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Project Vulcan: Technomancer Guardian (and a list of other militaristic frames by other users!)


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So originally I came up with a general idea, but I put it in general forum instead of this.. Someone said they'd post it here with their own ideas, but it ended up being quite a bit different. So I've decided to go ahead and try to be more specific with the original concept.

Right now, this type of frame seems to be the rave! I hope DE is watching these frame ideas develop further and further!

Here's  a list of frames with militaristic/technomancy characterisitics!


Original Idea-

Aroran_Svitskna's vision of it-

Honeybee: A support caster. Not suited for the front lines, but can support their squad from range.


The oldest frame of this type that's still being talked about

Krieger:A vastly more agile option. A commando who overwhelms the enemy with his enhanced mobility. Uses temporary constructs to keep pushing the battle lines forward. The Iron Man to Havoc's War Machine.

Where Vulcan is a defensive tank, this frame is the offensive type of tank..

Havoc: Weaponry expert. Amplifies the firepower of his own weapons and his squad's, and keeps ammunition flowing to keep the fight going. Basically War Machine.

A walking, one-man army. This frame is your best friend when the hordes of enemies come your way..

Havok: A heavier, bulkier version of Havoc. His squad will get very little direct support, but in exchange, they get a walking tank to clear the path for them. More like a Hulk-Buster. Equip his augments if you desire to add squad support capabilities.

The support frame you want with his trust drone companion to help you keep up the fight-

Engineer(unnamed): Vauban's evil twin. Avoids being directly in harm's way and instead sends in a mobile drone to support his squad from a safe distance.

The classy, steampunk rendition of a militarist frame

Dusticor: A robotics expert who builds his own robot/suit and turret to support the team after collecting the parts to do so and lockdown lanes from enemies

If the soldier from Fortnite and commando from Borderlands had a baby

Guerrilla: A strategist and support able to lay down heavy gunfire and heal/protect his allies

A new take on support with his special ammos, war machine-esque turret, and final bang type attack

Brokkr- A weaponsmith of the gods. With his chaingun and explosives, he's ready to take on the hordes while he supports his allies with ammo.

I'm not going to be offended if you like one of their versions better.. I kind of see Havok's and mine as partners or Army of two style frames lol

With the Venus open world coming up, it only makes sense to want something more technological and cyberpunk-y. What's more technological than a support-based warframe that can call in an external armor platform with a heavy weapon? This build will work in the opposite direction of Chroma with his pelt, and will be the first warframe that rewards you for being less mobile. (so it's perfect for defense and survival while not as good as a traditional frame for something like a spy or rescue mission)



 Vulcan has the body structure of an average man (think Excalibur), but with hints of robotic tech and armor plating on his chest, his shins, his forearms, and his shoulders. His armor is significantly thicker on one side of his body, but it's just aesthetic. On one arm, his scanner is built into his wrist. He has an advanced, metal backpack and a small, yet noticable antennae sticking out from the back-side of his helmet.

[Back Story/Mission]


You hear about a tenno's chambers being inside one of the caverns on Venus, and Ordis says you should go check it out. As soon as you get there Ordis is scared and wants you to turn back. When you enter the cavern and get deeper in, you see signs of a large battle and finally see the charred remains of what looks like orokin tech and a large mechanical humanoid holding a door shut with bullet holes, chunks missing, and melee weapons sticking out of his back. 

You go back to Venus to learn more about what happened and you learn that the mechanical being is actually a warframe that the corpus people helped in the last years that they had hope. The Tenno and his warframe helped protect them when they were getting away from the rich, and so they helped by building him and blessing the heavy armor he wears so that he may guard the gate easier-the battle was still lost however and in the last moments the warframe retreated despite the tenno's commands to seal the door where the tenno's chamber was.


You find out that you can power up the suit with void damage after connecting a missing part. Once you power it up, it immediately throws your warframe back into a pillar like it's nothing, but then immediately stops once it sees your tenno child standing there. He stands down, the heavy armor opens and releases the actual warframe. It falls to the floor and looks up at you before you walk to it and kneel beside you. It's another mystery in how a warframe is working without it's operator tenno, but this time it's not in an evil or revenge way.. it's passion and protection. You get into the suit and have to go back to the Venus people to see how to repair the suit. It's beyond their understanding because they had lost their hope.


You go to Nef Anyo knowing he has old data logs, but before the index even starts, he cheats and locks you into the arena. You hack a console which lets in all of his index fighters out, and you kill them over and over, costing Anyo millions before he freaks out and gives you the logs. You go back to Venus, they read the logs, they realize it takes you, a tenno, to simply charge the same piece you installed in the armor all the way and it restores itself. After charging it (a cutscene), you're able to do your call-ins (turret and heavy armor). You need the heavy armor to open the sealed doors where the Tenno chamber was. You go back, open the door, but find no one there.. Proof that sentients have been around remain. A log book showing that the tenno had actually grown quite a bit older than a child and had done nothing but studied the logs of The Old War as if he knew there would be another.. Becoming a master strategist. 



