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This is a serious problem.


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My serious suggestion, which I already posted in a previous thread over in feedback, is to get more moderators. Despite some people's disagreement with a few moderators, I think at the end of the day we can all agree that human moderation is superior to a bot. Having more moderators would also get more perspective and differing opinions involved in moderation and it would make it more difficult for a few "bad apples" to spoil the bunch. If there were 3 mods present in chat, rather than just 1 (or often enough, none at all) it would give players a choice of who to interact with if they needed to contact a mod. It would mean that there were 3 fresh pair of eyes looking at a situation instead of just one.

It would also have the added benefit of making the bot less necessary. Taking responsibility away from the bot and giving it to real human beings. A human moderator would never need to worry if a word was actually used as a slur or if it was just meant to be the name of a city. They could deduce that just by looking at the sentence, and then take action.

I know that adding unlimited moderators might not be possible. But if it were possible, adding more would solve a whole lot of problems with the current system, I think.

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41 minutes ago, rune_me said:

My serious suggestion, which I already posted in a previous thread over in feedback, is to get more moderators. Despite some people's disagreement with a few moderators, I think at the end of the day we can all agree that human moderation is superior to a bot. Having more moderators would also get more perspective and differing opinions involved in moderation and it would make it more difficult for a few "bad apples" to spoil the bunch. If there were 3 mods present in chat, rather than just 1 (or often enough, none at all) it would give players a choice of who to interact with if they needed to contact a mod. It would mean that there were 3 fresh pair of eyes looking at a situation instead of just one.

It would also have the added benefit of making the bot less necessary. Taking responsibility away from the bot and giving it to real human beings. A human moderator would never need to worry if a word was actually used as a slur or if it was just meant to be the name of a city. They could deduce that just by looking at the sentence, and then take action.

I know that adding unlimited moderators might not be possible. But if it were possible, adding more would solve a whole lot of problems with the current system, I think.

Couple things to this...

I feel like DE did just about a year ago and it didn't appear to have much positive impact imo.

If we are talking about adding more GotL, I would be hesitant to support that idea until after DE (a member of DE that isn't running it right now) went through the current roster with a fine tooth comb to resolve the issues in the current group.

Attitude reflects leadership.

Then some really firm ground rules need to be laid for how CMs are supposed to conduct themselves in game and out...Those rules need to be objective and applied consistently.

ARKs in AO (similar to GoTL), for example, weren't allowed to discuss or announce themselves as ARKs and were, for all intents and purposes, scripted in their replies to players. 

It used to be that way here too...The old CMs were reasonably consistent and you could reasonably expect the same treatment from one that you got from another...The flavor of the feedback would certainly vary but the results would be fairly similar.

If that video is any indicator, adding more Guides or more CM's would only make present matters worse. 

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Hey all,

I am here to lock up this thread. Originally we had hidden it for review and thought that it would be ok to let the discussion continue. However, recent posting has grown toxic and unhelpful. Locking this thread now.


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