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Project Vulcan: Technomancer Guardian (and a list of other militaristic frames by other users!)


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Gonna be updating my post... 


Titania has her guns and her melee in exalted form and both can be customized.. this gives me room to include his shield as it's own weapon to be modded as well. The only downfall of this... That's a lot of forma.

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1 minute ago, NIkuno said:

Ooh. I like how detailed yours is. I see what you mean by how it has evolved over time. Looks like I have some work to do.

And thanks for the plug 😃

lol no problem! I want people to see our ideas and help construct the frames more and more until it only makes sense for DE to take them into consideration 😛 

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2 minutes ago, SirSovereign said:

lol no problem! I want people to see our ideas and help construct the frames more and more until it only makes sense for DE to take them into consideration 😛 

Exactly. An abundance of ideas is not a bad thing.

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10 hours ago, SirSovereign said:

Please don't try to talk about things you can't even google... All rotary guns are called vulcan guns. Even the M134/GAU 17

GAU is an acronym for gun automatic unit... no autocannon or rotary gun is a "gause"

My frame doesn't have a rotary gun and is not a biologist lol.

I googled everything. I gave you links.
You trolling?
Blue words are links.

Sure, GAU can be an acronym for Gun Automatc Unit, but non of the googled links say that it is used that way.


Minigun wiki link
M61 Vulcan link
Rotary cannon link 
M61 Vulcan and Gau17/A and Gause 17/A are Rotary cannons. 
All miniguns are rotary guns.
A rotary cannon is a gun with multiple barrels that spin while firing,
to help lessen overheating of any single barrel.


The GAU-17 Minigun is the USAF and USN version of the Vietnam War-era M134 Minigun product.
The GAU-17/A machine gun is a 7.62mm NATO crew served, six barreled, air cooled, electrically powered weapon.


M134 | Weaponsystems.net 


A U.S. Air Force rotary-wing crewman fires a minigun during the Vietnam War.
FAST Marine firing a GAUSE-17/A minigun

An M61 ammunition belt.


US Army designation US Air Force designation US Navy designation Description
XM134/M134 GAU-2/A N/A 7.62×51mm NATO GE "Minigun" 6-barreled machine gun
N/A GAU-2A/A N/A GAU-2/A variant; unknown differences
M134 GAU-2B/A Mk 25 Mod 0 GAU-2A/A variant; unknown differences
N/A GAU-17/A N/A GAU-2B/A variant; optimized for flexible use, uses either an MAU-201/A or MAU-56/A delinking feeder.
XM214 Microgun N/A N/A Scaled-down variant of the XM134 firing the 5.56×45mm NATO round.
XM196 N/A N/A M134/GAU-2B/A variant; housing modified by addition of an ejection sprocket; for use in the XM53 armament subsystem on the AH-56 helicopter


US Army designation US Air Force designation Description
XM18 SUU-11/A Gun pod fitted with the GAU-2/A/M134 7.62 mm machine gun and fixed rate of fire of 4,000 RPM[31]
XM18E1/M18 SUU-11A/A SUU-11/A/XM18 variant; various improvements including additional auxiliary power and selectable fire-rate capability (2,000 or 4,000 RPM)[32]
M18E1/A1 SUU-11B/A SUU-11A/A/M18 variant; differences modified selectable fire-rate capability (3,000 or 6,000 RPM)[20]
N/A MXU-470/A Emerson Electric module for mounting a GAU-2B/A minigun; used in AC-47, AC-119G/K, and AC-130A/E/H aircraft



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51 minutes ago, General_Durandal said:

I googled everything. I gave you links.
You trolling?
Blue words are links.

Cool dude.

You proved what I said right, and I'm still wondering what you're going on about trying to name my frame "Gause" lol

Literally none of that had anything to do with the word "Gause", and my frames name shall remain Vulcan

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i really dont understand this obsession with changing the name to Gause? Like, this is a frame built entirely around technological weaponry and you want it named after some biologist? Vulcan fits as both a badass gun, but also as a reference to the godly weaponsmith, since he seems to create his heavy armor out of thin air.

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40 minutes ago, (PS4)warhero229 said:

i really dont understand this obsession with changing the name to Gause? Like, this is a frame built entirely around technological weaponry and you want it named after some biologist? Vulcan fits as both a badass gun, but also as a reference to the godly weaponsmith, since he seems to create his heavy armor out of thin air.



Vulcan is the name of many large weapon systems, god of metalworking and the forge... and it's a cool name. It just works and sounds good to me for what I imagine him to look like.

2 hours ago, General_Durandal said:

You trolling?

I'm always open to constructive criticism, new ideas, and ways to improve the build I have... but my name? Changing it to a biologist's name? 

And trying to randomly start an argument or drama on a concept thread? Just stop and think before you post, please.. That's all I can ask.

