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Console Cursor: Why would you do this?


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Console gained nothing from the UI overhaul here. Everything is slower, shortcuts were cut out for no reason (and not the buttons are entirely unused).1 Joysticks do not replicate mouse movement well. As the developers of a FPS that should have been something glaringly obvious. 


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Here's how the pitch meeting probably went :

DE PC Version Employee : PC has been struggling with controller support for years, let's find a solution to finally get full working controller support on PC...

DE Console Version Employee  : Well, PS4 and Xbox One have a perfectly good, finely tuned system that works perfectly with a standard controller . We could just port their tried, tested and true controller scheme on PC and call it a day...

DE PC Version Employee : Nonsense, let's do a whole new setup that relies on a virtual cursor and forces player to use joystics as a virtual mouse, plus has tons of issues out of the box that will require numerous hotfixes to patch into being-half usable. That way it will appear new and edgy... And people like new , shiny things.

DE Console Version Employee : I really don't get why we don't just use the Console version's control schemes , it has all these shortcuts, every button is mapped and it works just fine. Console player are used to it and there's tons of documentation on how it works. Heck, it's basically just taking the existing PC controller scheme and adding a few shortcuts.

DE Lead Employee : You both make good points, but we woudn't be DE if we didn't rework a perfectly fine system to make it more convoluted and clunky to use. Let's do the new setup AND change the setup that was working fine on Console, that way both will work bad EQUALLY ! Console to PC parity achieved !... Then we just have to wait for negative feedback to pile in on our barely usable system and poof, in six months of constant hotfixes we'll have a slighty worse than before control scheme and everyone will be too jaded to complain about the remaing issues.


Seriously though, I know the official "excuse" is that the new hud and menu rework is coming and they want an unified control scheme to go with it... But in that case, they should have shipped the new control scheme at the same time as the new menus... Instead of screwing the existing menus by adding a new control scheme.


Edited by (PS4)Stealth_Cobra
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This is actually horrendous, there is absolutely nothing about this scheme that makes sense. Honestly, this is bad enough that I have now zero desire to actually play this, all they had to do was make it an opt in or out. Forcefully removing a perfectly functioning UI makes no sense at any level period. DE please change this quickly I was very excited to work on my new Saryn prime but apparently if I keep playing I may actually break my controller.

Edited by (PS4)Kelsier718
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Yep the UI for console was absolutely fine, but now I find myself not wanting to play as the UI makes it hard to navigate all the mods, appearance and weapon selection. DE you need to sort this out! It's just totally counter intuitive. Would work if you had a mouse and keyboard. Don't know if you noticed but consoles have controllers. And if you are going to force us to use a cursor at least make it work with the center pad of the ps4 console!

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