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Dark Sector 2 - UPDATE: Lasrian Armored Troopers + story update 02/08/2018


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darkSector 2 - Sequel Scecnario Concepts

A Volt Proto TragiComedy...

LAST UPDATE : 02/8/2018 - Lasrian Trooper


cr.Pringle Art for background

"That was how it started, the irony of this disease, that in all the others it made evil, but for him it saved his soul" 

- Yargo Menshik

Centuries after the 'Dark Sector' incident. Once an unknown Soviet-bloc country, Lasria, has made itself into a largest superpower in the world, and perhaps soon to rule the solar system. Lasrian tamed Technocyte infestation has kickstarted countless scientific discoveries, a new age of biotechnology no one has foreseen before. There can't be said for any political meddling or bloodshed on the path Lasria has walked on for the past time. A strange fate to happen indeed.

In the height of power, there said to be a secret society, the golden council, behind all the government decisions. Who knows if this was true? And there also said, a secret that holds the key to a realm, where all law refrain from functions.



Before I've started playing Warframe, I heard about Dark Sector being thrown around in the story speculation in my country's websites with its relation to Warframe story, that was when Warframe was just released back in '13-'14...

Going back to darkSector. Although it has a lot of flaws, the game itself has a charm. Atmospheric and dark, strange and sublime designs the same way Warframe has, placed in a different era. It was probably not DE's proudest work as it was born of publisher meddle.... We all know this story. Although for me, if it wasn't for clunky and rushed gameplay, the world and story of Dark Sector could be very well continued. It was a beauty born of rot indeed.

It seems that darkSector can be both considered 'canon' or a completely separate world of its own, and that Warframe is just a spiritual successor. There are statements that support both site from official source but the latter seemed to be a popular choice among playerbase... But what if, we take it as a long lost history that only symbolism survived, rather than actual connection. Here it doesn't matter if Dark Sector is canon or not, this fan project concerns that it is a sequel to Dark Sector, and it is not supposed to be a prequel to Warframe, but Warframe forum is probably the closest place to post anything about DarkSector. This will be a complete *fanfiction* scenario with a story of its own. Although there will definitely a nod to Warframe here and there.

Actually, the project was made due to the existence of Volt Proto skin. While the splash page mentioned that it is just Ballas' Orokin Era prototype. It just feels kind of weird how the previous Proto skins were Dark Sector. So what if the design was much older than it seems, from 'Dark Sector'. I just found it funny that a lot of people detested this skin, and how I actually like it but the name 'Proto' is an annoyance to me. Like Excalibur and Nyx, What if 'Volt Proto' was a relic from Pre-Orokin time for consistency? This thread is just an overdone joke about Volt... Yes. If DE actually made DS2 with Volt I'd die in peace.

The Setting

  • Probably similar to your typical cyberpunkish/futuristic concepts at first. Although I would try to give it a 'Dark Sector' unique flair
  • Alternate History that greatly diverged after the event of Dark Sector. Around a few hundreds years after the event of darkSector, but long, long before Orokin Empire has become an thing. I don't want to be exact with number although I imagined it'd be around 24th century. The story would explore about void and its connection to Technocyte.
  • The world has been in a state of large-scale political unrest for many year, akin to 'Second Cold War'.
  • Hayden Tenno has become a well known figure in history, he could still be alive due to Technocyte but I don't know how much he would have to offer in this story here. I think it was said that DarkSector is Hayden's 'superhero origin story' which means he had a lot of feats after the incident. Perhaps he could have a cameo here, but not as the protagonist

After Dark Sector, Yargo Menshik did not destroy the Vault Key as Hayden wished. He was forced to hand over the key to the officials. While it was done to save his life, he later 'reconciled' by believing the research on Technocyte would save life much more than it reaped away. Yet on his death bed, the last thought of Yargo was closer to regret. The research on Technocyte continued on secretly in Lasria, it has opened up many route into biotechnology unmatched by any countries, and kickstarted Lasria into a new technological superpower. Inside political meddling ensured, from that the new union formed. An imperialist empire came after, with the premise of perfect world.

The Agency disbanded, but the idea lived on. It is now more important to adapt, with a new name and new goal. As much as things have changed, the world needed someone to watch, someone with faith in humanity, someone who is willing to sacrifice so the future can be made...

Hayden Tenno has vanished away, not long after he started to succumbed more into the 'disease'. Yet there were tales of a figure, not quite a man, not quite a monter, carapaced in black, glowed teal in the dark. Hidden in the pages of history...

...But this is not his story.



Main Storyline

Under Construction - Removed for rewrite


Faction - The Covenant


The Convenant

After the fall of Agency due to internal conflicts, and external political influences. The great minds of Agency, and most importantly the ones froms The Futurist Enclave has gathered, picked up the core of their ideals and found a successor organisation. Wishing to not be associated with American government anymore, The Covenant became an independent sector 'again'. Believing to serve the future of humanity as a whole. Funded by those who believe in their ideals, and in this war against expanding Lasria, many nations not yet engulfed has sided with them. But their true goal is still unknown

The world recently recovered from the plague, to met with constant war, has fallen into chaos. No treaty, only survival. That is how a private section became so powerful

The organisation adopted a religiously significance to their viewpoint, where they believed at times conflicts and wars need to happen as a sacrifice, so that new progress would be made to society. That they wish to embrace the heinous truth of human nature, but to make a 'better' day out of it. They take a stance against ever-growing Lasria Empire not a mean to an end, but part of their bigger scheme to write the history and to experiment with social condition. Not so different from the old Agency itself.

The Covenant is not a singular unit in what they present outwardly, and it is not easy, to get into the deepest end of it.

