow the players kubrow companion mods affect the stone hounds if equip, however perhaps at a lesser percentage compared to the original companion. 

Images below that inspired the idea.








Along the same thought train as the Stone Hounds augment is an Augment for Korah's Venari companion. Since her change to being a passive ability rather then an active one I am unsure how this would work however the augment would simply change Venari from a Kavat to a Kubrow, and would be modded respectively, all other functionality of the ability would remain the same, the player would simply have access to the different ability sets of the Kubrow companion. Mind you I haven't been able to get Korah yet so some of the information may be wrong on how Venari works but this entire topic is to get people talking and open for constructive feed back.

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Wish DE could create more tricks with their abilities similar to saryn and frost and gara.

Like atlas can summon the walls but if punched by the first ability they go flying into the enemies. Or like how atlas could summon different rock minions depending on the enemies. Like if you stone the grineers and then shatter them, then active atlas ability to summon golems, instead atlas would gather the rubble left and would summon something like what you said. While golems would be the default. And the augment mod simply summons a rock minion of a more powerful enemy of the same type. 

Too me that would make atlas more creative and fun to use and each of those different rock minions have additional bonuses for their type. 

That or atlas can turn 2 petrified enemies into his minions or 1 powerful enemy. Like 2 lancers or 1 bombarder. But if there are no petrified enemies to control then he just summons the golems. But the point is, combining his abilities to make a more powerful combo kind of like Saryn with her molt mixed with spores and last ability to wipe out entire high level groups. 

It gets boring spamming one ability all the time or just shoot or just swing. It would be more fun to be able to get creative. Like if a frost first augment and an ember first augment were to merge with a third warframe and create blast. Like if ember applies 100% fire and frost applies 100% ice onto the third warframe it gains 200% blast, or however the math goes. Just something to make all the warframes more interesting and creative and the more cooperative players in the squad, the more creative we could be. 

I’m a very creative person when it comes to warframe and some people, even high ranked ones, would be so confused about the things I do. I’ve had so many ask me for my mod setup and others ask me to teach them how to use their warframe for such tricks. Now just imagine if all warframe could do crazy creative things. I would definitely play more and use every warframe more often. 

But as of right now it is just boring. All I’m doing now is just waiting for updates and new things to be released and once I complete them I’m going right back to waiting for the next update while getting my login bonuses. 

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