Taking some of the theme from Valkyr's and Inaro's stats, I've come up with what I think is a unique build. Making Vulcan one of the best support-type warframes without his suit, and one of the tankiest with his suit.


All stats are for Level 30 Vulcan.


Passive:Unaffected by Nullifier Bubbles.


Health: 220

Shields: 10 (there's a reason for this in abilities)

Armor: 800

Sprint Speed: .92

Energy: 150



Following the theme of Octavia's Metronome ability and Chroma's pelt, I've tried to come up with abilities that are not only unique, but that also have an easy learning curve-not only for the actual operator of the frame, but for teammates around it. I'd like energy colors to affect the weapon type as well, but in a different way than just elements. 

[Ability one] 

Deep Scan: Decided to go against the flashbang grenade idea since we have a lot of that. Deep Scan has Vulcan reaching his arm out and a scan line running top to bottom on groups of enemies in front of him, blinding them for a short time and giving everyone a 20% Damage bonus on them for that time. (An augment can be added to increase the amount of damage bonus there is or to add armor stripping by a fair percentage)

-Base range of 15 meters in a horizontal cone to blind for 8 seconds and base damage boost of 20%

Duration mods increase duration

Strength mods increase damage bonus

Range mods increase how far it scans

Efficiency mods decrease energy cost


[Ability Two]

Blistering Ballistics (exalted weapon): Vulcan uses his technomancy to warp in a sentry on a turret from the Void. The turret sticks to whatever Vulcan was looking at at the time of summoning it, and has the aesthetics of an orokin gun mixed with corpus technology with a regular barrel on top and a large barrel on bottom..It has 3 fire modes to switch between like Vauban's land mines. It's set on a timer and has health. It can use Secondary or primary mods (don't know which would work better).

-Turret will have linked HP and Armor to Vulcan similar to that of companions with base of 400 HP and 300 armor (at rank 30)

-Base duration 25 seconds

Fire modes: I balanced the damage based off of titania's exalted weapon kind of

-charge-type small AoE ball of energy(1 second charge time) Or Arca Plasmor type fire (large barrel)

   -800 damage-blast based

   -20% critical chance with 2.5 crit mult

   -10% status chance

-Slow automatic fire (around 4.0 RoF)(regular barrel)

   -200 damage-puncture based

   -30% critical chance with 3.0 crit mult

   -15% status chance

-Very high fire rate (around 30 RoF)(regular barrel)

   -24 damage-slash based (shredded shrapnel)

   -18% crit chance with 2.0 crit multiplier

   -25% status chance


Duration mods increase duration

Strength mods increase base health/armor of turret (?)

Range mods don't have an effect

Efficiency mods decrease energy cost



Like this or any HMG with an underbarrel launcher for the AoE weapon that can be on a sentry and held by a very large hand

[Ability Three]

Fortify: Vulcan throws down his backpack and it latches to the ground. A light ring is shown to show range. Enemies may fire into the ring and allies may fire out. Allies who crouch and stay crouched and still inside the ring are given the status "Entrenched", giving 500 overshield with enhanced (shorter) delay on recharging. Gives those with Entrenched a set amount of armor similar to the way guardian arcane does. Those who stand in the ring get a straight damage boost from "Fortify". The backpack also supplies allies with a steady amount of ammunition. Dropping the backpack gives Vulcan a boost in sprint speed, but if he's sprinting he cannot get the bonuses from the backpack.(useful for speed missions) Has a timer (An augment could later add the ability to steal health at a very small percentage based on damage done to enemies from within the ring)

-Crouching gives "Entrenched" to those who stay crouched inside the ring:

   -gives base 500 overshield

   -gives base 300 armor

   -changes shield delay to .2 seconds (unaffected by ability str)

-Standing gives "Fortify" to those who stay standing/walking inside the ring

  -increases damage by 50% additively after mods (may be too much)

-Gives ammo equivalent to one full magazine for each primary and secondary every 4 seconds

-Base range 18m

-Base duration 25 seconds (able to recast to prolong ability)

-Dropping the backpack gives Vulcan a 30% sprint speed increase


Duration mods increase duration

Strength mods increase overshield and armor from Entrenched/damage from Fortify

Range mods increase how far it reaches

Efficiency mods decrease energy cost 


[Ability Four]

Guardian Armor (Vigilante/Obscure Guard?) (Exalted form): For when Vulcan needs his heavy armor to guard an objective or to take on an onslaught of enemies. Vulcan takes a knee and calls in his Guardian armor. Outfitted and blessed by those who still had faith in old times, Vulcan's Guardian armor is made to withstand the hardest hits and dish out a surplus of damage while limiting his mobility significantly. You cannot sprint or bullet jump while in Guardian armor, but equipped with a large shield and the gun from his sentry in hands, Vulcan is ready to take on the world.

