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Quick question about eidolon hunts



So I did my first eidolon and tridolon hunts today and did my best to act like I had any clue about what I was doing by constantly switching between my frame and operator like a BOSS for absolutely no reason until the high levels did their thing and one shot everything in sight, and I figured out most of what you're supposed to do during hunts except for one part towards the end when all it's limbs are down and the guy with the hat says "it's time to capitalise" or something like that, i see all my allies in operator mode doing... something....but I can't figure out what it is, what exactly am I supposed to do there when the eidolon is on the ground before it gets up?

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10 minutes ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

So I did my first eidolon and tridolon hunts today and did my best to act like I had any clue about what I was doing by constantly switching between my frame and operator like a BOSS for absolutely no reason until the high levels did their thing and one shot everything in sight, and I figured out most of what you're supposed to do during hunts except for one part towards the end when all it's limbs are down and the guy with the hat says "it's time to capitalise" or something like that, i see all my allies in operator mode doing... something....but I can't figure out what it is, what exactly am I supposed to do there when the eidolon is on the ground before it gets up?

Destroy as many vomvalysts as possible when they flood towards the eidolon

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Usually, the Eidolon hunts go like this:

- Find the Teralyst and get two lures;

- Take off its shields, fill one of the lures to full with Vomvalyst charges ( minimum 3 of them) and then destroy one of its limbs

(It's preferable to fill the lure first then destroying a limb because with no charged lure, it can teleport away and regen more shield points than when it's linked to a lure.)

- Destroy all limbs, causing it to fall down and call out for more Vomvalysts. Usually, this is the time experienced people use to fill all the necessary lures for Tridolons (Teralyst, Gantulyst and Hydrolyst) which is 8 in total. The time it stays on the ground is usually around 30 or 45 seconds, if memory doesn't fail me. More experienced hunters use this time to also charge a focus ability called Void Strike (on leaving Void Mode the next 8 attacks deal 12% additional damage for every second spent cloacked), which is extremely helpful for the next Eidolons to strip off their shields.

-When the Eidolon gets up, just shoot the f*cker the Eidolon until its dead with all the lures charged, successufly capturing the Teralyst.

And that's it for Teralyst. If you go beyond to Hydrolyst, it's really the same process with different attacks, one extra lure needed to capture the Eidolon (both Gantulyst and Hydrolyst) and they get bigger and bigger. Oh, and you need to sacrifice a Brilliant (Radiant for Hydrolyst) Eidolon Shard in the Shrine located in the middle of the Lake in the Plains of Eidolon.

(Let's hope I haven't missed anything)

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Quick guide for Tridolon:

- Chroma/Rhino: In with Unairu Wisp, gets 1 lure for Terry, then spawns boat load of wisp for rest of the team between eidolons synovias (limbs), and finally shoot limb and head. 

- Volt: In with Void Strike, responsible to take down Terry shields (be it by charging void strike on 1st run or just shooting on subsequent runs), puts Volt shield between eidolon legs facing upwards for shield shooters (this is to maximize 2nd fire spread on a 223 amp), and puts Volt shield during headshot phase at designated waypoint by chroma/rhino. Also, can charge up during Garry fight to serve as 2nd shield shooter for Harry. 

- Harrow: In with Void Strike, responsible to take down Garry shields (will be charging void strike during the whole Terry fight), gets 1 lure at the beginning for Terry (doesn’t need to charge, just get it and head to Terry location), uses 4th ability after each limb break on when eidolon screams (92-96% duration should do the trick). 

- Trinity: In with Void Strike, responsible to take down Harry shields (will be charging void strike during Whole Garry fight and end of Terry fight), gets 6 lures at the beginning (should be back with the team by the time 4th synovia/limb on Terry breaks), keeps lures alive with 4th ability (mostly during Garry fight) 


Tips on efficient run:

- communicate, especially how many Void Strike shots each has or lures missing. 

- Trinity cut out time to get lures is on 4th limb break on Terry, after that the rest of the team (mostly Chroma) will help out, it’s more important that Trinity charge up for Harry. 

- Unairu wisp tend to spawn between legs of the eidolon, thus Volt shield should be positioned close enough so that Volt/Harrow/Trinity can pick it up and shoot through the shield. 

