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Void relics and Riven mod bugs


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I'm currently experiencing two separate yet consistent bugs in my game on PS4.

Void relics

Each time I try to unlock an Axi void relic I get to join a mission and choose a relic but at the completion of the mission I do not get to choose a reward and my relic item does not show in the options despite the fact I collect 10/10 reactant to open the relics. This has happened many times in a row and I have checked my inventory during the missions and the relics are equipped during the mission and they are returned to me after the mission is over. I am experiencing no issues with opening any of my other relics but this bug means that I cannot open any of my Axi void relics.

Riven mods

I currently own 2 riven mods that require me to accomplish tasks in the Plains of Cetus to unlock them. One mod requires me to kill 3 flying Condrocs in 5 seconds and the other mod requires me to catch 6 fish in a row without missing a shot. I have successfully accomplished these tasks multiple times but the mods do not unlock for me after I exit the plains. I have 3 other riven mods unlocked that required me to accomplish tasks in places other than the Plains of Cetus, this leads me to believe that the bug may be associated with the plains. I successfully unlocked one of these 3 riven mods only a few days ago but this bug means that I cannot unlock the remaining 2.

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For your rivens:

  • Are you certain they were on weapons that you had equipped?
  • Did the riven challenge appear when you started your session on Cetus?
  • Did the riven ever say it was completed?
  • Was your progress updated as you caught fish or killed Condrocs?
  • Are there any other restrictions on what you must do to unlock the rivens (like being alone or anything like that)?  Can you maybe screencap them?
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