-Uses gun from sentry (exalted weapon) 

  -press alt fire to change fire mmode

-Uses Bastion (exalted melee)

   -exalted shield with it's own stance-swinging bashes with a charge attack

  -250 base damage (200 impact, 50 electric damage)

   -20% crit chance, 2x multiplier, 15% status

  -forced ragdoll impact proc at the end of short combo

-Increases HP by 100% (additively after mods)

-Increases armor by 150% (additively after mods)

-Has no energy shield

-Cannot use other abilities while in Guardian Armor

-Possibly increases exalted weapon damage by a percentage, but it depends on if it can scale from the get-go

-Cannot roll, bullet jump, or slide (can still sprint) making Vulcan very immobile on most maps

-Roll is replaced by directional shield charge

  -deals base 536 impact damage to all enemies in a line

  -forces impact ragdoll proc

-base cost 50 energy for call-in

-base drain at level 30-5 energy per second


Duration mods extend time between energy drain ticks

Strength mods increase HP, armor, and possibly damage boost to exalted weapon

Range mods have no effect

Efficiency mods decrease energy cost to change forms and amount of energy per tick



Not the right style, but it shows the type/size of armor I mean.. not a huge mech, but a mechanical hardsuit.

Let me know what you think in the comments! 



Edit 1: 7/10-Correcting spelling of names in linked forum posts of other people's concepts

Edit 2: Added links to similar types of frames-Havoc, Havok, and Krieger

Edit 3: More details on each ability

Edit 4: Added shield as an actual exalted weapon

Edit 5: Added a link to a drone engineer frame concept, Unnamed so far

Edit 6: Added link to the steampunk robotics technician, Dusticor

Edit 7: Changed a description for a linked frame concept

Edit 8: Added another Soldier frame concept

Edit 9: Added Brokkr to the list

Edit 10: Put links in a spoiler. Edited a couple abilities for better balance

Edit 11: changed the way shield bash works, took away ticks/s for exalted form (may change back), changed percentages of hp and armor increases 

Edit 12: Fixed mixed-matched data between descriptions of abilities and stats of abilities


Edited by SirSovereign
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Doesn't really sound like a Technomancer.

Stats, corpus don't really have armor, so armor should be lowered, and shield raised.
Remember, the theme needs to fit the stats.
Corpus are big shields with lower health and armor.
While Grineer are big armor with no shield.

Power 1 So this is like excal's 2, but also increases damage like Ivara's 3.
Kinda op for a power 1.
It should be an exalted scanner, and equip like a scanner, which you can scan things with,
so you can't primary, or 2ndary with it, but can still melle.
So, perhaps his exalted could be a scanner and melee combo.
Though, probably should be his ult anyway, even if it sounds week.


Power 2, energy color determining what it is, like Chroma,
but instead of changing it's element, it changes it's function.
I like the idea of changing the functionality of a support weapon,
but with this setup, each color would have to have it's own separate stat page.
With chroma, the abilities all stayed the same, only the damage type, and a 2ndary effect changed.

Power 3 doesn't need to be a bubble.
Maybe some sort of chest high box (need a dispenser over here) that produces shield charge beams like those Shield Osprey.
You can also press your action button on it, (X for me) to get ammo for your currently equipped gun.
1000 over-shields is alot without mods, more then double the mod-less 400 Mag gets with her 3.
Crouching and sprinting shouldn't have anything to do with it either.


Power 4 high armor with no shields is Grineer territory.
Though, I like the idea of a riot-shield+1handedgun exalted.
The shield would work like Volt's shield while he's holding it.

I like some of the stuff,
but overall, doesn't really sound Corpus-like.

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Since you were a bit defensive in your own post, I feel the need to explain a few things..

6 hours ago, General_Durandal said:

Doesn't really sound like a Technomancer.

Technomancy refers to magical abilities that affect technology, or to magical powers that are gained through the use of technology. So the fact that this guy only uses technology and summons in a turret and his armor makes it technomancy.

6 hours ago, General_Durandal said:

Stats, corpus don't really have armor, so armor should be lowered, and shield raised.
Remember, the theme needs to fit the stats.
Corpus are big shields with lower health and armor.
While Grineer are big armor with no shield.

The only thing that bridges this warframe to the Corpus is that he helped them escape and tried to make a last stand. His Guardian armor was created by him and them when they still had hope.. And Orokin technology was part of it. His backpack is corpus enough.

6 hours ago, General_Durandal said:

Power 1 So this is like excal's 2, but also increases damage like Ivara's 3.
Kinda op for a power 1.
It should be an exalted scanner, and equip like a scanner, which you can scan things with,
so you can't primary, or 2ndary with it, but can still melle.
So, perhaps his exalted could be a scanner and melee combo.
Though, probably should be his ult anyway, even if it sounds week.

Was thinking more like Inaro's pocketsand, but it doesn't lifesteal and adds a bonus for teammates as well as you.. seems like a fair trade when it's only 15% lol

6 hours ago, General_Durandal said:

Power 2, energy color determining what it is, like Chroma,
but instead of changing it's element, it changes it's function.
I like the idea of changing the functionality of a support weapon,
but with this setup, each color would have to have it's own separate stat page.
With chroma, the abilities all stayed the same, only the damage type, and a 2ndary effect changed.