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A quick reference for the direction each concept is taking (at least at the time of this post). This is based on my own reading, not quotes from the creators themselves, so correct me if I'm wrong.


Vulcan: Stationary defensive support. Not going to win any races, but no enemies are going to breach his selected area.

Honeybee: A support caster. Not suited for the front lines, but can support their squad from range.

Havoc: Weaponry expert. Amplifies the firepower of his own weapons and his squad's, and keeps ammunition flowing to keep the fight going. Basically War Machine.

Havok: A heavier, bulkier version of Havoc. His squad will get very little direct support, but in exchange, they get a walking tank to clear the path for them. More like a Hulk-Buster.

Krieger: A vastly more agile option. A commando who overwhelms the enemy with his enhanced mobility. Uses temporary constructs to keep pushing the battle lines forward. The Iron Man to Havoc's War Machine.

Engineer: Vauban's evil twin. Avoids being directly in harm's way and instead sends in a mobile drone to support his squad from a safe distance.

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9 minutes ago, (PS4)warhero229 said:

A quick reference for the direction each concept is taking (at least at the time of this post). This is based on my own reading, not quotes from the creators themselves, so correct me if I'm wrong.


Vulcan: Stationary defensive support. Not going to win any races, but no enemies are going to breach his selected area.

Honeybee: A support caster. Not suited for the front lines, but can support their squad from range.

Havoc: Weaponry expert. Amplifies the firepower of his own weapons and his squad's, and keeps ammunition flowing to keep the fight going. Basically War Machine.

Havok: A heavier, bulkier version of Havoc. His squad will get very little direct support, but in exchange, they get a walking tank to clear the path for them. More like a Hulk-Buster.

Krieger: A vastly more agile option. A commando who overwhelms the enemy with his enhanced mobility. Uses temporary constructs to keep pushing the battle lines forward. The Iron Man to Havoc's War Machine.

Engineer: Vauban's evil twin. Avoids being directly in harm's way and instead sends in a mobile drone to support his squad from a safe distance.

Sounds about right.. I'll have to go through and redo how I have the links to everyone's frames. It's a bit ugly right now, and specifying the differences like you've shown would probably help people out

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1 hour ago, (PS4)warhero229 said:

i really dont understand this obsession with changing the name to Gause? Like, this is a frame built entirely around technological weaponry and you want it named after some biologist? Vulcan fits as both a badass gun, but also as a reference to the godly weaponsmith, since he seems to create his heavy armor out of thin air.

Not an "obsession".
He named his warframe after the M61 Vulcan Minigun. Because Vulcan sounds cool.
Vulcan is the name of the Roman god of fire and blacksmithing.
Warframe uses irl mythology behind the creation of their warframes.
So a warframe named Vulcan would be a fire elemental crafting/support themed frame.

Gause is also the name of a type of minigun, the Gause 17/A. Gause also sounds cool.
Gause means Gauze, (which is a thin fabric which is used to cover wounds)(which fits his frames armor repair/shield recharge ability)
and also means "a very fine wire mesh" (which somewhat fits his Guardian armor abilities)
which comes from the words Gaze, (meaning to look at something intently)(which fits his frame's scan ability)
and Gaza, (which means strength)(which fits his tanky setup and backstory)

Gause is also the name of an IRL Biologist, and you'd need a Biologist to make a warframe.

He replied that he dosn't use a minigun, Vulcan just sounds cool.
I replied back, Gause sounds cool too, and the word fits him better.
Then he replied is sounds to much like a Gauss coil-gun, and that he has nothing to do with Biology,
and Gau is a line of Rotary cannons and the model wouldn't work,(what does that mean?)
and had "No idea why you think Gause is anything other than a person's last name"
even though I gave him links to the meanings of the words.

I told him Gauss is a rail-gun, not a coil-gun, and that he did have one.(kinda, with his 2nd ability at a time, the Opticore firing style)
I also re-explained the things he seemingly didn't read, which he didn't read again.

He also said "Please don't try to talk about things you can't even google.",
even though I was using Google, and giving him links. (so if he was trying to google what I was saying he didn't need to)
And that all rotary guns are called Vulcan Guns, which is true.
But he doesn't have a Vulcan gun, so no reason to bring it up.

I am however done explaining this.
This conversation degraded into an endless spiral of self-defense,
do to all sides not paying enough attention to each-others words.

I apologize.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)warhero229 said:

A quick reference for the direction each concept is taking (at least at the time of this post). This is based on my own reading, not quotes from the creators themselves, so correct me if I'm wrong.


Vulcan: Stationary defensive support. Not going to win any races, but no enemies are going to breach his selected area.

Honeybee: A support caster. Not suited for the front lines, but can support their squad from range.

Havoc: Weaponry expert. Amplifies the firepower of his own weapons and his squad's, and keeps ammunition flowing to keep the fight going. Basically War Machine.