Perhaps they created their grand scheme to cover up a personal desire of power, a lot joined without choices, a lot joined in the hope of wealth and fortune. Their faith a still a real faith, nonetheless. Just like the Agency itself, nothing is what it seems.

And that, you can't kill an Ideology, they believed that even if the Covenant were no more, they will keep the spirit of what they believed in.




Sydir Vetrov - Protagonist


Sydir Vetrov

Vitals: - -
Nationality: Lasrian






Charlotte Del Rey


Charlotte Del Rey

Vitals: 25 years old - 5'6" - 115 lbs.
Nationality: American

  • Martial combat skills and weaponry training
  • Expert in electronics, robotics and information technology.

Young agent from the group known as 'The Covenant', an organisation that gained influence through both private sections and nations that are against Lasria. From a selected group of the best operatives the group has to offer, Charlotte volunteered herself with the recommendation from her former mentor Kazuo Iga, for the most important mission yet. From the recieved intels speaking of chaos inside Lasria the newly development of a weapon that could send the world into devastation, inside succession and political instability. This mission needs someone that could convince this 'person of interest' into their incursion... and that would be her.



Luther Grice


Luther Grice

Vitals: 45 years old - 6'4" - 175 lbs.
Nationality: Lasrian (English)

  • Covert intelligence tactical planning and strategy.
  • Electronics and surveillance techniques.
  • Advanced degree in biology, engineering and geopolitics. Especially a great expertise in the area related to Nano-Technocyte field and biomechanic

Luther has long been a 'Lasrian', but he was not always one. Orphaned by war as Lasria forces has come to occupy his birthplace. From that, he has been working his way up into Lasrian governmental research sections, spanning biological researches and Nano-Technocytic field. He became an apprentice to an renowned geneticist and was invited to work in many secret projects, to the research leader himself. His brilliant scientific constribution has allowed him networks with the elites, and even then, his priority has never been these kind of fame and fortune.

He has been working for The Covenant just as long as the time he has for Lasria. Joined in hope to find a proper home, working his way up to a board member of the organisation, sharing secret researches from Lasria for a 'greater use' as he wished. Never detected. For a long time he serves as a sleeper agent for Covenant operatives who are sent here in their missions. Luther has been collecting information of Sydir for a long time, and this mission, is partly from his administration itself.


Black Market Merchant


Here's the black market merchant for gun buying, I wanted her a rather young to begin with. Thanks to @Unus for giving me an idea of her being a waitress with a hidden way of ordering guns. She worked for the restaurant in the prologue and has contact with the Covenant, as well as being a fixer, although she is not one herself. Later from the prologue she will be found working with another restaurant in hub area as well as hidden sewer as you proceed the game.


Lasrian Trooper - NEW


These, just like in original Dark Sector are Lasrian soldiers. The armor design is inpired by 2004 Dark Sector original concept of Hayden Tenno and Grineer before it became Warframe.



Capital Tower 


Its construction secret has been kept behind, although it is known that Technocyte flesh was used to strengthen the wall and support the utility services. Tall, white, speckled blue light. Seat the council of the empire itself. But would it be other uses for a tower with a fleshy lining?

The government of Lasria empire has too many unspoken truth, disguised in a utilitarian perfection, are the indoctrination and draconic law. Living needs are met, but something isn't quite right how it progresses?


Technocyte Ruins - Old Town


This is an extremely rough concept, more of a lighting test. The idea is that even after the event of darkSector. traces of infestation has never been completely removed from Lasria. In most of the population it is eliminated, but deep into abandoned city, without any disruption they would start to grow and absorbs the matter around.

The Vault Key was never destroyed as Hayden's wish, Lasria government has long seen the potential of Technocyte to be more than weapons and their stubbornness was provenn successful.


Warehouse 1


A Warehouse concept - focused on atmosphere


Covenant Office 1


An office for Covenant agents where Sydir needs to go during the story, receiving equipment and advice. Hidden in Lasria


Weapons & Equipments



Diode Hammer


The most defining Dark Sector's unique combat system is The Glaive - Originally I did not think of the main characters would have any signature weapon or suit, nor I wanted to post it here to begin with. It just can't be anything else at this point though.

I think of it as similar to Elemental Glaive/Energy Surge Mechanic, absorb the energy from environment and shoot it out. Since we're not throwing it around anymore, the hammer itself is a melee-only weapon. Although It could contain elemental enhancement much longer than Glaive when handed. Energy Surge and AoE explosion will be a mechanic players will get much earlier on. The Expansion of this weapon would be Elemental mixing, like how we'd mod weapons in game at the moment. Or that later on the Hammer could charge up Electricity on its own like Nemesis' arm.

Another system I thought is that, is it possible for the hammer shape to rearrange itself into Amp-like construct at the character's arm? Rather than shooting it like we do in Warframe. The hammer became an addition to guns we use by adding elemental damage into bullet, or causing our guns to do special thing?

Any input would be appreciated, a guy swinging electric tennis racket around would be strange, but there must be a way to make it work. This is up to change


Edited by Ammisro
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  • 3 weeks later...

02/08/2018 UPDATE

Artwork Update : Lasrian Armoured Trooper

These are more generic soldiers of Lasria Empire, the armour is inspired by 2004 original concept of Darksector. From Hayden Tenno and Grineer's suit. The equipments in this project will largely be based on that version of unmade game. Although within an earth-based setting and new story.
Lasria will have different version of soldiers which will be updated later on.



  • Updated and rewritten character bios. Added vitals an physical information similar to Dark Sector blurb given to IGN.
  • Removed Chapter 1 Outline as the story needed to be changed to make more sense
Edited by Yhtmahyll
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