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Sword Opinion



Hello, fellow Warframers.

I want to ask r oppinion about swords. My current sword is Cronus, all no reactor upgrades made. Its preaty OK sword, I guess.

After some time running from missin to mission I manage to get Heat Sword and Jaw Sword blueprints.

So my question is:

Will I feal differance usind one of those?

Are thay worth crafting?

TY for your opinion.

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6 answers to this question

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the Heat Sword one is very much worth it imo

Heat Sword have the highest base damage for swords (same as Cronus) and highest attack rate (faster by 0.2 from Cronus)

even if it's just 1.3 and 1.5, which makes the differents is just about 0.2, believe me, you can feel the difference as 0.1 AR (Attack Rate) does make a difference

adding higher level AR mods to the Heat Swords will give you super fast melee attack speed

as for the Jaw Sword, the sword's base damage is the same with Cronus and Heat Sword, the only downside is that it have only 1.0 AR (slower by 0.3, which is quite much from Cronus). This sword however have a special ability, the "Ground-Slam" have an exploding effects, though the range is pretty much the same with Cronus's Ground-Slam, as pre patch 6.0,

enemy with HP less than 1/4 will "explodes" -yes blood splats everywhere- but after the patch this special ability seems to be change by a bit, instead of a fixed effect, it becomes chance, where as, lets say there is 5 enemies arround you, you do the Ground-Slam, there will be a chance that 1, or 2 of them (idk how many %, or any fixed numbers) will explodes right away -just like when you do Ground-Slam using Scindo. The Ground-Slam range is the same as before tho

oh and, i tried to compare the effect on Grineers and Corpus, and it seems like enemy with light armor will likely explodes, and level too, the lower the level, i found more often exploding enemies

edit: the effect isn't confirmed tho, it's all based on my own test, haven't made a thread for it yet

Edited by Adagio
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Heat sword is definitely worth it. Another note about it's attack speed is that 'fire rate' mods are all percentage based, so you get a lot more speed out of the skilltree upgrade nodes and mods that increase attack speed. It gets a little ridiculous in the speed department, and thankfully has the same base 35 damage as Cronus and other swords.

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Just got Gram, and love it. Thing hits hard like a scindo, but charge way faster. Only down side is non-charge damage is a wee bit lower, which makes it kinda not so good against infested (having to do two swing while infest swarming you is bad, you want to kill them in 1 swing.)

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ok so i have scindor and plasma sword and i dont know which one to supercharge. your opinions please?

imo, you better wait till things got better, i mean, people is saying that there's a bug with Gram's range etc (it just came out yesterday right ?) so i think that the Gram might get some more upgrades and tweaks. Before this tho, i don't think that we can actually choose which one, whether to upgrade or not

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Depends on what you specialize in. I prefer holding E button so the Cronus is perfect for that since it has a fast charge attack, and charge attack has been known to kill enemies in one hit (unless your using the duel axe without upgrades). Just my two cents on that.

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