Havok: A heavier, bulkier version of Havoc. His squad will get very little direct support, but in exchange, they get a walking tank to clear the path for them. More like a Hulk-Buster.

Krieger: A vastly more agile option. A commando who overwhelms the enemy with his enhanced mobility. Uses temporary constructs to keep pushing the battle lines forward. The Iron Man to Havoc's War Machine.

Engineer: Vauban's evil twin. Avoids being directly in harm's way and instead sends in a mobile drone to support his squad from a safe distance.


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1 hour ago, SirSovereign said:

I'm always open to constructive criticism, new ideas, and ways to improve the build I have... but my name? Changing it to a biologist's name? 

And trying to randomly start an argument or drama on a concept thread? Just stop and think before you post, please.. That's all I can ask.

Gause is much more then just a name, I've explained the meanings and provided links.

Well, yea, arguments are how things get done.
Person A is like, (having color determine the weapon's function is meh, should be tap to change mode instead)
Person B is like, (that would probably work better, so i'll change it)
Person A is like, (Gause fits the character better do to the meanings behind the word)
Person B is like, (I like Vulcan better, it sounds much cooler so i'm keeping it)
All conversations are pretty much just mini arguments.
What turns something truly into an argument is if the people involved are getting increasingly mad at each other.
Anger fogs the brain, and prevents rational thinking, which makes everyone angrier.

If what I've been saying has been making you angry, I apologize and shall stop this conversation after this reply.

I thank you for your time, and idea sharing.
I love researching things, like the meanings behind words, and fitting all the pieces together like a giant puzzle.
Using my brain to solve everything in whatever way may fit the situation the best.

This was fun for me, sorry if I sounded angry or, even maybe condescending.
If you want to talk about something else though, we can.

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Updated my links to everyone's frames..

If you'd like to leave your own description of your frame in a shortened version, please leave it here and I'll update your description 🙂

The main point is to show DE there is a longing for these types of Frames.. So far it feels like they could probably takes the ideas from all our framme ideas and create 3 complete frames with different enough abilities 

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On 2018-07-14 at 7:17 AM, (PS4)warhero229 said:

Havok: A heavier, bulkier version of Havoc. His squad will get very little direct support, but in exchange, they get a walking tank to clear the path for them. More like a Hulk-Buster.

Just recently, I've added augments that Havok could use to support his team.

Edited by ganjou234
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22 hours ago, SirSovereign said:

Sweet! Let me know if you want to change the description of your frame in my OP and i'll switch it out for you 🙂

It's alright, although I guess you could append a little change on the end of the description.

"Havok: A heavier, bulkier version of Havoc. His squad will get very little direct support, but in exchange, they get a walking tank to clear the path for them. More like a Hulk-Buster. Equip his augments if you desire to add squad support capabilities."


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1 hour ago, ganjou234 said:

It's alright, although I guess you could append a little change on the end of the description.

"Havok: A heavier, bulkier version of Havoc. His squad will get very little direct support, but in exchange, they get a walking tank to clear the path for them. More like a Hulk-Buster. Equip his augments if you desire to add squad support capabilities."


Changed it up for you 🙂

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so the damage mitigation is changed to armor buff I see... 10 shield at rank 30? like what's the point? Wouldn't having no shield be more straight forward?

also I think his exalted armor giving a large health buff but A small armor buff is kind of weird? The armor should work just like a piece of armor―giving you more armor!

I suggest the following changes

stats at rank 30 (rank 0)

health: 240(80)

shield: 120(40)

armor: 500


with armor on

health + 25%

armor + 100%

health and armor scales with power strength

-15% movement speed


Effective HP w/ max vitality and steel fiber and 100% power strength:

health: 740

armor: 2100

EHP: 5920

EHP with 200% power strength:

health: 888

armor: 4200

EHP: 13320

yeah I think that's plenty of EHP, to show how OP your idea is, let me calculate the EHP with the same mods and 200% power:

health: ~5427

armor: 3360

EHP: ~66209

now friends that is not just tanky, it's broken

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I haven't revisited the increases from the armor or even calculated anything. Health was increased more since HP was low to begin with, but to be fair, I didn't think of the fact that we have so many mods for increasing health, but you can't increase armor much. I'll think of a better way to do it in time.

As for the 10 shield, it's just so he can have overshields with his backpack ability.

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On 2018-07-10 at 6:55 PM, SirSovereign said:
  Hide contents

[Ability Three]


   -decreases shield recharge rate by 50% (unaffected by ability str)





I noticed that it decreased shield recharge rate btw....

Did you mean recharge delay?

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7 hours ago, ganjou234 said:

I noticed that it decreased shield recharge rate btw....

Did you mean recharge delay?

No.. Decreases the delay too though. 

I was trying to think of a way to make it to where if the people inside the light ring can't kill the enemies firing on them fast enough that they can be over run...

Basically your shields will always be charging, but at a lowered speed

Edited by SirSovereign
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