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What was the point of this change?


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Adding a cursor is objectively slower than how navigating menus were before this change, there's no getting around that. I am on a PS4 using a dualshock controller, to play this PS4 game do I have to get a compatible mouse, keyboard, and lapboard to play Warframe on my console? Not only that, apparently you can't even use your keyboard to type in chat? Correct me if I'm wrong, but what is the point then?

The point of this is to just ask: Why was this unnecessary change made? Something new is not better simply because it's new, the old way of navigating menus was perfect and now it sucks.


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Because the actual UI that is releasing will alleviate most of the issues people have with the menu, and it was changed to save DE a lot of time making the console builds that have their unique control scheme. Unifying the two means that controller play on console and PC will be exactly the same, and opens the field for console to use KB+M for full play with tweaks.

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As someone who uses PC instead of console, I can't understand your point of view. I don't understand how the different controls make it harder for the developers but if that's the case, I still don't really care. Keyboard and mouse support for console players help less people than it does annoy the people that use controllers, there are no doubt more of the latter who only have controllers; I am not paying for a keyboard, mouse, and lapboard just to play the game I have gotten used to playing already. This was an unnecessary change because I don't know anyone who's been clamoring for the PS4 version to become just like PC. If anything, this means there's now an imbalance because of people using keyboard/mouse and those stuck with a controller.

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Kbd/M support on console is also appealing to a limited audience whose living room is actually setup in a way that wouldn't require them hunching over a coffee table to actually use it.  While it sounds great, the majority of console players would not want k/m support as a primary means of playing the game.  In my living room, the console is 20' away from where I sit, and the coffee table is very low.  No way i'd use that for anything more than the occasional chat text.

My bigger question is why didn't they take design cues from proven CONTROLLER based UI's like the console and port that to the PC.  And why in either case did they eliminate so many controller hotkeys for basic operations? its mind boggling who might think that would be good idea.


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9 hours ago, NeithanDiniem said:

Because the actual UI that is releasing will alleviate most of the issues people have with the menu, and it was changed to save DE a lot of time making the console builds that have their unique control scheme. Unifying the two means that controller play on console and PC will be exactly the same, and opens the field for console to use KB+M for full play with tweaks.

Stupid idea from DE they just started digging  their own grave since no one can use on ps4 and xb1 unless they give us a option I can see lot of players leaving they just made sure to push lot of players to mouse and keyboard I ain't paying for that S#&$ I'll rather pay for a DIFFRENT game 

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On 2018-06-07 at 1:42 PM, NeithanDiniem said:

Because the actual UI that is releasing will alleviate most of the issues people have with the menu, and it was changed to save DE a lot of time making the console builds that have their unique control scheme. Unifying the two means that controller play on console and PC will be exactly the same, and opens the field for console to use KB+M for full play with tweaks.

So you're saying getting lazy on the coding end of the game is more important than end user experience? I'm sure that the 35 or so remaining players will all be VERY appreciative of the expanded options offered by the use of a keyboard and mouse.

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