So it's different.. different is usually welcomed.. The model doesn't change and the firemodes can be taken from other weapons so just the stats change which is easy enough.

6 hours ago, General_Durandal said:

Power 3 doesn't need to be a bubble.
Maybe some sort of chest high box (need a dispenser over here) that produces shield charge beams like those Shield Osprey.
You can also press your action button on it, (X for me) to get ammo for your currently equipped gun.
1000 over-shields is alot without mods, more then double the mod-less 400 Mag gets with her 3.
Crouching and sprinting shouldn't have anything to do with it either.

The bubble is so you know the range, just like every other frame has some sort of visual sign.. maybe a light ring would be enough and would be fine. 

1000 overshields when you have to stand still to get it isn't as much as 400 when you can be bullet jumping all over the place.. having to press an action button on someone elses ability sounds like unneeded lines of code when everyone in the area can just get regeneration.

Crouching, staying still, and the slow down in shield recharge is what makes the overshields okay.. kind of like how you have to fire in rhythm and crouch in rhythm with Octavia's metronome, but easier for your teammates. You lose your evasion and ability to use melee to get a small boost in shields and armor basically..

6 hours ago, General_Durandal said:

Power 4 high armor with no shields is Grineer territory.
Though, I like the idea of a riot-shield+1handedgun exalted.
The shield would work like Volt's shield while he's holding it.

I like some of the stuff,
but overall, doesn't really sound Corpus-like.

The shield would be aesthetic like that of the shield weapons and add to the reason why the armor would have more armor (damage mitigation) like when you hold a shield melee.

Volt's shield causes a few things like electricity damage and ragdolls enemies whereas Vulcan's shield would just be his way to quick melee enemies that get too close

Just because it's venus, doesn't mean it has to be corpus like. Shields don't scale at all, and this is a higher risk support that can be a no-so-mobile tank.. The Corpus people have great minds and engineers so they'd be able to help create something to help him from the orokin tech. Gara is a Cetus based frame and helped them as well as fought in the Sentient War, but she has no charactaristics of either..

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37 minutes ago, SirSovereign said:

Technomancy refers to magical abilities that affect technology, or to magical powers that are gained through the use of technology. So the fact that this guy only uses technology and summons in a turret and his armor makes it technomancy.

So all waframes are technomancers then?


38 minutes ago, SirSovereign said:

The only thing that bridges this warframe to the Corpus is that he helped them escape and tried to make a last stand. His Guardian armor was created by him and them when they still had hope.. And Orokin technology was part of it. His backpack is corpus enough.

The Corpus didn't exist back in the Orokin days, so the only way he'd get Corpus stuff is if Corpus techs modified him.
But then this kinda makes him like Valk in origin, but voluntary instead of captured.


48 minutes ago, SirSovereign said:

So it's different.. different is usually welcomed.. The model doesn't change and the firemodes can be taken from other weapons so just the stats change which is easy enough.

Like, say you have a automatic weapon equipped, placing a turret would make it automatic?
No, when you want a support weapon, you'd tactically want a different kind of weapon to increase overall offensive capabilities.
Perhaps it can be a tap to switch mode, hold to cast selected mode type power.
Mode 1: Machine-gun, Mode 2: Shotgun, Mode 3: Sniper, Mode 4: Rocket-launcher.
Starts on Mode 1, tap to change to mode 2, tap again to mode 3, then mode 4, then mode 1 again.


53 minutes ago, SirSovereign said:

The bubble is so you know the range, just like every other frame has some sort of visual sign.. maybe a light ring would be enough and would be fine. 

1000 overshields when you have to stand still to get it isn't as much as 400 when you can be bullet jumping all over the place.. having to press an action button on someone elses ability sounds like unneeded lines of code when everyone in the area can just get regeneration.

Crouching, staying still, and the slow down in shield recharge is what makes the overshields okay.. kind of like how you have to fire in rhythm and crouch in rhythm with Octavia's metronome, but easier for your teammates. You lose your evasion and ability to use melee to get a small boost in shields and armor basically..

The ring along the ground would work better visually.
If it was a bubble, people would think it is protective at first glance.

90% of warframers dislike standing still, so having to crotch and stay still to get the shield won't be very popular.
But 1000 is still to much unmoded, should be 800 at most. 
Not as much extra code as you think. There is already something like that, the HealthPod Drop from one of the ships Air Support powers.
Press X on it to heal some health. Would work the same, just gives ammo instead of health.

Armor? All Power 3 says about armor is,

On 2018-07-10 at 3:55 AM, SirSovereign said:

but recharging takes longer along with a set amount of armor increase.

So, the longer the recharge, the more armor?


1 hour ago, SirSovereign said:

The shield would be aesthetic like that of the shield weapons and add to the reason why the armor would have more armor (damage mitigation) like when you hold a shield melee.

Volt's shield causes a few things like electricity damage and ragdolls enemies whereas Vulcan's shield would just be his way to quick melee enemies that get too close

Just because it's venus, doesn't mean it has to be corpus like. Shields don't scale at all, and this is a higher risk support that can be a no-so-mobile tank.. The Corpus people have great minds and engineers so they'd be able to help create something to help him from the orokin tech. Gara is a Cetus based frame and helped them as well as fought in the Sentient War, but she has no charactaristics of either..