- your target void strike charge should be about x27, this will guarantee 1 shot shield with wisp. 

- don’t be a $&*^ during the runs, just pick up the slack and be a team player. 

- get operator and amp arcanes. 

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15 minutes ago, (PS4)PerpetumJackin said:

Quick guide for Tridolon:

- Chroma/Rhino: In with Unairu Wisp, gets 1 lure for Terry, then spawns boat load of wisp for rest of the team between eidolons synovias (limbs), and finally shoot limb and head. 

- Volt: In with Void Strike, responsible to take down Terry shields (be it by charging void strike on 1st run or just shooting on subsequent runs), puts Volt shield between eidolon legs facing upwards for shield shooters (this is to maximize 2nd fire spread on a 223 amp), and puts Volt shield during headshot phase at designated waypoint by chroma/rhino. Also, can charge up during Garry fight to serve as 2nd shield shooter for Harry. 

- Harrow: In with Void Strike, responsible to take down Garry shields (will be charging void strike during the whole Terry fight), gets 1 lure at the beginning for Terry (doesn’t need to charge, just get it and head to Terry location), uses 4th ability after each limb break on when eidolon screams (92-96% duration should do the trick). 

- Trinity: In with Void Strike, responsible to take down Harry shields (will be charging void strike during Whole Garry fight and end of Terry fight), gets 6 lures at the beginning (should be back with the team by the time 4th synovia/limb on Terry breaks), keeps lures alive with 4th ability (mostly during Garry fight) 


Tips on efficient run:

- communicate, especially how many Void Strike shots each has or lures missing. 

- Trinity cut out time to get lures is on 4th limb break on Terry, after that the rest of the team (mostly Chroma) will help out, it’s more important that Trinity charge up for Harry. 

- Unairu wisp tend to spawn between legs of the eidolon, thus Volt shield should be positioned close enough so that Volt/Harrow/Trinity can pick it up and shoot through the shield. 

- your target void strike charge should be about x27, this will guarantee 1 shot shield with wisp. 

- don’t be a $&*^ during the runs, just pick up the slack and be a team player. 

- get operator and amp arcanes. 

Trying to get my quills standing up to get better amp parts atm, it's taking some time because my daily cap is 17k only, and I like to use energising dash because I usually play with randoms and there's zero communication so the least I can do is spam heals or shields but till now I didn't know the best places to position them so thanks for that. But I'll have to google this 'void strike' because I haven't heard of it, I just keep spamming R2 because that's the only amp attack I know but it's disgustingly weak, I do about 400 damage per clip I think, need to improve that damage because it's the only thing stopping me from soloing a few eidolons per night.

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5 hours ago, (PS4)Equinox21697 said:

Trying to get my quills standing up to get better amp parts atm, it's taking some time because my daily cap is 17k only, and I like to use energising dash because I usually play with randoms and there's zero communication so the least I can do is spam heals or shields but till now I didn't know the best places to position them so thanks for that. But I'll have to google this 'void strike' because I haven't heard of it, I just keep spamming R2 because that's the only amp attack I know but it's disgustingly weak, I do about 400 damage per clip I think, need to improve that damage because it's the only thing stopping me from soloing a few eidolons per night.

As for Volt Shield positioning, the extra explanation: the 2nd fire (R3) on 223 amp has the most Crit chance but has a range of a shotgun, additionally, the eidolons are pretty tall, so the closest for spot for the shot that ensures max shot spread is right below for the crotch shot. So logically, Volt shield should just be positioned flat with the ground or at 45 degree angle or both. Also, no need to the acrobatics some folks do with Volt shields in mid-air, when you start doing multi runs a night, it’s about efficiency since each second counts, just stack couple of them on the ground. 

I recommend not go in with randos, just use the recruit chat, easiest way to get an experience team to play alongside with you is by hosting. But if you do, I’d say the best if you go in with Unairu school and unlocked wisp and the invisibility. This way your current 400 dmg will be 800, and can also protect the lures during Garry God Beam.

Finally, amp wise you can make the 123 combination if you are impatient with getting 223.

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