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Excalibur Needs A Rework


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I have been using Excalibur quite a bit, and he is a fun frame to use. One of my favorite thing to do is sneaking up to an ancient disruptor or healer, and giving it a point blank Radial Javelin, that usually instantly kills them since I have max focus and pendragon helm and being at point blank range I can get about 3-4 javelins in it (and a few in random mobs nearby) each dealing 1450 damage each. 


I like fighting large enemies with Excalibur like Phorid or Jackal (When he is down) a point blank Radial Javelin is devastating if not lethal. 


As for the other abilities well people have already said what I was going to say so no point in repeating it.  

Edited by Rafarix
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You guys aren't getting it and I am tried of trying to explain it.


We get it (some classes are vastly better at stealth play than Excalibur, and trying to stealth around with Excal is usually tedious), you are just using your own definition for stealth, not the one commonly understood to be part of the English language.


also you can easly jump over the clouds even with normal jump


Depends on exactly where they die and where your jump starts, but yeah, the cloud is not very tall.




1.) super jump is just a LITTLE bit too situational.


No more so than the majority of powers.

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Slash Dash: It would be nice if it could be charged by maintaining the number,


Radial Blind: This need some buff and changes, also a name change please. In addition to blind enemies, your melee weapon should deal more damage for the duration of the ability (5% - 10% - 15% - 25%) 


Super Jump: This is simple, when you activate super jump, all enemies around you are stunned by 1.5 seconds.  (1 meter), also, as you are in the air, your jump attack have more range and damage. (15% - 25% - 35% - 50% Dmg. Increase and 5% - 10% - 15% - 25% Range Increase)


Radial Javelin: This need to be reworked completely. First, change the name, second, I think the animation should be Excalibur punching the ground (Rhino doesn't have this anymore so it isn't a clone or anything) or something similar, but NO magical javelin flying around. Also, increase a bit the damage, range, and knockdown. 


1) NO !! Think of your hand on the keyboard, your fingers, and the pace of game play. I DO NOT want to have to try to hold down #1 button for any length of time. One press, deploy power. Like every other ability. No charge up, anywhere please. In many situations you need to maintain the ability to move around. That will be impaired if you have to hold down any number key while you're also try to use asdw at the same time. Sounds cool I admit but think of your fingers and join me in saying "no" to charging any ability.


2) I like that idea.  +1


3) No. Look at number 2, you already have a stun planned, this frame does not need two stuns, it does enough damage without needing two separate stuns. Most frames have a "utility" ability that does not hurt / effect enemies. That is what super jump is. Kind of like teleport, or portal. It's fine the way it is.


4) I have no problem with Radial Javelin. Only problem here is it should scale with frame rank because a base damage of 1000 on a Palus run is not even worth the energy. Especially with a target number limit and a LoS limit.

Edited by Carcharias
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