Oh, so the shield and gun are the exalted weapon, the shield is his melee, and the gun is his ranged. Interesting.
How does he block with it though?

Vulcan is the name of the Roman god of fire and forging. Esentually the blacksmith god.
So, maybe his shield should deal fire damage.

Venus has always been Corpus territory, all the way back to the Great War, so If Volcan was built on Venus, he'd be Venus themed.
Well, it's more, tribes themed off warframes really.
After the great war, people reverted back into tribes.
When the Warframes first started waking back up, some of those tribes saw them like gods, (Inaros backstory)
Cetus might be a Gara based tribe.


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20 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

So all waframes are technomancers then?

The only reason it's a technomancer is because it's using technology for all of it's abilities.. That's about it

21 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

The Corpus didn't exist back in the Orokin days, so the only way he'd get Corpus stuff is if Corpus techs modified him.
But then this kinda makes him like Valk in origin, but voluntary instead of captured.

True, but this was way back when the corpus people were just getting away from their corporate dictators and still had some sort of hope... Orokin tech was all over the land still from the old war just as it is now, but less fossilized.. In the lore I created the frame in it's heavy armor is solidified and holding the sealed door to the Tenno's quarters shut and the tenno could have aged more than normal tenno before being taken or otherwise.. The Corpus engineers helped Vulcan build his frame to be stronger (the guardian armor) to withstand the forces who were coming to wipe out the corpus people who had evaded their dictators. I think I also mentioned that in the lore that the tenno who controlled Vulcan did nothing but read old logs about the old war, and that could have been why he kept modifying vulcan to be more and more technologically strong as apposed to others who found power in peaceful meditation, spiteful revenge, worship of old ways, or just brutal torment.. He just helped the corpus and they helped him back really

23 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

Like, say you have a automatic weapon equipped, placing a turret would make it automatic?
No, when you want a support weapon, you'd tactically want a different kind of weapon to increase overall offensive capabilities.
Perhaps it can be a tap to switch mode, hold to cast selected mode type power.
Mode 1: Machine-gun, Mode 2: Shotgun, Mode 3: Sniper, Mode 4: Rocket-launcher.
Starts on Mode 1, tap to change to mode 2, tap again to mode 3, then mode 4, then mode 1 again.

The ring along the ground would work better visually.
If it was a bubble, people would think it is protective at first glance.


I like both of these ideas.. may try to implement them in.. was just trying to follow what kinds of exalted weapon changed we've had in the past with a small twist.

34 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

oh, so the shield and gun are the exalted weapon, the shield is his melee, and the gun is his ranged. Interesting.
How does he block with it though?

Vulcan is the name of the Roman god of fire and forging. Esentually the blacksmith god.
So, maybe his shield should deal fire damage.

Venus has always been Corpus territory, all the way back to the Great War, so If Volcan was built on Venus, he'd be Venus themed.
Well, it's more, tribes themed off warframes really.
After the great war, people reverted back into tribes.
When the Warframes first started waking back up, some of those tribes saw them like gods, (Inaros backstory)
Cetus might be a Gara based tribe.


His shield will just have a set amount of damage and ragdoll for melee attacks... unless they can somehow tie in the stats with the turret weapon itself (maybe the shield is the base of the turret?) and won't necessarily block attacks, but will just add to the aesthetic that the Guardian armor is.. well armored lol. 

When I chose the name Vulcan, I wasn't really going off of mythology, but I know it should have based on something like that based on names in Warframe lore. When I chose the name vulcan, I was thinking more along the lines of the m61 Vulcan....


27 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

Armor? All Power 3 says about armor is,

So, the longer the recharge, the more armor?

The dome or ring would provide a set amount of armor like arcane guardian would as well as overshields... And while overshields would have a lot less delay to start charging, they would charge a lot slower (to make up the balance.. you would need to be able to kill the enemies around or they'd just grind right through your shields faster than they can charge). Since frames inside the ring would be crouched and not moving, they'd lose their evasion stat as well. Sitting still hurts you a lot in this game and so people would dislike it, but with this frame, it gives them a reason to stay in one spot for certain missions  instead of bullet jumping all over the place. I meant "along with a set amount of armor increase" as in "As well as a set amount of armor increase".. may try to change the wording on that and come up with a better way to lay out what each ability does.

On 2018-07-10 at 6:55 AM, SirSovereign said:

 will be the first warframe that rewards you for being less mobile.

