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I have never been so proud of myself for picking this game up again

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I started playing this game on PS4 about 3-4 years ago when I saw a video about the co-op play and how it was a solid F2P game on consoles. I had no idea what I was doing and eventually stopped. Couldn't have been higher than MR3. Then one day I downloaded the game on PC and figured I'd give it a shot again. 900 hours later, I can't believe what I'm playing. There are still aspects of the game I haven't completed. I have a reason to log in every day, whether it be standing, sorties, or log in rewards. 900+ hours and I don't regret a second of it.

I'm sure you've heard stories like this plenty of times. The point I want to make is, DE has set the tone for the gaming industry. No one else that I am aware of has accomplished what they have built for themselves. It's remarkable. To go from very little to where they are is amazing. Yesterday was the first tennocon I've had the chance to view. I just wish I had been there. What was basically another E3 gave me so much hope for the future of this game. Digital Extremes is not going to stop. And they are not going to slow down. I find myself almost speechless when I try to tell my friends about this game and try to get them to play. The thing that gets me is that I want to pay DE for this masterpiece. I want to buy plat packs and I might have even reached the point that I start to buy prime access packs. I see posts on reddit all the time how they almost feel guilty that the game is free. This is a testament to all they have done over Warframe's history.

DE has built so much good will over the years that they have finally reaped the rewards. I have never been so happy to be a part of this community and have never been so excited to dive headfirst into the new content with DE, whenever it comes. They may not balance everything perfectly and some things might take too much grinding, but DE has built and supported an incredible foundation that I hope continues for as long as DE is willing. 

Sorry for the fluff, but I felt obligated to say it. DE, here's to you. Thank you for everything you have done and everything you intend to create. I hope that I'll continue to be able to experience it all. For the sake of discussion, when did you start? And when did you realize this game was something you knew you would play for a long time? What are your thoughts on DE's Warframe from years ago compared to now? 

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I started about 3 years ago.  I had seen it around a few times, and after being bored of destiny for a long time, I downloaded it, thinking "eh, if I don't like it, I won't lose any money."  My first impressions were Mass Effect meets Destiny meets Space Ninjas.  And I've loved it ever since.  Now, DE is giving us the stuff that Bungie promised that they were going to add in Destiny.  DE also has multiple streams a week.  I came for the game, but I'm staying for the company.  Warframe is my favorite game, competing with DOOM for all time favorite (needs more metal.)  Basically, I have found a game that I can always come back to, and it will never lie to me, never let me down, and is the only game where I get bored of it, but still want to play it.  Other games, I get bored, I go to another game. Not warframe.

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I don't understand posts like this. You can say DE has done all these things but where are your examples? DE's biggest thing they've done right is a stellar pay model, everything else has gotten slowly but surely worse, and I'm not being as hyperbolic as you might think when I say everything.

I'd say the start of the downfall was the movement update. The movement system is great - when it works. When they released the movement update without updating any of the tiles to accommodate for our new abilities, I thought "well they'll get around to it eventually." but we still can't use half of our movement abilities on the jagged geometry that is pretty much every tile. Hell even some flat surfaces that you should be able to cling/hop on easily are misleading.

After that we get into things like raids. Warframe could never successfully have any kind of traditional raid that other MMOs have, it just doesn't fit the play style of solving puzzles and shooting/locking down enemies like it works in games like Destiny. They were always just kind of tacked on. However, it doesn't mean that some form of end-game super dungeon/mission couldn't have been created, and instead of slowly adapting raids to fit something more akin to the gameplay, they axed it completely for something fairly simple to make their barebones open world relevant. As I said, a traditional raid was never going to work, but the fact that they would rather ax something than mold it into something more in line with the game is very telling. What next "irrelevant" thing are they going to ax when they decide they don't want to try to fix it? Archwing? Conclave?

They have yet to officially come out and say anything about their awful automated chat bot, and many people have been unjustly chat banned. We also have chat mods who will demean the community openly and suffer no sort of repercussion, as well as do things that would get a regular player banned. The amount of favoritism that exist in this community needs to be addressed, and removed. No matter who you are, everyone should be held to the same standard, so if you're going to ban people for making a joke at the expense of a group, then mod who's username literally means "man-hating" should also be held accountable.

This is just a small taste of the problems this game suffers. I haven't touched on the lack of balance, the fact that there are many things in the game that are half finished and kind of stapled together, that DE seems to only make content that appeals to new players and haven't made any solid attempt to give veterans any kind of worthwhile end game, and many other things.

DE seemed to really care 3+ years ago, but it feels more and more like the success has gone to their heads, and any criticism is constantly shoved down by "well you just don't like the game, you've played too long, that's just your opinion" and a myriad of other excuses as to why DE shouldn't be criticized or have their flaws pointed out.

To answer your final questions, I started in 2013. A month later I bought the founder's pack because I believed in this game and thought it would be something great. DE has let me down, greatly. If I could refund the money I've spent here, I would. The only thing keeping me here anymore is Sunk Cost Fallacy, and the fact that the Art Department are truly talented, and I love to see the art direction.

Edited by Pent_
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played since closed beta.

my opinion is mixed, the game is fun, I like that they add new stuff to the game but whenever they add something new they spend couple weeks on it and then abandon it to make new content, that new content gets released, gets couple weeks of polish and then also abandoned and this is how they've been doing things for years, result is that they have to rework all their systems all the time.

the other issue is that with every new piece of content being released the lack of tutorials gets worse and worse, had a mr2 player on earth on the plains of eidolon frustrated that he found a enemy he couldn't even damage.

the grind has also gotten worse over the years, they're trying more extreme forms of grind like the HEMA, ferrox and the like and if it doesn't work out they give the typical bs company response of ''we've heard your feedback AND WE AGREE WITH YOU!'' that every other company says when they get called out on bs, somehow they get this magical revelation and agree with us, yeah right.

don't get me wrong I like the game but I'm being wary of their actions and attitude towards the grind of the game.

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