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Build Time


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As i've been playing the game and noticing some of the weapons and warframe and even rooms to add to your Dojo, the build times just seem really unreasonable to me. I don't know if this is just a way to earn money from people buying platinum to speed things up or what. But after I put in all that work to build an item i'm rewarded with waiting hours.. sometimes even days. A lot of the players agree with me on this. 

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But you have to work for all the materials. And have you seen the market? Pretty sure these guys make a good living. I understand where you're coming from but come on.. 3 days for a warframe? Kinda takes your interest out the game. 

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I have to agree the wait time is annoying and time consuming. To be realistic in this advanced time in the future it would not take long to construct weapons and armor. And becoming bored quickly? I get bored waiting for construction. They have plenty ways of making money, but profiting off of impatience is #*($%%@ up.

Edited by TheDethScythe
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I have to agree the wait time is annoying and time consuming. To be realistic in this advanced time in the future it would not take long to construct weapons and armor. And becoming bored quickly? I get bored waiting for construction. They have plenty ways of making money, but profiting off of impatience is #*($%%@ up.

Not really.


Be immature, spend money, have your weapon ASAP.

Be patient, wait half a day or 3 days, save your money, and have your new weapon/ frame.


Easy as that.

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I can see how the build time could be frustrating, waiting for that one item you want to use to complete. What I have been doing is building like crazy, even if there items and frames I dont plan on using until I have maxed my current ones. This way I always have a new weapon or frame ready for when I want to mix things up a bit :)


If you have limited slots you can just leave them completed in the foundry until your ready.

Edited by triceration
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i build 12 of the 14 frames currently avaible, only rushed my frostprime once coz i want to be under the frist 100 to build him


anywho im mastery 10 3/4 and never had problems to have something to do in warframe


just keep ourself busy, building weps test und play them, grind them to 30 and then decide


do want do not want

Edited by Depar
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Don't you ever get bored or tired of Warframe? If so, the build time allows you to do something else while waiting. In any case, you're not disabled from playing until you build these items. Just do something else. Recuperate the material loss from crafting said items. Farm for Void Keys. Look for some other interesting weapons. Do whatever.


Just wait. It's satisfying to wake up to a bunch of new weapons and items, and there's more enjoyment out of knowing your items took time to be made.

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Patience is the virtue of the wise. Build times seems rather reasonable and add immense to the game. After all how long would it take to make highly advanced weapon or out of salvage, even with autofactory at disposal? What about vastly superior, complex exo-armor? Or a whole room? Try at least that last one in real life - then we'll talk.
Time is also a currency - if you have more money then time you can rush things or yet better buy pre-manufactured item from market. Otherwise patience is your only refuge.

Edited by xGryphus
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I find it amazing that people just let silly little things like 12 hours build times slide because it's a Free to Play. Look people, Free to Play games on average make far more money than Pay to Play games or one off $60-$50 games. 


Why is this? Because the inconvenience is perpetual. No matter how much money you drop on this game, weapons will always take half a day to a day to build. There will always be another weapon that you have to pay to buy slots for, there will always be another frame you just CAN'T seem to get that last part for.


So players will unwittingly end up spending hundreds of dollars on a game that shouldn't be anywhere near that price. The thing about Pay to Play, however, is that it is dying. Put simply, most people don't want to rent out a game for $20 a month. They want to buy the game and play it, or play it for free and pay as it suits them. 


So really, stupid little things like massive wait times is unnecessary. They will make way more money than a P2P or a one off, and they will still have tons of ways to get players to purchase things.




Okay, time to see what silly responses people come up with.


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