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4 hours ago, SirSovereign said:

The only reason it's a technomancer is because it's using technology for all of it's abilities.. That's about it

True, but this was way back when the corpus people were just getting away from their corporate dictators and still had some sort of hope... Orokin tech was all over the land still from the old war just as it is now, but less fossilized.. In the lore I created the frame in it's heavy armor is solidified and holding the sealed door to the Tenno's quarters shut and the tenno could have aged more than normal tenno before being taken or otherwise.. The Corpus engineers helped Vulcan build his frame to be stronger (the guardian armor) to withstand the forces who were coming to wipe out the corpus people who had evaded their dictators. I think I also mentioned that in the lore that the tenno who controlled Vulcan did nothing but read old logs about the old war, and that could have been why he kept modifying vulcan to be more and more technologically strong as apposed to others who found power in peaceful meditation, spiteful revenge, worship of old ways, or just brutal torment.. He just helped the corpus and they helped him back really

I like both of these ideas.. may try to implement them in.. was just trying to follow what kinds of exalted weapon changed we've had in the past with a small twist.

His shield will just have a set amount of damage and ragdoll for melee attacks... unless they can somehow tie in the stats with the turret weapon itself (maybe the shield is the base of the turret?) and won't necessarily block attacks, but will just add to the aesthetic that the Guardian armor is.. well armored lol. 

When I chose the name Vulcan, I wasn't really going off of mythology, but I know it should have based on something like that based on names in Warframe lore. When I chose the name vulcan, I was thinking more along the lines of the m61 Vulcan....


The dome or ring would provide a set amount of armor like arcane guardian would as well as overshields... And while overshields would have a lot less delay to start charging, they would charge a lot slower (to make up the balance.. you would need to be able to kill the enemies around or they'd just grind right through your shields faster than they can charge). Since frames inside the ring would be crouched and not moving, they'd lose their evasion stat as well. Sitting still hurts you a lot in this game and so people would dislike it, but with this frame, it gives them a reason to stay in one spot for certain missions  instead of bullet jumping all over the place. I meant "along with a set amount of armor increase" as in "As well as a set amount of armor increase".. may try to change the wording on that and come up with a better way to lay out what each ability does.

Roy Campbell: Vulcan Raven, Giant and Shaman.

He's not really using one of those though, they are 248 pounds, and 71.9 inches long.(5.9 feet long)
but a smaller one, like the Gause 17/A is only 85 pounds and 31.5 inches long, would work better.

Gause is also a way better name for him.
Not just in sound, but in meaning to.

Gause was the name of a Biologist.
Definition of Gause's principle: a statement in ecology:
two species that have identical ecological requirements cannot exist in the same area at the same time.
Essentially meaning each eco system can't fully support two or more top predators.

Depending on region, it can mean, 
"gaze", look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought.
which fits his scan ability.

"gauze", thin, light cloth used for making clothing and for covering cuts in the skin.
which can kinda fit his shielding/armor coating backpack aura.

2. a very fine wire mesh. (which could be some sort of armor addition like his Guardian Armor, or AoE trap)

It can also mean "Gaza"
which means strength, which fits his strong tanky theme.

So Gause, really fits him, in his abilities, and even in aspects of his lore.

Edited by General_Durandal
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7 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

Roy Campbell: Vulcan Raven, Giant and Shaman.

He's not really using one of those though, they are 248 pounds, and 71.9 inches long.(5.9 feet long)
but a smaller one, like the Gause 17/A is only 85 pounds and 31.5 inches long, would work better.

He's not using either because warframe isn't real life lol.. Vulcan is just a cool name

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8 hours ago, General_Durandal said:

90% of warframers dislike standing still, so having to crotch and stay still to get the shield won't be very popular.

Not every playstyle and warframe appeals to everyone.

Me and my friends like going like the old spartan tight formation - the "Phalanx" and those that like beefy and chunky frames like slugging it out more than evading and tumbling around since most of them rely on Rage to sustain their energy.

On 2018-07-10 at 6:55 PM, SirSovereign said:



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Taking some of the theme from Valkyr's and Inaro's stats, I've come up with what I think is a unique build. Making Vulcan one of the best support-type warframes without his suit, and one of the tankiest with his suit.


All stats are for Level 30 Vulcan.


Passive:Unaffected by Nullifier Bubbles.


Health: 220

Shields: 10 (there's a reason for this in abilities)

Armor: 800

Sprint Speed: .92

Energy: 150


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[Ability Four]

Guardian: For when Vulcan needs his heavy armor to guard an objective or to take on an onslaught of enemies. Vulcan takes a knee and calls in his Guardian armor. Outfitted and blessed by those who still had faith in old times, Vulcan's Guardian armor is made to withstand the hardest hits and dish out a surplus of damage while limiting his mobility significantly. You cannot sprint or bullet jump while in Guardian armor, but equipped with a large shield and the gun from his sentry in hands, Vulcan is ready to take on the world.

-Uses gun from sentry (exalted weapon)

-Increases HP by 500% (additively)

-Increases armor by 100% (additively)

-Has no energy shield

-Cannot use other abilities while in Guardian Armor

-Possibly increases exalted weapon damage by a percentage, but it depends on if it can scale from the get-go

-Shield bash when using quick melee

   -damage based on ability str-force procs impact(ragdoll)

   -could be base of turret

-Cannot roll, bullet jump, or slide (can still sprint) making Vulcan very immobile on most maps

-base cost 120 energy for call-in

-base energy cost per tick 7 energy/second


Duration mods increase time between ticks

Strength mods increase HP, armor, and possibly damage boost to exalted weapon

Range mods have no effect

Efficiency mods decrease energy cost per tick


Not the right style, but it shows the type/size of armor I mean.. not a huge mech, but a mechanical hardsuit.


Incredible ideas man. I like how he isn't affected by Nullifiers because his "abilities" aren't really abilities, but tools/technologies/equipment that are merely powered by his energies but not manifested by them. Was it intentional?

I would probably rename the type of ability that Guardian is....an Exalted Form. Kinda like switching forms on Equinox, except most of the abilities are disabled and his primary/secondary/and melee weapons are replaced by the shield and the turret gun, switching between primary and secondary switches between the turret gun and an underslung launcher so there's no animation for holstering. This way you could apply weapon mods to all of the weapons in the form and the shield has its own stance and guaranteed staggers.

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5 minutes ago, ganjou234 said:

I would probably rename the type of ability that Guardian is....an Exalted Form. Kinda like switching forms on Equinox, except most of the abilities are disabled and his primary/secondary/and melee weapons are replaced by the shield and the turret gun, switching between primary and secondary switches between the turret gun and an underslung launcher so there's no animation for holstering. This way you could apply weapon mods to all of the weapons in the form and the shield has its own stance and guaranteed staggers.

I'm still trying to figure out how he can "call in" the armor.. and where it comes from without it being too out of place for warframe even though we have ship call ins and such.

I had thought about the AoE firing type to be an underbarrel part or simply a larger barrel below the main barrel, but either way all the exalted "guns" for the turret would have to use the same mods... so idk yet lol. How would I be able to apply mods to the shield if the gun/turret is my exalted weapon though? I guess titania does the same thing, doesn't she?

13 minutes ago, ganjou234 said:

Incredible ideas man. I like how he isn't affected by Nullifiers because his "abilities" aren't really abilities, but tools/technologies/equipment that are merely powered by his energies but not manifested by them. Was it intentional?

Actually yes, I figured the nullifiers somehow block out the other frames' chi or something as well as physical harm, but the other corpus tech like their shields, bursas, and moas all work inside the bubbles.. so a turret and a heavily armored suit should be able to work just fine. I was thinking it'd be cool in a corpus survival or something for everyone to retreat to Vulcan and him to get out of his suit to drop his pack so they have some defense while they can't activate their abilities.. 

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8 minutes ago, SirSovereign said:

I had thought about the AoE firing type to be an underbarrel part or simply a larger barrel below the main barrel, but either way all the exalted "guns" for the turret would have to use the same mods... so idk yet lol. How would I be able to apply mods to the shield if the gun/turret is my exalted weapon though? I guess titania does the same thing, doesn't she?

The "Turret" can simply be treated like the spectre/companion system - with its own loadout and separate weapons. When Vulcan goes Exalted Mode he'll just don the weapons on the Turret which replaces his main loadout for the duration of the mode, maybe even treat the turret like a pet and gain the health and armor of the Turret (Armor/Health Link)?

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3 minutes ago, ganjou234 said:

The "Turret" can simply be treated like the spectre/companion system - with its own loadout and separate weapons. When Vulcan goes Exalted Mode he'll just don the weapons on the Turret which replaces his main loadout for the duration of the mode, maybe even treat the turret like a pet and gain the health and armor of the Turret (Armor/Health Link)?

Well that's why I was going to have the actual turret's weapon be the exalted weapon and so all the mods could go on it, then the Guardian armor could just be like an over armor (the opposite of Chroma's pelt) that adds armor/hp.... the shield with ragdoll procs and set damage was just a way to knock enemies back again, but you're giving me ideas on how to kind of make the exalted form the main thing of this frame instead of it seeming like it's all about the gun.

I don't want to have to take up the companion slot for something I can only call in temporarily or for just one mode either.. I feel like it would push people away from playing the frame. I need to look at how they make titania work and go from there.. Maybe have it to where if vulcan doesn't equip a melee, the melee slot is taken up by his shield so you can mod it.. not sure how to go about things without taking normal things away

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4 hours ago, SirSovereign said:

He's not using either because warframe isn't real life lol.. Vulcan is just a cool name

And Gause is a cool name that actually fits the theme, abilities and story of the character,
and also fits the reasoning as to why you used it, it's the name of a cool gun.

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2 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

And Gause is a cool name that actually fits the theme, abilities and story of the character,
and also fits the reasoning as to why you used it, it's the name of a cool gun.

Sounds too much like a gauss/coilgun though.. which he doesn't have

And this frame has nothing to do with biology.


A GAU line of rotary cannons are the only things that are similar, but the model of a rotary cannon wouldn't work here, and I like the name Vulcan lol


No idea why you think Gause is anything other than a person's last name who studied and created principles for a branch of biology, or why you think it would fit my frame.

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Just now, (PS4)Ghost--00-- said:

Big fan of frames like this, hope something like this is made. Kind of want a big shield too. Perhaps a big shield and gun combo weapon be released with this frame like the one in the last pic you have?

that would be cool, but as it stands atm, it would only be an exalted form on this frame... Not an impossible task for the future though 🙂 

Something like this perhaps... gives a bonus to damage mitigation to enemies you're facing like shield melee do?


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3 minutes ago, SirSovereign said:

that would be cool, but as it stands atm, it would only be an exalted form on this frame... Not an impossible task for the future though 🙂 

Something like this perhaps... gives a bonus to damage mitigation to enemies you're facing like shield melee do?


Off-topic: I do this with Reflex Guard and either Ack'n Brunt or Silva'n Aegis Prime on my Rhino, it lets me know when Iron Skin Drops since it auto blocks with the shield, so I cast Iron Skin and Reflex Guard Stops after the 3 second invulnerability. Its pretty cool how I can simulate this....

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1 minute ago, ganjou234 said:

Off-topic: I do this with Reflex Guard and either Ack'n Brunt or Silva'n Aegis Prime on my Rhino, it lets me know when Iron Skin Drops since it auto blocks with the shield, so I cast Iron Skin and Reflex Guard Stops after the 3 second invulnerability. Its pretty cool how I can simulate this....

I run reflex guard on Inaros because survival.. and it's really amazing until you have to reload and simply can't because he keeps blocking lol.


If a weapon like this existed, it would probably have less damage than something in it's same class.... but idk. Silva+aegis prime is still one of the best melees so it's hard to say lol


On topic-still deciding on whether the shield bash should just be an extra with ragdoll percs or a full melee option for the exalted form like titania has

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6 minutes ago, SirSovereign said:

I run reflex guard on Inaros because survival.. and it's really amazing until you have to reload and simply can't because he keeps blocking lol.

Rhino's Iron Skin stops the Blocking from happening as long as it is up. I was always thinking of ways to utilize the mod and bypassing that weakness.

7 minutes ago, SirSovereign said:

On topic-still deciding on whether the shield bash should just be an extra with ragdoll percs or a full melee option for the exalted form like titania has

I'm siding with a full melee implementation, but that might have some balance issues. It would make him the only warframe that has 2 or 3 exalted weapons....which is kinda OP i think...

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16 minutes ago, ganjou234 said:

I'm siding with a full melee implementation, but that might have some balance issues. It would make him the only warframe that has 2 or 3 exalted weapons....which is kinda OP i think...

I thought this too, but titania has 2 exalted weapon IN her exalted form.. So now I'm trying to kind of tie them together in the same way

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25 minutes ago, SirSovereign said:

Sounds too much like a gauss/coilgun though.. which he doesn't have

Gauss is a railgun, which is something he does have.


26 minutes ago, SirSovereign said:

And this frame has nothing to do with biology.

All warframe are Biological, so it would take Biologist/Bio-scientist to make one.
Gause being the name of a somewhat famous Biologist, could have been the maker of the Frame, and simply named it after himself.


28 minutes ago, SirSovereign said:

A GAU line of rotary cannons are the only things that are similar, but the model of a rotary cannon wouldn't work here, and I like the name Vulcan lol

Gause 17/A is a Gau line Minigun.
GAUSE17/A and GAU17/A are the same gun.
The extra SE stands for Shipboard Equipment.
Don't know why a Gau is called a Gause on a ship, while keeping Gau when on helicopters and other vehicles.
M61 Vulcan is a rotary cannon.


43 minutes ago, SirSovereign said:

No idea why you think Gause is anything other than a person's last name who studied and created principles for a branch of biology, or why you think it would fit my frame.

Gause meaning Gause is an "obsolete" spelling of Gauze.
Gauze meaning Gauze is a kind of fabric,
and originated from the French word Gaze, Gaze meaning 
the Arabic word Qazz and Persian word Kaz both meaning silk, 
and another Arabic word ḡazza, aka Gaza,
The word “Gaza” comes from the Hebrew “Azzah,” loosely meaning strong city.
The entire region is named for its capital city, which has been conquered many times over the centuries.
Among its many rulers were the Philistines.
The theme of “strength” is indirectly connected to Gaza in the Bible.


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5 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

Gauss is a railgun, which is something he does have.

Uhhh... not my frame lol

6 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

All warframe are Biological, so it would take Biologist/Bio-scientist to make one.
Gause being the name of a somewhat famous Biologist, could have been the maker of the Frame, and simply named it after himself.

uhhh.... no.. the old war is way after post modernism lol, so the orokin is far beyond us.

7 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

Gause 17/A is a Gau line Minigun.
GAUSE17/A and GAU17/A are the same gun.
The extra SE stands for Shipboard Equipment.
Don't know why a Gau is called a Gause on a ship, while keeping Gau when on helicopters and other vehicles.
M61 Vulcan is a rotary cannon.

Please don't try to talk about things you can't even google... All rotary guns are called vulcan guns. Even the M134/GAU 17

GAU is an acronym for gun automatic unit... no autocannon or rotary gun is a "gause"

My frame doesn't have a rotary gun and is not a biologist lol.

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